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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. The family owns three motor cycles here and all three are unregestered.

    Not one of the four riders has a licence.

    That is just my family group. There are at least another 50 familys in my area and most would be in the same class as my mob.

    No chance for reform and I would think it is the same all over Thailand. I can only see the number of deaths rising in the future.

    I only insure my pick-up (1st class) to cover the risk of being hit by a Thai because I know it will always be my fault and that the other party will not have any cover.

    • Like 1
  2. 35 minutes ago, BusyB said:

    No I'm definitely not 555.

    I've just been around a bit and understood that SELF-awareness is the key not blame and projection. That just makes enemies and strife.

    The health of the earth would be better off without quite a few countries' governments, especially in the 'west'. We've just witnessed 4 years of ecological vandalism by the world's most powerful (still) country haven't we?

    And whatever China is doing, the last jackboot I saw was on a black man's neck choking him to death in the US. With a whole bunch of people stood by doing nothing including fellow 'officers'.



    Mate, think you need to go around a few more times.

    • Haha 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, rumak said:

    i am pretty sure you are in violation of more than one politically correct statute.

    I for one am filing a grievance on behalf of the under 70 KG  demographic .  Oddly enough,

    seems like more men are in that group than women  ????

    That was funny. You must be one of the vertically challenged mob. 55 

  4. 13 minutes ago, 3STTW said:

    The reason why I'm asking is that I downloaded a PDF a while back but on a recent visit to HomePro discovered that they're different. I must have seen about a dozen sites on the web, all with slightly different dimensions.

    I'm trying to build a dust extraction setup for my workshop and it's really frustrating. I know I'm going to need to make some adapters but I'd like to know what I'm dealing with before I buy.

    Last resort is I go back to HP and measure them with a vernier.

    Not easy here to go by the label. I take my small steel rule with me and a sample of the the pipe I want to replace for fittings, taps etc so yes just take your vernier calliper with you when you go hunting.

  5. 5 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    Or better still quote the right of self defence enshrined in british common law like tony martin the norfolk farmer did and see how far you get

    Sorry fella I do not have all the answers. I used to carry a Glock 17 under my car seat here in Thailand until I realised I would use it if pushed so I sold it back to the cop who sold it to me.

    My point is you can not rely on the Police to protect you, never going to happen, not for your average citizen. Enough said, the cop in question was a scumbag. I do not blame the force as they are just incompetent.

  6. 17 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    Yeah who probably were protesting about gun ownership in the uk folowing dunblaine and got pistols banned in the uk ( apart from northern ireland ) well guess what girls,they,re never going to come back,pepper sprays and stunguns are sect 5 firearns,so looks like you,re going to have to rely on the police for protection.

    Police are not in the business of protection. Their roll in modern society is solely revenue collection.

    I do not blame the Police force for this act only the individual. The girls can protest all they like but nutters will be nutters  so if you are worried, stay home or carry a big stick.

    Sorry if that sounds like I do not care but truth be known, I could care less. A very nasty world is out there just waiting. 

  7. 5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Get an ATM slip on the day too.

    An ATM slip will not cut it CharlieH and you know it. A printout of the bank bank statement ( original, signed by the bank)  for two full months with a fresh deposit on the day and the Bank letter is the requirement. 

    Then a photo copy of said bank book, front page and every other page with ink on it is the norm.

    Never go to a gun fight armed only with a knife.

  8. 2 minutes ago, mpchamp said:

    Thanks @sherwood we got a new Kor ror 2 in the amphur, immigration said it must be 30 days old. How about the photos with wife outside/inside the house, would they accept black/white print? I missed to ask these questions when I visit the immig.


    Not black and white, colour is required at my IO (Korat). Outside the house with house number on 1 page then 2 photos on the second page, worked for me.

  9. Well I got two RCs last month for zero baht at Korat office, I just had to wait a week to get them.

    The cost for same day service was quoted as 1000 baht for two.

    I said to the staff NO and all was ok. 

    I only needed the RC to renew my bike and car licence's.


    It is a free service, unless you ask for extras. Love this place 555

    • Like 2
  10. 32 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    Are these normal, timed traffic lights in the daytime that revert to flashing amber/red overnight? If so, these are supposed to have amber flashing in the direction of the main traffic (normally have right of way) with red flashing in the direction of traffic with a lower priority (normally give way)? If these are just 4-way flashing amber, they just made an already known accident black spot even more dangerous.

    No. Just another half fulfilled and non-completed project. The lights have been in place for at least four weeks and just flash yellow. The system is there but not completed.


    There is a Cassava Mill nearby and the TakTaks, slow moving, overloaded single cylinder trucks use this intersection regularly for U turns and also to drive on the wrong side of the road. Nightmare.


    Add a well used rural road to the Highway equation and that is where the black spot comes into effect let alone Van drivers and Pickups meeting at midnight before a National holiday.


    I use this section of highway every second day and cringe every time I approach this intersection.

    Never mind, sure the boys will fix the poles and the syncing of the the traffic lights soon,  

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