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  1. Thats what I was trying to say but apparently no one else could understand me 🤷🏼‍♂️
  2. If you also changed the oil filter, you may have had air in the filter which after running the engine will result in the oil level dropping initially but stabilizing. Is the level continuing to fall or is it stable ? If it’s stable just top it up and off you go.
  3. Xylophone, sometimes being upright and above ground is exciting 😁 Enjoy it !
  4. I believe your readings are good science, not so sure of your opinion though.
  5. not at all. How does the twit deduce that the ev driver was on his screen looking for a charging station ? rAnGe AnXiEtY… !! 😱😱 He witnessed an everyday accident. Good on him for assisting 👍🏼
  6. I’m always astounded at these places where people have literally not turned up one day and have walked away from everything.
  7. I see no reason for this to end xylophone. A much loved thread was recently shut down after the OP left here… Why, I ask ? Others could and would offer their thoughts, I see no reason to kill an excellent discussion simply because an OP “retires” Even if the thread sat here for 5 years without comment, someone would come along eventually and make a relevant post. You owe us nothing xylophone but id like to read the thoughts of others that will follow in the years to come.
  8. As opposed to such intellectual rigor ?
  9. The Covid vaxx turned me into a newt ! Later I err got better… 🙄 Anecdotes are not science, not evidence.
  10. I’m more on the bah humbug side of things but compliments of the season and I’m hoping you enjoy a better 2025 xylophone and extend the same to all the contributors to this thread. Its always been an interesting, informative read, thank you.
  11. Penthouse forum was believable…
  12. I’ve been married twice… 🤔
  13. No, no… you’ve made a terrible mistake ! rewind, rewind…
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