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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. The laos consulate in bkk is issuing tourist visas, and as of today claims there should be no problem with a savvanakhet crossing "at this time" inferring i should be good for tomorrow or early next week.


    I have such a visa issued today.

    My question deals not with getting into laos, but the current state of affairs at the royal thai consulate itself.

    I can get a certificate establishing that I am currently without any covid 19 symptoms, it is my understanding that the embassy  was requiring that today.

    What concerns me is a report i read here (which i can not currently locate) that claimed they were processing visas but with a 2 week processing time.

    A member reported his wife had spoken with officials in savannakhet and this was what he was told.

    the consulate of course is not answering the phone, you get caught in a loop in the automated phone system.

    has any the ability to confirm or deny any of this?

    I had planned to go Sunday for a Monday application, but could conceivably be at the border by tomorrow am for pickup monday if they are issuing visas with the normal waiting period.

    Failing that, is it possible to use an agent in vientiane (no appointments available) to get a visa processed without an appointment?

    appreciate your input, if you have any genuine knowledge.


  2. So the first question is do the borders to phnom penh remain open?


    Or vietnam? Again what are the requirements?


    If so what are the requirements for a single entry non o in phnom penh for the purpose of visiting  a thai child.


    I was booked for savannakhet sunday, but an article just appeared in lao times in another thread saying the borders are closed to foreigners, no voa to be issued.



  3. As usual in the middle of it comes the border run, ideally I would hava figured it out yesterday and flown today, but that isnt happening.


    A vientiane flight woild have been preferable, but no appointments until the 27th and thats too late, besides I dont fancy staying the weekend to wait to collect.


    Is there any word on closures immanent? 


    I plan to fly and coach  to mukdahan and then return tuesday.


    Plenty of noise out there but little fact it seems.

  4. 9 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Would you like me to blow your nose and wipe your asssssssss for you?


    I live in rural Khampaeng Phet and the pharmacy in the big village 6km away has masks at 3 for 100 baht, alcohol sanitiser and should you need them toilet rolls are also available in the village.


    Perhaps it is your location that is the problem?

    Yes, we have made the egregious error not living in the middle of nowhere.


    You have made the right choice.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    foreigners coming from six infected zones - China, Macao, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, and Iran - as well as countries with continuing transmission of the virus, are required to have health certificates issued in the previous three days, as well as health insurance coverage.

    Where is the clarity in that statement? 


    To my knowledge, that includes pretty much every country there is as transmission is continuing everywhere.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    The correct answer is 7.33 billion who are not infected. Less than 200,000 are, at this point. Unless you think that every government in the world is conspiring to hide the figures, and social media is also censored. Then the figure might be anything that anyone wants to pull out of the air.

    Im sticking with 6 thanks.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Agreed. The economic consequences worldwide will be far more severe than the virus. See this bowl of sugar. Now imagine taking one grain of sugar out. That is the chance of anything nasty happening to you due to the virus. The chance of dying from that one grain is infinitely smaller than that. Have a nice day.


    Methinks your numbers are off.


    Now show us 100 grains of sugar, and seperat 1 to 3 grains as dead.


    Then take 60 grains as infected, the remaining 40 or less you can leave in the bowl.

    • Confused 1
  8. 3 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    So you think they are faking the dead people numbers who are dying of virus? Like hundreds of dead tourists and Thai people are dying of the virus and somehow don’t get counted?  You are a fine sample of how scare mongering is OTT on this forum. What’s up with guys over 60? 

    At risk.


    Everything could be up for them.


    Makes for some rather shrill posts.

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