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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. 15 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It’s not just shopping.


    My kids both got jobs with different companies during the Pandemic, my son went into the office once and has since worked from home, my daughter never went into the office, worked from home throughout and is in the process of moving to another company which is offering ‘working from home’ as an option that has no impact on the salary offered.


    Its not just youngsters, all manner of hitherto office based jobs are now being offered with a remote working option.


    Happy news for people with skills that can be used online to sell and who might want to live somewhere remote from were they work and are paid.





    My sister in law tried the work from home deal but got fired.

    Her job required her to clean hotel rooms.

    Work from home? Get out of here, what a joke.


    Does anyone actually WORK anymore, you know like build roads and things. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    I am from Canada. Been riding bikes my whole life.

    Been here 17 years. Own 6 bikes.

    Riding a bike in inherently dangerous. Canada or here.

    Be Aware. Beware.

    Don't listen to all the naysayers on here moaning about how dangerous it is - quoting stats. Almost all are young men, drunk, speeding, at night.

    Don't do that and you will be fine. Most probably.

    Yes you need to be Alert, this country needs more lerts.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Marvin Hagler said:

    I left Thailand last year after 20 years there.


    Barely a day goes by here where I don’t rejoice in the fact that I no longer have to deal with or think about mosquitos!! 

    Even if I do get bitten by one here in Australia (rare anyway) I don’t have to think about Dengue (which I had in Koh Chang 15 years ago and was the sickest I have ever been).


    It did always amaze me though how seemingly completely unaware of Mosquito minimisation Thais were…standing water everywhere and not a care in the world! And no shortage if Dengue among the Thais either.

    Dengue, Ross River fever and numerous Mosquito born diseases are alive and well in Australia also mate. Do not let your guard down. 

  4. I have a Nissan 2.5 diesel that smoked quite bad, started and ran ok but most of the breather tubes were cracked or broken so I changed them all and the thing goes even better now and zero smoke.

    Glow plugs are the first place I would look at. If they look rooted then they more than likely are. 

    What fuel do you use.

    Good luck.

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  5. 2 hours ago, rwill said:

    The world will return to what it was before.


    We have had influenza pandemics before that killed millions.  Even now with most people having been exposed to it and vaccines available it still kills around 500,000 people per year.


    Covid will be like that too.  It will be around and people will die from it.  But it won't be as devastating as it is now.  It will become the norm just like flu. 


    Never going to be the same again after this event. 


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