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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Su-ngai Kolok is another boarder town many Malaysians visit
  2. Most of them Malaysians just cross the boarder towns, like Sadao and Hat Yai
  3. I used to know another Farang who used to travel with his daughter and used to get the 3rd degree every time, in that case the mother was alive, he had it writing, he had the mother permission to take her out of the country,
  4. World class tourist destination, run by the Chinese sounds good
  5. A fire door should open out, years ago we used to put a panic bar on the inside so on the outside there would be nothing not needed,
  6. I never had bleeding gums, but there is 4 or 5 different types of dengue,
  7. Thats a good British name
  8. Thats just reminded me about books, Howard Marks "Mr Nice" Ive got a signed copy thats back in England my daughter still has it,
  9. I suppose if you want to go back to the 60's I would meet famous artist every week I was dead cool I never asked for their autographs and they didn't ask me for mine,
  10. I've got some football shirts, 2 from Wayne Rooney, 1 Ryan Giggs and 1 Cristiano Ronaldo when he was at Real Madrid, and a Limited edition signed print of Beckham, In my younger days my job got me to meet a few famous people especially sports people,
  11. Serious stuff that dengue, I had it recently for the second time, prevention is better than the cure,
  12. Out of Stock
  13. Everything is fine as it is, Thai police do a great job
  14. Post a photo of the packaging, Thanks
  15. Years ago when you had many guys here doing visa runs to Myanmar thought they would make a bit money used to bring the dodgy Viagra, I never bought any to risky, even cigarettes' dodgy AF
  16. There has to be a Chinese herbalist in CM, The one in BKK was me who bought them I remember they were a Big black capsule I even asked do I swallow this or put it up my backside. Shortly after that I moved to Phuket so I never got anymore, at that time we could buy anything from the local pharmacy Im told you can go to the hospital and get from there, My wife has a couple of friends who are pharmacist I'll ask her if can still get them,
  17. If you are in BKK go down to China town somewhere along the main stretch there is a Chinese herbal shop, they have some magic potion, hey it works
  18. Nothing like a fresh hole to get an erection,
  19. You need some new hobbies,
  20. Personally I thought 4 days in CM was too much, I couldn't wait to get on the plane back to Phuket,
  21. He needs deporting paying 260 baht, giving us farang a bad name
  22. I don't see what the problem is, some cheap charlie resort maybe didn't have copy machine
  23. Maintenance is not high on the list in Thailand,

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