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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. This would be in Beaver County. PA/WV line not far from Butler where they shot trump.
  2. It was hilarious when Brett asked her about how long she knew Joe was brain dead. She responded Biden isn't on the ballot. Well gee whiz really why is that and how long did you conceal that his brain was mush. If he is just fine why are you running if you won't change a thing? Also on TV it is bizarre seeing ads air with dems featuring Trump in them and how they worked with him. I went out for some lumber the other day on the Pennsylvania side of the line. On the local firehouse there was a huge billboard type sign that said "Democrats For Trump" There is just so much wrong with her campaign.
  3. Meanwhile Kamala is somewhere chanting from the river to the sea. Sponsored by Doritos.
  4. He even went from that dinner and showed up at 7 am for an interview and went to michigan.
  5. Doing twice that. Lol Trumps has a full schedule everyday.
  6. Married to a Jew and destined to lose by Muslims. I see what you mean.
  7. I guess we will never know. Kamala as the world's foremost prosecutor must know you forfeit your case when you fail to appear. She gave Trump an unopposed platform.
  8. Shouldn't take Blinken long' There are only so many ways to pack up your desk before they take your security card.
  9. Loved how after he ridiculed Chuck he reached down ad patted him like a dog. Lol
  10. Watching Chuck squirm and the looks on his face all night was priceless. Kamala couldn't attended because nobody was allowed a teleprompter. Seeing Trump and Melania and a hole where Kamala and what's his name should have been was weird. Donald has effectively been the president lately.
  11. She needed a script and a prompter. Nothing she does isnt choreographed by somebody else. The clip was also pretty stupid. Who came up with the catholic school girl outfit idea for this event. Pretty thoughtless and lame. Love it when Trump said she is in Michigan getting communion from Whitmer.
  12. I just noticed he is up in Michigan by 1%. However RFK Jr. is at 3% and on the ballot. Anybody supporting RFK won't switch to Kamala so I would add maybe 2% to Trump's chances there.
  13. Elon giving $75 million is like the dems getting $500 million he can tell them how to spend it.He is also appearing in person on his own time.
  14. That was hilarious . The look on Schumer's face, Kamala's absence, the cardinal thriew Chuck under the bus. Trump actually physically petted Schumer like a dog. I could go on but lol 5555 cackle cackle. Apparently Mayor Adams has nothing to worry about lol
  15. "California, where Schmidt resides, has managed to meet over 100% of its electricity needs on some days this year using renewable energy and has stored the surplus in large battery systems. While not everything in California runs on renewable energy, this model demonstrates how quickly such systems can be scaled up." Gets 100% on some days. Okay sure. I have installed solar systems and the batteries have always been the weakest link. Just like when you boy an electric chainsaw and after awhile it begins to have shorter run times. Then it dies. You end up with a bunch of tools you cant use and the cost of the battery is huge. For small tools like drills and nail guns it works, However for that lawn tractor that takes 8 batteries not so much. Also when you have a battery bank you must replace them all at one time. You can not just add one or take one out. So when those batteries die it is a problem if one cell goes out they all lag. When those huge battery banks have problems you will have to replace them all at once. I am sorry but 100% on some days isnt the answer.
  16. To the people that give the laughing emojis, explain to me why Kamala was also invited and didn't show up.
  17. The better question would be is... If Trump wins what does that say about the current state of affairs in the USA and the dems choice of candidate?
  18. Trump rambled and blundered at times. However some of what he said was very good and garnered raucous applause. He got a standing ovation. Now after yesterday's interview imagine Kamala going that long on economics with somebody who is somewhat hostile. She couldn't do more than 20 minutes of rope a dope before her handlers threw the towel in the ring.
  19. Well according to dems avoiding interviews is a winning idea. Kamala knows that now. lol You are a big chicken. Hahaha feel better?
  20. He showed up in orange the other day. Everybody had these overly done costumes that were utterly ridiculous and appeared to be never used. I am surprised they remembered to take the tags off. Then he was unable to figure out how to load his shotgun. Back on topic. Harris did better than I expected but still had some huge misses. When she said trans surgeries also happened under Trump and said you have to own what your admin did, was laughable. I got the wording wrong but it was so off I laughed. Other highlights were when she was asked how long she knew Biden had been clinically brain dead. Even funnier is from that point she talked about him in the past tense like you talk about somebody who died.
  21. It was a gift we squandered. All we had to do is put a bunch of people that are pretty much dead already out on the pack ice. Instead we spent huge amounts of money to keep people alive who had six months to live.
  22. That was a blurb I used Ai to create. You bought it. I told Ai to make it sound stupid like Kamala. Nothing wrong with that'. When we're helping we help because, helping matters... lol and you gout out your Pom poms.
  23. So you think the sitting president shoulnt release medical records but candidates should?
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