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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Ive got a choice tonight but Im not really hungry I had quite a big lunch, Moo Deang and Rice with some Wontons on the side, I did go shopping in Central this morning and they have the food counter, so I bought a couple of things failing that I can make a cheese and ham salad, beer first right now
  2. Seen one temple you have seen them all, how many elephants do you wanna see? I only ever went to one NP many years ago when they tried that farang price, I have never ever been back to any other and I have done a fair bit of travelling around Thailand, I dont see these DN as the Marriott type from what I see here they are on ED visa and rent cheap condo's or cheap Thai bungalow's, Buy all their food from 7/11
  3. The problem is Thai's are such dodgy bastards they need visa's for virtually every where they cant just jump o the first plane out to the nearest place, Im guessing many of them are there illegally as they cant be identified to me means no documents, Us Brits can fly anywhere I now know of 2 guys who got out of there by flying to Cyprus then back to the UK after a few beers,
  4. thats not Thai the beach is too clean and she too fit
  5. Im sure they could have wrote a better story than that?
  6. I am in the south of Phuket and accommodation wise it seems pretty busy, I have an apartment and judging by the amount of cars and bikes parked up it looks full, I know a couple of people who work in hotels I'll ask them if they are busy
  7. How about they start arresting the employers and the agents, then the place will grind to a halt,
  8. I'm sure they would, my daughter and family came in May it cost a fortune, not sure when the next time she will come,
  9. I read 30,000 Thai's as of now only 5 to 6 thousand want to come back, I also see on a Thai TV news some dont want to come back because they will lose their jobs most have a 5 year contract, one guy they interviewed was earning as much as 85,000 per month
  10. Did they not find any drugs in their raids? if not I dont believe this story, carry out so many raids across the country there is not enough police,
  11. Why handcuffing tourist? they are doing nothing illegal it's the owner/landlord,
  12. The word “Jerusalem” is mentioned more than 660 times in the Hebrew bible and 146 times in the New Testament. Jerusalem, by his name is not mentioned in the Quran, how comes that? when muslims pray the turn their backs on Jerusalem
  13. 2005 Israel's unilateral disengagementOn 12 September 2005, the Israeli cabinet formally declared an end to Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip.
  14. Who do the Jews vote for in AMERICA?
  15. There is about 30,000 Thai's in Israel and it's not Israel's problem to get the home, seems a lot want to stay,
  16. ONLY 44% for them, then they took power and said there will be no more elections, I dont think Gazans' have much say in the matter,
  17. The Battle of Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38–39 speaks of a great battle that will occur in Israel in the “latter days” and that will involve a people from “Magog” led by a king named Gog. Ezekiel described this war as being waged in the “mountains of Israel” against the children of Israel gathered to these lands. The Lord also told Ezekiel He would miraculously save His people from the armies of Magog so that all nations may “know that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 38:23). Because of these descriptions, Ezekiel seems to be describing the great battle before the Second Coming, commonly known as “Armageddon.”
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