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Posts posted by sherwood

  1. What you need are Tree fellers but me and my mate are only Two. Sorry, old Irish joke.

    Leave it to someone else mate unless a limb is about to fall on your roof. Otherwise go talk to a nearby monk, sure he can sort it out.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, connda said:

    It's the "Wing-It" model. 
    If successful the government will accept all the credit.
    If the excreta hits the spinning blades then the government will blame foreigners. 

    Yes, agree. I think I will just stay at home in my little village in Isaan, being a foreigner and all.

    I love living here but the ineptitude of the Govt wears you down after a while.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I might have included in my 'hospital review' the various stages 1 - go to a window where they keep the medical records and hand over the patient ID. 2 - Wait and wait and wait, and eventually be called to a desk where they ask your weight and note the reading from the printout from the self-service blood pressure machine. 3 - Wait and wait until called to line up on one of about 10 chairs outside the doctors office. 4 - Wait and wait until your turn and enter the doctor's office. The door remains open, and one particular doctor, the hospital director, calls the next patient in to sit and wait in his room while he speaks with the patient before. Zero patient confidentiality. 5 - Take the prescription to another desk where they enter the details into their computer, and wait and wait. 6 - Get the form back and take to the dispensary, and wait and wait. 7 - Receive the drugs and go to another window and pay (no waiting).
    As I said, two people and two minutes to do the job in the UK, but two hours and five different people involved, plus the cashier, in Thailand. Still, the hospital does provide excellent medical care within minutes at most if need be, not hours waiting in a corridor as often in the UK, or so I read.

    Same in my neck of the woods. And the Doctor wonders why my B.P is over the top.

    I dont go any more.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 5/21/2021 at 3:38 PM, sherwood said:

    Should have had my bill yesterday but nothing yet for last month.

    No discount on the previous bill but the one before that, Feb/Mar was 291 baht discount so only 410 baht for the month.

    My highest usage over the the last 30 months was last month at a 195 units.

    It was hot again this month so expecting around the same usage so yes a discount would be nice, just so I know the PEA loves me too.

    Update, yesterday 201 units for April-May and a 291 baht discount so a grand total of 449 baht.

    Type 1115 but I still have no idea what I have as it says 5 amps? The A/C is 5.2 .

    Never mind, I think I will be running the A/C a while this billing period.

  5. Should have had my bill yesterday but nothing yet for last month.

    No discount on the previous bill but the one before that, Feb/Mar was 291 baht discount so only 410 baht for the month.

    My highest usage over the the last 30 months was last month at a 195 units.

    It was hot again this month so expecting around the same usage so yes a discount would be nice, just so I know the PEA loves me too.

  6. 2009 Nissan Navara, 6 ltrs of full synthetic oil and a new filter, check for leaks, uni joints, exhaust, wheel bearings and a good look around, 1200 baht at the local Tyre workshop.

    Been changing the oil and filter every 7,000 km over the past couple of years and at 170,000 km the oil is fairly clean when drained. Between that and taking the EGR out of the equation the motor should last awhile longer.

  7. Scumbag yes, low life yes but get him of the Tele.

    How many filthy Thai coppers have murdered their partner in the last couple of months, those stories never to be heard of again.

    One stupid yank causes more fuss than a corrupt and inept Govt.

    Knock him on the head or whatever but enough foreigner bashing.


    Thailand has enough criminals of their own without pointing the finger at foreigners for their woes.


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