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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. There is need to argue anything here. Just give your guess, it is that simple. I have it scored 287 GOP 251DFL. That's giving Kamala Nevada and Pennsylvania and the others MI, WI GA and NC to Trump. Let's see who gets it closest. It is meant in that spirit like a wager on a football score. You gain no points for your reasoning your only goal is to be accurate.
  2. Okay if we are doing the electoral thing I have it scored 287 GOP 251DFL. That's giving Kamala Nevada and Pennsylvania and the others MI, WI GA and NC to Trump. It's just a guess so please feel free to avoid taking out your personal frustrations on me.
  3. Nothing. This is the political soapbox in the world news section. Maybe you should take your time and familiarize yourself with the forums before saying something so daft.
  4. There are a lot of people living in places like Tokyo, Singapore, London etc. that make more than allowed to that would have immediate increases in the quality of their lives. Some poor sod making $150K in Tokyo which is okay before getting sacked twice can now go on vacations. Digital nomads would love it. Chomper made me think that although it wont move the needle this election in the future as more people move abroad it might help down the road. It would basically encourage people who have thought of doing it toi take the leap.
  5. I like the idea of it. It overwhelmingly applies to the lower and middle class who are burdened with high interest loans these days. It would benefit the automakers and any small businesses looking to expand their aged fleets. It could possibly make the fed less relevant as rates wouldn't matter as much.It would also help bury the idea of the new green EV ideal that is already wilting on the vines. I know it probably won't happen ans it is most likely just a campaign gimmick.Iwould rather discuss the policy itself than Trump. 90% of the USA depends on a car even if it is an UBER or bus. They could also put a cap on the price of the car involved.
  6. It is no small amount of irony that any thread about Kamala always has more posts about Trump. It's like she doesn't matter or isn't in the room. Her latest campaign "blitz" has been a disaster and has hurt her chances. The people here before saying her stay in the basement strategy was were right. Now she cant go back to that because once you expose yourself that image doesn't fade. Kamala's naked brain isnt pretty
  7. So rather than focus on a large population of people that actually aren't that wealthy living abroad you cant stand the fact that a tiny handful of wealthy might benefit.
  8. You mean he might be doing it because it is the right thing to do? I know it wouldnt make sense to a Kamala supporter to offer anything unless there is something for your campaign to gain.
  9. What do you think will happen to housing markets in rural America if you offer $25k, where houses can cost less than $100k and even around $50K? Doesn't it seem like limiting it to first time buyers would only eliminate Americans from participating?
  10. I wouldn't object to that. It would also pave the way to make it so you cant vote if you 'don't live in the USA. As you no longer face taxation without representation.
  11. The price of fuel shouldn't be a factor.
  12. Local officials got way too overly dramatic about iut. Saying if you stay you will die and are stupid. The big storm was up in Carolina. People live in crack as in the rocks there. Florida is flat and can actually handle the water as it is one of the biggest reservoirs in the world.
  13. Hopefully Israel takes out their refineries as we sit on the side doing nothing.
  14. All the drama for a storm that amounted to very little.
  15. His other new one is making interest on cars tax deductible. That would be huge for the auto industry and almost countless small businesses.
  16. Let him keep doing what he do. It hasn't had a very good result so far. He is part of the reason Trump looks likely to win at this point.
  17. Anyway as far as Iran is concerned they will have a nuclear weapon you would need a Time Machine to stop that now. There nuclear program is way below the ground and even if you could get to it the know how to make a centerfuge and would just do it again. The time is long gone where any country or block can prevent other countries from technology that dates back to WW2. I am sure the Japanese for example could make a nuclear weapon and stick it on a missle these days in about 15 minutes.
  18. These days it seems like the first post in every thread is also the dumbest.
  19. So long as I can get an abortion nationwide with no limits. My main coincern is I end up somewhere like Alabama. On my way home I stumble and fall on a penis with no condom, I ride it bareback until,it ejaculates inside of me, ignore the day after pill and and then agonize for 7 months before deciding motherhood isn't for me. This happens to me all the time.
  20. She said very clearly she wouldn't dol a single thing differently. She said she was directly involved in every major decision Biden made. She is not an agent of change she is the status quo.
  21. The difference is Trump comes up with the policies and Kamala pretends to adopt them if she thinks they will get votes. Trump doesnt move towards what Kamala comes up with she copies him. The problem is she just said she wouldn't change a thing in the past four years.
  22. That is a pretty racist approach to life.
  23. I support unlimited wealth, unprecedented prosperity and unlimited auto-erotic ejaculations. So what is the plan?
  24. If we can find that person i would buy them a Miller High Life.
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