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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 6 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    A more interesting question is will china be held accountable for the corona virus?


    Accountable in what way? 


    It is acknowledged the world over that the virus began in wuhan, are you seeking reparations?


    Unless you have proof they created the virus, tested it on their own population and sent folks out to infect the world, what kind of accountability could you seek?



  2. On 3/11/2020 at 4:21 PM, baansgr said:

    Thailand isn't expensive, in fact it could be cheaper than 10 years ago...rents are cheaper, chicken is cheaper, eggs are cheaper. Thailand has to be one of the cheapest places to live if you don't drink or associate with Thais. Where else could you make a healthy chicken and veg/salad meal for 4 people costing a dollar...yes 25cents a person...takes some beating...even fish don't cost much more more....however I spent $15 on 4 items at Siamburis today...which would have cost half that in UK...

    Not sure where in thailand you are living, but things are certainly not cheaper than 10 or 20 years ago. 


    As for a 25 cent chicken meal for 4, even if you hit the chicken in your car you arent cooking it for that price. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, SpanishExpat said:

    Cmon..everyone should know how that stuff works in LOS! 99% of the stuff they elaborate is not well thought and won`t be implemented 1:1. They should stop this muppet show and just ban high-risk countries like other countries did. Do it for up to 1 month and then take further action.


    Knowing how the game works I just believe in 1st hand infos. A friend of mine arrived today at BKK airport. No checks at all, no app download etc. While this new measure wasn`t there in the morning, I thought everyone had to follow stricter rules since a few days. His fellow passengers from FRA also had no screenings at all. 

    If you are being thermal scanned you might not necessarily know it.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    You’re joking !

    Where ur proof of Europeans traveling to Thailand with the idea to the escape the china corona virus?

    And go for what? No insurance full coverage abroad and real numbers of the virus infected people can be higher here then in Europe since most haven’t been tested tet.

    The people that just rented my beach house for 2 months to ride it out on the islands, their freinds that just rented my nieghbors 


    I have a few freinds in the region who are headed to thailand to ride it out as well.

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  5. 1 hour ago, JAG said:

    Before you get too excited, or convinced that it is all over, just consider that the economic damage caused by the type of lockdown we may be looking at, will inevitably lead to a depression. There will likely be a global one anyway. Either way the investment funds to redevelop the "entertainment zones" are unlikely to be available. Much cheaper to unlock the doors, dust them off, restaff them ( their will be no shortage of available "talent" ) and start up again.


    Washington Square bit the dust because it was populated by gruesome geriatrics - both the bar staff and their clientele - or so I am informed!

    Washington square bit the dust because it was redeveloped.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, z42 said:

    Irrespective of how dangerous the virus is, this is the right move and should do its bit to help contain the virus.

    But that said, the time frame is something else, how long can people living hand to mouth survive for with no chance to earn a baht.


    These sectors will highlight just how important the tourism sectors are. And i would hope that those envelope collectors go easy during this unprecedented crisis.


    The country is going to take a seriously long time to recover from this I suspect. The fallout could well be that final straw, hope not though. 


    Wishing all people here the best of health

    Why yammer on about how this will show the importance of the tourist sector?


    Everything affected will have been frequented primarily by locals, why make it about tourists?

  7. 10 minutes ago, connda said:

    Agreed.  Misplaced control.  If they'd put cops in patrol cars and enforce First World traffic policing standards including fines and sanctions that actually get the attention of the traffic violators, they'd cut the slaughter and carnage on the roads and come into line with first world statistics.
    How about having cops that rigorously patrol the countryside and enforce burn bans and actively apprehend arsonists!  Whoa!  The air might actually clear!
    But - no.  We need those police to monitor and track evil foreigners and investigate the marriages of men marriage to Thai women for over a decade or longer (tricky foreigners probably be faking the marriage no doubt), and now monitor and track foreigners in real-time! We need those police to bust the plebs chewing kratom or having a beer in the mid-afternoon after 2PM or smoking in a bathroom. We need those police to man roadblock to shake-down motorcyclists for cash.  Enforce moving violations?  You've got to be kidding!  
    Yep.  Misplaced control. In the meantime Thailand kills more people on the roads than virtually all other countries and it has about the worst air in the world.  But they have the next generation of the indoctrinated all lined up obediently looking like they were pressed out using the same cookie cutter.  And no doubt they are all trained to fear and loathe foreigners.  
    Kudos LOS!  Mission accomplished! :thumbsup:

    How about adressing the virus outbreak instead of moaning about these other long standing issues?

