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Posts posted by suiging

  1. My dear chap. Wolves came very close to turning over Villa ( remember them ? ) and in the League Cup, were not disgraced against your good selves. After the Spurs game, morale would have been high and let's face it you didn't look that good, beating our reserves by three. But for a silly pen and a simple chance missed by a lad we re-called from Scunthorpe for the game ( yes scunthorpe ), it would have been close. :)

  2. As a true fan of football, let me apologise to the UTD fans who expected a game last night. For Wolves to field a reserve team, although it gifted three points to you lot, has shamed the memory of Billy Wright, Peter Broadbent etc etc :)

  3. Said before but will say again. Rugby has citing panels so that blatant acts of cheating missed by match day officials can be brought to task. Works fine in Rugby and if you ever played the game twenty or thirty years ago, you will know from your lack of teeth that it was needed and has stopped a great deal of the unsavoury side of the game.

  4. Well here's one off the wall for you. I truly believe Sir Alex owes football a year or two of his life before he goes, not dominated by his personal ambition. He should take a step back from United and give his National team the benefit of his experience before he retires.

  5. Someone may know the answer to this....

    If the OP went into say HSBC in BK and bought into a globally traded (ie HSBC USD Market etc ) Unit Trust. Could he then fly to his home country with his trust cert or similar and cash them in using his local HSBC branch ?

  6. Just about everywhere around the Lake is in some way family friendly. As I think Moby said, even the " Hostesses" on the DS are not as hard nosed as their counterparts in town.

  7. Is it just me, or does every supporter of a new side in the Premier feel they get the short end of the stick from referees ?

    Week after week new clubs like my beloved Wolves are on the wrong end of some truly dreadful decisions when ever they play an " established " club.

    As the refs are assessed by so called experts after every game, there must be a bloody conspiracy in the corridors of power. :)

  8. The Swiss place further up the road from Ticino has always been good. In the " season" ( if it ever comes) they do a very nice buffet on Fridays which gives you a chance to try a lot of their dishes from the main menu.

  9. Well visited the Dao last week.

    The decor is a little better and they still "hide" the entertainment.

    Have to say only me, but feeling peckish had the Salad Nicoise, followed by blue cheese calzone.

    Just as good as ever. Can't comment on the meat, but my old favourites still hit the spot.

    The best surprise of my week was the Korean BBQ opposite the old Black Pearl now Rio or something Brazillian bar. Always loved Korean, but always put off by lack of custom and ranshackle appearance. However what a great meal. Their Kimchi Cake( egg/meat mix ) fantastic, and the whole meat and nibbles thing a treat. Bite the bullet and give it a go..............

  10. I would like to see a similar system to Rugby, operate in the League. What the Ref sees or doesn't stands in the game. However, on viewing video evidence a player for disciplinary reasons ( IE: blatant dive not seen by ref ) can be cited after the game and brought to book.

    Likewise this panal can work in a players favour, if a punishment handed out to him in error or simply wrong on the day needs to be corrected, it can be reviewed on appeal using the same technology.

    Diving needs to be stopped. Consistancy the key and if the swallows in the league new there was an eye in the sky that would catch them out post game, it would cease.

  11. So your reserves will play our reserves in the No Point Cup.

    But you bleeders are charging over forty quid for the privilege.

    The only Wolves game I can make on my trip home and One it's on Sky and two you lot charge the earth for a reserve game !! Don't think i'll bother.

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