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About JackGats

  • Birthday 11/26/1959

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  1. Besides Tongkat ali, Tribulus terrestris has a reputation to boost testosterone. Not sure it does though. I buy a two-month bottle once in a while but I take it without too much faith. I also take things like Zinc and vitamin K2. And of course DHEA. A good idea with plants is not to take them every single day of the year, lest they have side-effects long-term (kidneys etc.).
  2. Not only that, but say you show boarding passes to prove you boarded a plane into Thailand on day A and out of Thailand on day B, how do you prove that you weren't out of Thailand and into Thailand again between day A and day B? Up to now you could tell the tax dept it was impossible to either enter or leave Thailand without the Thais putting a stamp in your passport. Once the tax dept knows the Thais are no longer stamping passports, the only formal proof of your stays in Thailand is through some kind of certificate issued by Thai immigration.
  3. Can you get this online? Or will it be yet another "certificate of residency" charade and a half-day at the IO? Last time I exited from Thailand I asked to go through the booth to have my passport stamped and I got my stamp. How long this will go on being possible is the question.
  4. Quote from the article: "By working together, the goal is to make the festive season safer for everyone travelling within Thailand. " So only the festive season is it? Outside the festive season it will be road carnage as usual.
  5. Returning to the tax debate, I got a quote of 20k baht "plus 7% VAT, excluding transportation and government fees" from Siam Legal for the filing of Thai tax. God knows what "transportation" means here. Trips of the agent to the TRD? There's a website called "expattaxthailand" (not sure pasting the link is admissible) with a reasonable quote for people with straightforward cases. Here's a screenshot:
  6. I got the green light to choose an appointment on the same day I uploaded my passports with the stamps.
  7. All people sentenced for victimless crimes like drug crimes, and most sex crimes. A lot of people actually. About 80% of jailed individuals.
  8. "Latest travel information" certainly refers to your entry into Thailand. No appointment is possible unless they know you are in Thailand and how you entered. You must upload the page with your entry stamp. They will also want to know where you live in Thailand at the time you book the appointment with the BOI. They will want to know for example which hotel and which room in said hotel.
  9. I got all kinds of questions to be answered online but it was from my broker's (Bualuang) and it was some 8 months ago already. Note that forms like Form W-8BEN are only relevant if you own US shares. It seems Thai banks are prone to send out forms even if the forms have no relevance whatsoever.
  10. So the problem with Thailand is dildo merchants and "aromas" isn't it? Well, well, well ... and poor me thought it was plastic refuse and dangerous road traffic.
  11. Mine knew I didn't want her to have implants. She did go on and have them all the same, paid with her own money of course. I feared they might turn out ugly like most tit jobs I have seen with these girls. In fact they turned out surprisingly good.
  12. I'm sure if you get in with your elderly mother they will not object. Now if you have just a "friend" in tow they might frown
  13. It can start causing pain and getting bigger (because of the friction, callus tissue). If you have it taken out I advise to go to some kind of surgeon specializing in penis surgery or cosmetic surgery. I had one removed years ago and some of it must have been left behind because I have a hardened whitish scar that will never go away. I had it removed by a dermatologist. I'm sure the removal could have been better performed.
  14. I know tax returns are not the only proof of income accepted by the BIO. In my case annual pension statements from the entity paying out my pension were accepted. In your case the problem would be how to get clear print-outs of the regular rent payments showing they have been a regular source of income and are likely to remain so for some time. If your bank statements are in English so much the better, otherwise translation is a further hassle.
  15. I'd have thought banking apps had no problems with VPNs nowadays. After all, it's in the bank's interest for user to connect through a VPN when they're on an unsafe network (like public WiFi). I have no problems connecting through ExpressVPN wherever I am. This doesn't mean I don't have problems with banking apps, however such problems as I have are not made worse by the VPN. One of my banks has an app where I can allow the app to 1) detect the IMEI number of my smartphone and 2) my phone location. These are apparently added security features. Of course number 2) means I cannot fool my bank into believing I am somewhere else regardless of what the VPN simulates.

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