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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. Personally I don't give the wife a salery.

    I look after day to day expenses, she looks after the farm and makes her pocket money.

    Two Young kids. Nine and 18 months.

    So far (12 year) not so bad.


    I ain't got a lot of money and wife still stands by me.


    I'm 65 this year, lovey will be 32 next week. You just have to be lucky sometimes.


    I first met wife when she was a dancer at 19. Never really paid a salery in all these years.


    I was ready to commit, makes a hell of a difference IMHO.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 3 hours ago, patman30 said:


    slightly different, but when getting my marriage extension the IO really didnt like the fact that my 400k (about 460K) just sat in my account and the account was not used at all, as i ahev other accounts and i used cash mostly
    she then wanted a copy of every page in my bank book even though the balance had not changed for few years

    Yer I understand their way of thinking.

    The IO has never had that amount of money in reserve and never had a desire to not spend every baht available or borrowed.

  3. 20 minutes ago, sanooki said:

    Update for anyone interested: Our officer visit was postponed from last Sunday to Monday morning by the officers. Sunday night, we heard from our landlord that her daughter would be unavailable for the entire week due to work. So we were scrambling Sunday night and Monday morning to find a new witness that met the criteria. "Miraculously," Monday morning, right before we were about to call the officers to try to postpone, our landlord enlisted her older sister. The bottom line was we passed our home visit, and are now waiting for the date next month when I'm due to collect my year extension. There're some details regarding how this all happened that were a little unpleasant, but not unexpected, considering where we are. I will save those for after I pick up my extension next month. Cheers.

    All fun and games fella as said before. The IO called today and I can attain my stamp for my extension tomorrow.

    Peace of mind what with the extra long weekend and all.

    Keep in touch.

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