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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. No wonder... You need to put the ice in FIRST, then pour the beer otherwise the beer splashes out or its hot to drink. Seriously though its simply a practical culture that reflects a lack of refrigeration, surely a real man comprehends and respects innovation ?
  2. Data collection is hardly the same as “every word you say is being recorded by your microphone” You're voluntarily with Google… ? You are the product ! ????????
  3. Thank you 1FO, I’ll be in touch ????????
  4. I have issues with authority figures too
  5. I’m not, but the guy I forked last night said he was !
  6. On Wednesday nights I go to running club and have few beers after and on Saturday mornings a loose crew of between 2-8 catch up for a lazy swim and a run then off to a cafe for breakfast. Some women call our Saturday group the “Mens shed” ???? it’s not men only, women are welcome ???? My wife is mortified that we can hang out for 4 hours, just can’t understand it !
  7. Thank you for your insights and advice DFPhuket, should I be looking for a hospital based Dr or searching for a private practice ? Do you have any thoughts on my zoom/FaceTime strategy ? thank you
  8. I’m not in your boat, I’m still in Australia and only visit Thailand. My father in law has passed away and I only know my two Thai brother in laws. Both of whom like a beer or two, which is nice. Woot I’ve only met over songkran one year he’s from Korat but works in Bangkok and liked the vegemite I took over, the only one in the family who did ! ???? Keo works at the local school as a Jack of all trades as far as I can work out ????????‍♂️ His wife works in Bangkok as a nanny so he’s the man to help Grandma with my step daughters. Neither of them can speak a word of English, but we can muster a laugh together and cook buffalo skin or crying tiger. It would be great to be able to communicate more with them, something for me to work on, my Lao.
  9. Mai pen rai I guess.
  10. Thank you very much and I hope your treatment continues to go well.
  11. Thank you for your link and kind words, more homework ????????
  12. Yes, I do understand the preference for personal consultation but I believe that removing the language barrier is the next best option. Darwin is only home to 200k people so I’m not going to find a Thai psychologist here.
  13. We are lucky, her family are all good hard working people who look out for each other. Mrs HP also understands that if she sends back 20k Baht a month everyone will eat and have electricity and if we send 40k Baht everyone will eat well and have electricity… but no Baht saved for next month. Its human nature the world over…
  14. Geez, that’s a horror story mate. I have no property or assets in Thailand. When we met Mrs HP had a block in the village that she has a almost lock up house on, (too many) miscellaneous debts and after her father died she agreed to purchase 2 more blocks in the village for her daughters. Most of this she has done on her own with some short term financing from me. She has knocked over most of her debts to the best of my knowledge. The biggest problem with the gamboling is that she’s picked up a couple of handy tax return cheques and blew at least 1/2 of one on the pokies… the most evil of contraptions !! At it’s worst I had to close our joint bank account because she was unable to control herself. Shes lived a hand to mouth existence and the thought of a bank account with 100k Baht was too tempting.
  15. Yes, she is not overly enthusiastic about this proposed therapy but she hasn't rejected it out of hand either... I have framed it as helping her to understand whats happening in her head and helping her to think differently and so far so good. As you said earlier, it's all about her feeling comfortable to talk and i guess listen to feedback.
  16. A little light reading for me tonight... ???? Mrs HP, like I suspect most Thai is quite happy to chomp away on any medication offered to her by seemingly anyone, unless its completing a course of antibiotics...???? But like you, I'm a little more circumspect to medication, it certainly has its place and need. Thank you for your link
  17. Thank you Rumpel. Mrs HP is quite mindful and usually nods off to sleep while listening to Monks chanting and droning. I'll be showing her this thread and see what she thinks of it.
  18. All sound advice, thank you. Only Thai who live overseas have ANY understanding on how the land of milk and honey (farangland) really works
  19. @Sheryl I would be most interested in hearing any thoughts or suggestions you may have... Cheers Edit
  20. Noted and thank you.
  21. Thanks Kenny. Mrs HP doesn't experience these symptoms, she is a very caring considerate woman, her symptoms are feeling highs and lows and the money pressures mainly back home, leading her to a listlessness which leads to gamboling, losses and self loathing... I'm not surprised to hear that some Thai Drs may not be right at the top of their profession. I'm still of the opinion that being able to think and express themselves in Thai would be easier than an Aussie pontificating and Mrs HP understanding not much after "hello, take a seat" I appreciate your thoughts.
  22. You might be putting all your eggs in one basket but the rest of us retired special forces types have more chickens than mortals like you can dream of. ????????
  23. Hi crew, My Thai wife has been with me in Australia since July 2019 and is struggling with her mental health at the moment. The pressures in Australia and Thailand with work, money, life, and husband are getting her down and she says she feels bi polar at times. As background, in the week prior to her travel to me in Australia in 2019, she took her father to the Dr as he was feeling unwell and when the medical results came back they were not good, so after a week in Australia, with my blessings she returned home to care for him in what became his final 3 weeks. He was estranged from her mother but assisted the extended family in caring for my wife's two daughters, now aged 15 & 17. Where we live in Darwin was spared the worst the day to day effects of Covid and its restrictions, but obviously we haven't been able to return to Thailand and whilst I've suggested that she can now return for a period, she does have ongoing financial commitments that will not be eased if shes not working, earning and sending, as I'm sure you can all relate. My thinking is this: Can I find a Thai psychologist who could consult via Line, Messenger, Facetime or such ? My thinking is that the problem with an Australian Dr is my wifes English. My wife's English is self taught like many, and she lacks the nuances of native English speaking, hence I'm seeking suggestions for a Thai Dr to help her understand her issues better. Apologies for the excess info... Cheers
  24. That’s out of your budget Charlie. I’ve stayed in two of the 3 Hemmingways, but not since pre Covid, I found them clean and comfortable. Stay away from the Russian place next door to the police station.
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