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About JackGats

  • Birthday 11/26/1959

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  1. Tell her you'll give her money when you meet again and in exchange for the same services. In that way you get off the hook and don't really lose her unless she wants to.
  2. This is from the leaflet of an "AIS Lucky Tourist SIM". I have no idea whether my AIS number belongs to this caterogy. Anyway, it seems people needing to call a German landline have little to worry about. Calls to the US are 2.5/minutes for both landline and mobile. Calls to the UK (5/minute) are on the expensive side. P.S. I now realize AIS have made it impossible to find out online how much such a call will cost with the particular SIM I happen to own. I'm in for another queuing session at the overcrowded AIS shop.
  3. Airports should be equipped with charging facilities that work. That would take away much of the need for powerbanks.
  4. Tell me then how calling my airline's or my foreign bank's customer service is "decided and solved" already. I'll now have to place expensive SIM card calls to customer services that claim "all our phone lines are unusually busy" all day every day. Of course such customer services are themselves part of the problem, but up to now the waiting game could be taken care of by Skype.
  5. As long as I'm born a handsome boy or a pretty girl, I'm fine, never mind the country.
  6. Good attitude. Then next time let the Europeans buy cheap Russian gas and not your gas, and refrain from blowing up the gas pipeline of another NATO country.
  7. Alas, you can now replace "white woman" with "Thai woman" and the above sentence holds.
  8. Difficult to be unbiased. Men will rationalize every shytehole in which they can get laid.
  9. You can't go back to Western girls if no Western girl will give you the time of day, can you?
  10. The US, not the EU, wanted this war. The EU had everything to lose, starting with cheap gas. The US got this war started, then walked out in the middle of it. If it can be proven the Ukranians were behind the blowing up of the German pipeline, the EU should let Ukraine fall IMO. It is not impossible however for the US to have been the instigator (even if some Ukranians planted the explosives).
  11. Buffet is well-known in the investing community outside the US. No later than today morning I had a buffet breakfast at the hotel.
  12. It's not a good idea to antagonize people who prepare your food. They might take revenge by spitting in it.
  13. That's the "people's party" for you. Campaigning against sex, with a bit of racism ("black women") and discrimination ("foreign ownership") thrown in.
  14. "I can't stand the smell/smoke" sure sounds less bigoted than "I can't stand people getting high".
  15. When I read the title I thought you needed a plastic surgeon to remove some breast implants gone bad.
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