Let me tell you.... A true story..... (I have lived and worked in Thailand for about 30 years.)
I was married to a 'good' Thai girl in the early 1990s a couple of years after starting work in BKK. From a well-off family, she was a trained lawyer and got a job in the city (Bangkok). We have wonderful children - but our marriage was a nightmare. After 12 years of living together (9 as married) we divorced 17 years ago.
Three years after the divorce (around 2009) I married a bar girl. From Pattaya. Everyone told me not to. But my marriage to my 'bargirl' wife is great. We are going strong, she helps continuously with my work and around the house and with looking after everything. We have two wonderful kids and enjoy our time together tremendously. Yes, we have ups and downs - but I wouldn't change her for anyone else.
So what's the answer to your question? Well, for me, it's clear.