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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. as far as I understand you are supposed to register again on the new site,
  2. The shooter got out as he ran to the hotel but before that many people also ran in that direction into the hotel, then the hotel locked the doors, many staff who did not escape did hide in the stock rooms.
  3. Nobody will go in the place another great idea, I know from friends who work there the place is empty
  4. some people we know hid in the stock rooms as they were on the ground floor,
  5. According to people we know Paragon is all quiet, one girl we know does a limo service everyone has cancelled no bookings she said,
  6. Some years ago I was staying in HY and one evening I had to drop a friend at the airport on the way I could see police around, sure enough on the way back I got stopped and told to park down this dirt track and turn the engine off, i was there for about 45 minutes until they all went flying by at 100 mph,
  7. Don't know and I didn't ask it was in the JW Marriott in Bangkok
  8. I would have thought of all places to have a rapid response units would be the head office, great planning that is, now we know why it's chaos on the roads,
  9. I would have thought a major city like Bangkok would have rapid response units stationed in areas like the shopping centers were a high volume of damage could be done. Shopping centers are a target for maximum damage,
  10. I can drive around my tamboon and there is many car and bike rental places full with cars standing idle same with the bikes, they are b/s merchants, same with hotels not busy, ok December/January might be showing busy I saw it last year were tourist were getting their bookings cancelled because the owners thought they could get more money, especially villas,
  11. how many years had he not paid? a Thai guy banged my truck he had not paid it for 3 years,
  12. Yes I agree with you, but when was it built? as we all know maintenance is not on the agenda here in Thailand
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