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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. 25 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    sure they can find the company, right? and fine him for using illegal workers ?


    thai people threat their neighbor countrymen like dogs, well,  like farangs


    disgusted but not surprised, not much does anymore these days

    You treat dogs like this in Thailand and you pay the price. Dumping them by the roadside? What a Tird.

    My respect for this country diminishes each day.

    • Like 1
  2. Got my five year Car and Bike licence today at Chok Chai- Korat DLT.

    Procured a RC from Korat IM office two weeks ago after a one week wait, no charge, today got a medical cert from my local clinic, 60 baht.

    Entered DLT at 0900 with paper work in duplicate did the colour and reaction test paid maybe 740 baht, photo and out the door by 1050. Easy.

    The office was busy but not a problem.

    This was a five year licence following the two year initial licence. The two year licence expires 18/12/ 2020. My D.O.B is 26/11 and the new expirey date is 26/11/ 2026. Yes almost six years.


    Like every thing else to do with the Govt, each office can be different and so far I have had little conflict with the Korat officials.

  3. 3 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

    Its because they are very similar to Australian Koala bears.

    They are sedentary creatures that need to rest 20 hours to digest all the food that has been eaten each day 

    Mate, Koala's are not bears.

    But yes I think you are on the money.

    My wife has been on a fasting diet of late, no food after 2.00 PM until breakfast the next day working a treat but she can still sleep like a champion.

    • Haha 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Read the cans, adding more than 10% water will effect the chemistry. So good finish, possibly but the life will be drastically reduced. 


    You are correct, so will the preparation add to the life of the job such as removing the existing mold, peeling paint, repointing etc, etc. Like I said "not my roof" 

    You can spend a packet if you feel that way but if for the MIL @ 65 years old, who is paying?

  5. 9 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Are you Thai? ???? 

    Not more than 5%. If you can’t spray at that dilution your equipment isn’t good enough and using a roller is better.

    No mate but it's not my roof and you could go down to 20 percent and still get a good finish. May not last forever but TiT

    Not knowing what the underlying structure is like I would like someone to be on the roof for as little time as possible. 

    I have just repainted my own house here ( five years old ) and believe me, if the original paint was two coats, I will eat som tam.

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