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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. His campaign confirms he is committed to a second debate. Lol
  2. Biden's just ended his rally speech. To cheers of four more years and lock him up, he read from a prompter. He was back in the saddle as angry Joe. He summed it up with the ironic idea that we need to remember who we are. Lol after that he left toi the background of Tom Petty's I wont back down. talk about bizzaro world.
  3. Biden is at a campaign event now. Dude has no intention if quitting thankfully. He does seem as sharp as a tack today.
  4. It is being reported that Biden wants to do a second debate
  5. The lesson here is they should have had a primary that would have given the public a chance to observe and vet the candidates. They tried to shoehorn a puppet in and now the clean up on aisle 46 is going to be very messy if it can be done. For most oeoole that have two eyes it was obvious for the last several n years the basement strategy was untenable. It worked once because of Covid but that's it.
  6. Newsom has said he stands behind Biden. He is savvy enough to stay far away from this crap show and probably fancies his chances more after both the geezers are out.
  7. If the president steps down or is removed then Kamala is automatically the president.
  8. I heard Jamaal Bowman is looking for work. Ticks all the boxes.
  9. They are going to have to remove him by force. Just watched a clip of him with Jill at an after event and they claim they had a great debate. The only easy way i can see is he steps aside and Harris would have to be next. I am not sure how quickly they could article 25 him? The problem is before all of that he still has the car keys.
  10. I am not sure how Biden is going to be able to ever meet any foreign leader and look them in the eyes at this point.i guess he is lucky that he thinks he won't the debate and everything is groovy. Anybody that had even slight self awareness would be ashamed. But that's not Joe.
  11. Under Biden everybody has so much money that nobody can afford anything.
  12. Joe was at a Waffle House saying he did well after the debate. The man has no intention of stepping down. This is quite funny. He doesn't seem to have an oath to victory but he won't back down. There are a bunch of people out there now wishing they hadn't let grandpa have the remote.
  13. Trump is having a rally in Virginia in a few hours. It sill be interesting to hear what her says and watch his over all demeanor. Biden is in the coffin and this appearance could see Trump put the nails in it.
  14. I know enough to know this strategy didn't pay off very well. Lol i guess indont have 75 years in the game like you and Joe.
  15. It's being reported he won't. Kamala is still behind him as well. Biden lives a life completely unencumbered by reality. He orobanly thinks it was fine. He did shown up at a Waffle House after it and tried to down play it.
  16. he isn't stepping down apparently. Reminds me if the German pilot that locked the cockpit door and set a course straight into a mountain and sat in silence until it hit.
  17. They shouldn't be allowed to change candidates now. After all there is nothing wrong with Joe. They went out of their way to avoid a primary or any scrutiny earlier in the campaign. For them to have tried to shoehorn him in like that only to change candidates would show that the voters really don't matter to them.
  18. Lying? The real lie was the dems and WH keep saying Joe is fine and it was all a conspiracy and deep fakes. Biden ranted like an angry old man at the SOTU. He told a warped dark narrative and his style of name calling is similar to your posts that are like this. The debate exposed a level of dishonesty with dems that is now on show for the whole world to see. Of course, in typical fashion now the talk is about moving on and no apologies for trying to foist that feeble old idiot onto the American public. Wonder what KJP is going to say when she appears next? It was a a cheap fake? Biden crushed it? Lol
  19. Where are you from and who represents your country?
  20. It is amusing to watch you try to sound reasonableness in the after math.
  21. If that's the case it is orrobabky best you don't reside there,
  22. Biden was reduced to a blubbering ball of stuttering stupidity.
  23. It is pretty clear there won't be a second debate after that.
  24. Try to remember who posst about and read sarcasm.i an having a good laugh that it is the best ten days could produce of Biden's doing nothing. Maybe JT can give us some insight .
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