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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. Logic is your friend, the streets obviously aren’t wide enough to have 5 tuktuks racing so they’ll need to use a heat system to qualify for the 4 tuktuk final… ????
  2. I’m laughing but crying too Owl. Mrs HP is the Queen of hand to mouth financing and that’s been a particular sticking point this year.
  3. Owl wrote: ”Started up my urine thing again yesterday. Keeping it a secret from the Mrs. But she could get a benefit, if all goes to plan.” Be careful Owl ! Mrs Owl may have a different interpretation of a benefit to her… You might have a twinkle in your eye, she may be dreaming of supplementing the Kois food supply and unfettered handbag shopping ! ????????
  4. Curly wirly looks like hes about to take up your urine "therapy" Owl ! ????
  5. Yes to most of that but 3mm glass is essentially no different from 3mm glass is it ? Double glazed windows are another level to single glazing. Thinning paint too much is a labor fault etc. Joinery cabinets can be made from a few different products but are all fit for service in within design criteria, the problems tend to be labor/installation defects.
  6. To a point I think the other guy is actually correct, let me explain… Are the bricks any different between the two builds ? Is there a better quality cement used ? How about the glass windows and doors ? The joinery ? Wall and floor tiles ? Paint ? Im sure you’re getting the point. Most of what we call defects are actually labor faults not material faults, which I think may have been the point of the poster you replied to. Im a ceramic tiler in Oz and 99% of tiling work is carried out using close to the cheapest adhesive on the market (relative to purpose, ie swimming pool or kitchen splashback etc)
  7. Why does every thread have to be about ladyboys ?
  8. I’ll pass it on to him and see if he can drag himself away from Bangla, the ladyboys might do the trick !!! ????????
  9. @xylophone please save me from backtracking… I’ve got a friend who is in PaTong at the moment, what is the name of the restaurant on Beach Rd ?
  10. Now that you mention it… ???? I think that one does pop up occasionally doesn’t it ?
  11. I suspect he’s found a minor chink in your argument.
  12. Correct. As we know, the only way to “lose” your super is to “give” it to someone else…
  13. You were boasting in the other thread about how it was all for the health benefits, at least now you’ve admitted that you’re a cheap charlie, which is ok.
  14. America sneezes and Australia catches a covid
  15. I got knocked back on my application too… ????
  16. BOOM BOOM... ????
  17. At what point did Mrs Owl inform you of the possible sale Owl ?
  18. Absolute tragedy, the Thai here on Oz are devastated. I don’t read much of such events, but I did read that he was “caught” with/using drugs in 2019, but continued being a copper until early this year…? How the F@£€k can that be allowed to happen ?
  19. How long do you think it’s been abandoned ? Theres jus SO MUCH stuff ! Its difficult to believe it hasn’t been looted.
  20. I wouldn’t get in that car, you know they both died recently Owl ? Might be after a traveling companion for a long one way trip ! The cynic in me is surprised that the grifters are allowing you through stages 1 & 2 before whacking you up for dosh!!
  21. If the active ingredient isn’t Tiger balls infused with Rhino horn then it’s a scam, nothing surer… ????
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