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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 19 hours ago, watthong said:

    No one seems to have noticed the fact that these "mixed" kids are half-"coloured". Had they been half-white, their predicamment would have been much "brighter". My guess the mother must have found herself without any family support to raise them and therefore had to resort to this maneouver. Also normally the hotel should have raised some alarm when the trio arrived, drunk (mother) and exhausted (kids) in the dead of the night. But this is Pattaya so...

    Half-coloured as opposed to half-white?


    All I get from that comment is halfwit.


    A whole lot of asumptions based on little fact.


    Im unclear as to how you can determine the childrens racial makeup from one blurred photo.



  2. 21 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And is there any proof that the "mother" is the mother? Or was it just a women who brought the children to that place?


    It's obviously bad one way or the other but it still makes a big difference. 


    And somehow I find this part hard to believe: "The Foreman House in Soi 1 Krom Thee Din usually only does monthly rentals but they took pity on the woman and allowed her to rent by the day.


    And yet it happened, fancy that!

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/5/2020 at 10:10 AM, Logosone said:


    It is. If you look at the video where he tries to live off 600 Dollars a month where she plays a part you'll see she is expanding sideways too much. She looks like a mum now.


    There's a mismatch in looks between these two.

    Get over it mate.


    If you called out everyone on this board with an unattractive partner youd be hard pressed to get any sleep.

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, pdtokyo said:

    As a mental health professional you miss a few obvious diagnostic clues that may help you steer our paramilitary pal back to a gentler and happier place. i urge you to try harder, point out to him that modifying his dog's feeding habits is fruitless (don't get me started on getting dogs to actually eat fruit) if his largely imagined intruder follows his posted advice and trains on the compound bow (great fun i'm told). He'd be better advised to train the dogs in arrow-dodging. I've found this kind of gradual introduction to our reality by gently pointing out inconsistency in his, largely constructed, reality can be beneficial.


    But regardless, I certainly hope i don't get you as a shrink when i go bananas (damn there's that fruit-eating Rottweiler flashback again).


    BTW what are your rates?


    and don't say peanuts. 

    Im working pro bono today it seems, but he same prescription for a grain of salt stands.

  5. 1 hour ago, DaRoadrunner said:

    The cats come to your garden attracted by the fish pond. But some cat hating local thinks they are your cats and so sent you a message.


    Is the problem caused by the cats or does someone have a grievance against you for other reasons.


    CCTV and a Police report would be a good idea as this may not be the end of the matter.


    There are no secrets in Thailand, your Thai neighbours likely know who did this.

    Comes off as authoritarive but is, in fact, pure speculation.


    Still, everybody has an opinion.

  6. 3 hours ago, chilly07 said:

    Have you  checked  under the  bonnet  of your car?  Kittens like to hide on top of the engine and the fan blades  will slice then up

    That acutally makes sense.


    Seen this and its not pretty. 


    Cat vs fanbelt and fan. 



  7. 9 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:



    So you are fine with your cats getting hit by a car at night, or eating rubbish and poisoned food off the street? 


    You don't care about them getting injured fighting other cats, or getting attacked by street dogs?  And, you certainly don't care about them being an annoyance to neighbours, or pooping in other peoples gardens where children play? 


    And, you don't care that they are hunting and killing wild birds and other animals every night?  


    This is the kind of attitude that gives cat owners a bad reputation.


    If you keep pets you should take responsibility for them.  But, seems you simply 'take in' more cats when some go missing or die... so not even spend money to buy one...…


    Dont really know, last one here made it to 13, current one is 4.


    You seem exceptiinally shrill for a sunday afternoon.


    Perhaps take it down a notch.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    We had problems with neighbours dogs getting in and killing our chickens.  Laws are needed here to make owners responsible for damage their animals do.   We solved the problem at personal expense and build walls around the property.  (The dogs were digging under or breaking through the bamboo and wire fences before).


    But, now we have a problem with cats.  The population of them is growing rapidly in the street as no one 'fixes' their pets, so they have so many kittens.  Now they come onto the property and spray urine all over the place, scratch the seats of our motor bikes, and kill our parakeets through the aviary mesh at night.  They also scream and fight in the early hours and set our dogs off barking, which causes the neighbours to complain to us that our dogs are noisy!! 


    I can understand (but not condone) why some people get so frustrated with these cats they will take matters into their own hands.  


    Owners of expensive pedigree cat breeds have no problem stopping their cats roaming.  They are cared for properly, kept in the house, and have a large run / aviary in the garden for exercise and sunshine.  


    The owners of most  'normal cats'  simply don't care enough about their pets, and are lazy, just letting them roam about annoying people, killing wildlife, spreading diseases.  If they get run down, disappear or die from some accident, these owners simply get another cheap or free cat replacement.  



    I would never keep an indoor cat. 


    Cant see the point in a purebred either.


    I do hovever, spay or neuter any cat I take on.


    All my cats have been free to come and go inside or outside as they please.

  9. 6 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Little is known about what 'ideal conditions' are with this new virus, very little - so I don't believe a word that they say about that.


    Removing the times is common sense for various reasons if you know a bit about matching datasets.

    Better safe than sorry, you never know what those hackers are up to.


    seems to me ts likely anyone willing to go to the trouble of matching data sets would just as likely be able to do so by date, point of origin and destination. Its highly likely shipments move at set times.


    Though god knows what the potential benefit would be.


    Dont forget that condom next time you take a poop away from home.

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    This is a good call, I've had various packages arrive from the US recently, check out this tracking route, most recent destination is at the top :




    UPS - Anchorage to Korea, next to China and finally on to Thailand!


    It's like my package did a tour of the hotspots then came to me.


    Why is it a good call? If the virus cant be sustained outside ideal conditions for long, what does it acheive?


    Its like wearing a condom to prevent hiv from a toilet seat.


    And out of curiosity, why black out the time, is that sensitive information we should not have? After all, you left us the date.

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