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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Some little anonymous idiot troll adds an emoji. This shouldn't be allowed.
  2. If all members on AN could vote, I would push the nuclear button and kill all life on earth. I would have no other choice.
  3. You can sense fear in the left now it is palpable. Either way nothing will change much but they are becoming unwound.
  4. The unions have abstained or supported Trump. Trump was endorsed by the border patrol union today. Go figure. Duh. Trump offered a 10% pay increase. The long shore a union wanted a 76% pay increase. I hope they rot in hell. They are poised to attempt to screw the entire country after the election. I can imagine somebody like Elon combined with companies like Samsara coming in and firing a lot of fat crane operators that have no skills. It is literally two joysticks.
  5. I guess if that is true it's a problem, if it isnt tru it is the product of somebody mentally retarded. Trump is backed by the richest man in the world. It isnt even close.. So some Americans got stranded? Well yeah look who runs the show.
  6. Which is why he is considered a threat.There is nobody in government that can outsmart him, out spend him or touch him.
  7. Somebody tried to dox Vance and they got banned. This is normal.
  8. Am sure the people living there would hate it if it rained more and it became a subtropical paradise. Because after all we like sand.
  9. Walz personally provided the tampon that stopped the bleeding.
  10. Deleted a link showing Obama with Farakhan and all of his other hateful community Chicago area types. Watching the Dodgers and can't be bothered.
  11. She literally has the personality, political acumen and conversation skills of a Thai bar girl. This is why a huge war chest doesn't work for her. All she is doing is recycling the money that was donated into these news outlets, who can't really help er out because as she becomes more visible the political quicksand becomes more rapidly activated.
  12. Back on topic. It doesn't matter how much the dems have because they are incapable of getting value on what they spend. The money just finds its way back to its rightful owner.
  13. Nice deflection. It doesn't matter what I support. The unions have largely turned their backs on the dems who they staunchly supported in the past.
  14. Like Trump's wedding reception in Florida which the Clintons attended?
  15. The border patrol union supports Trump.
  16. I remember some moron saying something about karma in another thread when there was a small mishap. Musk and his team are on a whole different level. More advanced than any government space program on the planet. Another first for mankind.
  17. Make your prediction or drop over. We have no need to discuss this. The thread isnt about cheerleading it is simply making a prediction.
  18. At least I made my prediction without a slew of senseless trolling.
  19. I already started a thread on this. It seems JT wants us to choose from his custom set of polling options. I am not doing that but here is my best guess on the electoral college which is the only thing that matters. I have it scored 287 GOP 251DFL. That's giving Kamala Nevada and Pennsylvania and the others MI, WI GA and NC to Trump.
  20. I donated over $10 million. It's just I never made it public and nobody has ever heard of me.
  21. I lived in Japan for around ten years. Every year they had these solemn commemoration events where they basically pretended to be the victims of foreign aggression. I love Japan, I love the people, read, write and speak the language fluently but was always shocked at this. Luckily nobody in noreal situations would ever bring it up. It is just something on NHK every year that very few watch anymore.
  22. I hope the German people will be able to cope with out her. They already have been wrongfully deprived of Tom Cruise.
  23. The cracks in the matrix are becoming more obvious everyday.
  24. Muzzle Walz? He is their biggest asset. You seem to forget he took back football so there is that. Let me repeat he done took football back. So there is that.
  25. Give your guess n or GTFO. There was no need for that.
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