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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 2 hours ago, dhind1 said:

    What if you go into Flight mode while in Thailand - effectively incognito, they will not be able to trace you. Will there be mandatory fines for this?

    What if, as the very worst scenario you delete it as soon as it has served its purpose.


    Far more likely is I use an old clean phone without any info on it or sim and wipe it again after.


    Given we are already tracked by so many different organizations anyways I feel no need to add another, especially one run by the present government.


    But, in reality, I suspect the paper form will suffice.


  2. 3 hours ago, madmen said:

    Who are these people that are laying around like fat blobs being loud about Cyclists? maybe you need to stop hanging with the bar stool brigade and actually get on your bike rather than crowing about it on TV and that to me my friend says you probably own a pushbike for midnight snacks 7/11 ????


    Stop crowing , doers dont crow !!

    Sorry mate I rarely drink and 7 11 is right across the soi, maybe 150 meters from my front door.


    It seems you could certainly use a good belt though.


    As for these naysayers you speak of, pull up any cycling in thailand thread and take a good look at those who say it cant or shouldnt be done.


    You will find yourself in grand company.

  3. 15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Ready, set, go, 14 day vacation, flying in from Singapore, oh wait, 14 day quarantine upon arrival, so no vacation.  What 5 star accommodations will i be booked into along with my free medical screening procedure......sorry my sarcastic inner child could not resist.....

    Would you rather no precations were taken at all? 


    You are well aware of the global situation, and of the risks and requirements upon arrival in barious ports.


    It is in your power to cancel if you wish.


    Try flying elsewhwere, see if you are any better recieved having been in what is considered a high risk location. 

  4. 16 hours ago, tifino said:

    ... a cumbersome form to be stapled into a Passport!

    I can visualise yet another page with a big staple tear init!

    Indeed, that is far greater a concern than virus screening.


    Not to mention of course that there is no mention of a requirement to staple anything anywhere.


    But I suppose if you are looking for anything to nitpick, its as good a place as any to get started. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    The countries that use self-service these days via automatic gates no longer put any stamp in the passport, inwards or outwards - it's all in their computers. You're way behind the times

    So that just reinforces my point that the declaration is a justifiable, even necessary precaution.


    I may indeed be well behind the times but living and travelling regionally, I have not encountered self service.

  6. 5 hours ago, legend49 said:

    Xenophobia raises its head again. Why just foreigners when the most recent cases of testing positive are Thai.


    The Immigration Bureau has announced that all foreigners arriving in Thailand must now specify the countries they have recently visited

    Ridiculous paranoia. 


    Searching for racism where there really is little cause.


    I havent heard one story about foreigners being beaten up shunned or mistreated in thailand for covid 19 paranoia, yet the rest of the world is rife with such reports.


    I think all your post reflects is your own bias.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    So they aren't interested in stopping the spread but merely filtering it out.Excellent plan!

    So arguing semantics regarding the use of one word in the article is the best you can do?


    As for those who isist the information is already in the passport, of course it is, but wouldnt each passenger listing their history save time over having the officail flip through each page and try to establish a timeline of their own?


    It is a perfectly reasonable precaution, why the complaints. I just dont get it.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    My GF is urging me to avoid areas in Chiang Rai, such as the Night Bazaar and Jedyod Road. She is street-smart and keeps well informed. According to her, there are people dying in Chiang Rai and nearby villages from coronavirus. Deaths in the villages are not being reported.

    So who do I believe, you or her?

    I know who I dont believe.

  9. On 3/9/2020 at 8:32 AM, nev said:

    Well many expats I know have sold up and gone back home, Others have moved to more welcoming countries like Vietnam or Cambodia.

    Others like me moved to Isaan and live a great life up there but still have to jump through hoops to stay here.

    My last few visits to Pattaya I can see no comparison to the place I first fell in love with 20 years ago.

    And so what makes you think they want you back?

  10. 2 minutes ago, TheTraveler2025 said:

    Ok you got me on that one. I did not notice is ILLIGAL to know somebody private date. I will go and repent now and say 50 Holy Mother Mary Queen of Haven. Is that fine??? 

    Are you high or just simple?

  11. 11 hours ago, BeltAndRoad said:

    Use your Atm card in Thailand to with draw your daily amount, you shouldn't be carrying alot of cash around anyway, i'm guessing they are not exchanging cash as it may have corona virus on it due to the fact cash is handle so much and it obviously coming from outside Thailand, just another overreaction, don't allow mainstream media to scare you, they are full of s**t this will be all forgotten in about 3 months and we will be back onto North Korea nuclear threat or some other bulls**t. 

    one bank has over reacted, not the whole system.

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