  8. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I've posted this on Facebook:

    The world's most undemocratic democracy, Thailand, is now banning all foreigners from certain 'high risk' countries who refuse to buy a government-designated SIM card and to download an app to track their movements in the country. Those without smartphones or who refuse to buy the SIM card and download the app are refused entry.
    Thailand, therefore, as far as I know becomes the first country in the world to refuse guests who do not want to be tracked by the authorities and/or do not own or want a smartphone.
    Thais do not think ahead and have no plan for if a guest agrees to buy the SIM card and then throws it away. Every guest has to report their whereabouts personally or it is done by the place they are staying, but I doubt there is the manpower to chase thousands of nasty foreigners who don't play their silly game.

    What do you want,a medal, or likes?


    As for worlds most undemocratic country, have you fact checked that?

  9. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    seems they are not willing to close the place down - I have news for them, nobody is travelling to Thailand based on advice from their home countries

    I know many folks who are rushing to thailand.


    I just rented my house on one of the southern islands to germans for the next 2 months.


    A good freind if mine has just booked rush air tickets to thailand from angola, things in south africa (best nearby healthcare are a concern and borders are closing fast.


    Another freind in jakarta, is planning to ride it out in their island home.


    Quite a few people are choosing to fly here to ride it out, I cannot jusge whether they ate right or wrong.

  10. 20 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    So - no pre-existing conditions (from a very incomplete list of potential aggravating circumstances - 0.9%

    I rest my case

    My last word on the matter

    Thank heaven for small mercies.

  11. 8 hours ago, JAG said:

    The income from profits from ownership and fees for "informal licencing and security provision"  with regard to entertainment venues are a very significant part of police income. It is a huge sophisticated operation, with the money distributed up and down the chain of command, rather as prize money was in Nelsons Navy. 


    It would be a brave man who shuts that down, especially as the loyalty and support of the police may be needed in the near future...

    So the bars are being kept open by the pm, onlyto keep the policy in gravy.


    Yeah that sounds right. 



  12. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Sadly people like him give the rest of us bad name, and lump us together with these 'undesirables' and give cause and munitions to some politicians to sully the good name of most of us...

    Interestingly, unless there is anither richard dillon, in phuket he was quite community involved, funding childrens charities and selling and developing real estate.


    Photos do share similar tattos, though he was a much beefier fellow than he is in this latest photo.


    Apparently things went wrong for mr dillon.

  13. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    A friend tells me you heat it slowly in fat.

    (butter, coconut oil, lard, palm oil, cheese)

    Its both fat and solvent soluble.


    Either strip it out using a solvent like butane and evaporate the solvent off leaving pure (ish) oil, or cook it out into oil, then use the oil to cook it.


    The former can be smoked, the latter cant.


    The fat (preferably saturated) makes the thc bioavailable, which just eating it wouldnt

  14. 21 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Despite the fact that I am repulsive both inside and out, I am a well dressed repulsive and thus appear fat, jolly and innocuos. I never expose my tattos either, which are discrete and dont make me look like a Vor from Butyrka. I smoke like Tommy Chong. Thats one of the reasons I left Thailand, the weed was too ditch and the good stuff too expensive. 

    Discreet is the word you lads are after, I believe.

  15. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Doesn't state the weight ...... sure they'll arrest you if you're caught carrying 1kg.

    Actually it does state tje weigjt if you click through to the whole story.


    I cant be bothered to go back and look, but 6.96 grams was the total if memory serves. 


    looks like his man shorted him on a quarter... 

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