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About JackGats

  • Birthday 11/26/1959

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  1. It is correct for the time being, ie as long as something new like taxation on world-wide income doesn't arise. Your remittances while you hold an LTR visa are tax-free (which doesn't mean you are not required to file taxes and mention said remittances in your filing).
  2. Fresh coconut juice is high in K.
  3. Just the overall smell of the place. A dishwater smell.
  4. I can't stand the smell of the Terminal 21 food court. I remember buying a chicken green curry there. It was cheap all right. No meat in it to speak of, only grisle, bone and skin, beerk!
  5. It was like this during a couple of years just before the opening of Terminal 21. But this was due to the fact that Central Festival was still the only shopping mall in Pattaya. It got better after the inauguration of Terminal 21, but not for long. I don't mind the price hikes. What I resent is walking around with a tray and not finding a place where to sit.
  6. No panic, what with nowadays' nightlife price inflation, sex rides are becoming ruinously expensive to organize even behind closed doors, let alone on tuk-tuks. Extortionate prices will succeed where the morality police has failed.
  7. Convicted for what crime? For hiding he was paying money to a blackmailer. And the blackmailer did nothing wrong apparently. Is it something to gloat about that the justice system is a madhouse?
  8. Yes I know, a topic like this quickly degenerates into a joke contest. Deep down however, life is not funny. Life is bad, death is bad. I used to think coping with such badness through humour was the thing to do. Now I regard it as a cop-out. The thing to do is not to create new life.
  9. There's no voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide in Thailand. One of the downsides of getting old in TH.
  10. Only during the initial "rush". Later on I also feel like lying down. I don't call it sleep because I don't think it actually count as genuine sleep you can offset against the waking hours.
  11. I use it as an aphrodisiac early in the afternoon, on top of sildenafil. When I'm done with my short-time visitor I wish the high would go away. It doesn't though. I need to sweat it out and cannot do anything useful ultil it goes away. Even after the high has subsided there's a lingering feeling of exhaustion well into the evening. It's this waste of time and loss of mental stamina I resent. I can't understand how some people can get high on cannabis just for the sake of the high. To me the cannabis high per se ranges from mildly unpleasant to mildly pleasant. If it weren't for sex I wouldn't ever do cannabis. Perhaps this is why I'm in no danger of getting addicted to cannabis. You get addicted to a drug when you like the high of the drug on its own (and on your own!).
  12. Incredible how racism will clutch at every straw to raise its ugly head. Not to mention how self-defeating such an opinion is once you have a minimal understanding of supply and demand. Yeah, let them deport the Africans, then the Burmese, then the Cambodians and Laotians. Then you will wonder why all that is left is a handful of post-menopausals demanding 100 dollars for a handjob.
  13. You mean the "classy" ones you bargain down to 500 THB after they ask 800?
  14. With in-built smart chips IDs have been "digital" already for many years now.
  15. Very practical, but I don't regard minivans as safe. Most of the time seats don't even have a headrest, which mean even a relatively mild accident can kill you (break your neck). Also, drivers will often text while driving: drivers on governement buses never do from what I've seen.

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