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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 45 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    My point is that by drug addicts, drug distributors and the like using the postal system, the authorities are delaying otherwise lawful parcel post by carrying out more rigorous searches. That's a feasible rationale.


    Mine was just one possible example. Others could be depending on far greater life-changing needs than me - but could be caught up in 'the system'. 



    Yeah, uh huh, I get your point. Your package from amazon was delayed because "drug addicts" are mailing weed.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 3/2/2020 at 6:13 PM, Chazar said:

    I wouldnt go into anywhere where they wanted to scan me.

    Good luck renewing your next vis extension then, immigration at chaeng wattana and many other places scan all comers as well.


    What I cannot quite wrap my head around is that folks complain indignantly that thais are doing nothing to limit or prevent covid-19 transmission, however they react negatively when confronted with any safeguard that may affect them.


    Besides, if you are such a sweaty out of shape wreck that a walk across a parking lot raises your temperature to levels that high you may be flagged as a risk, you have much more than covid-19 to worry about.

  3. 1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

    Yes, I can sympathise with those who use it as a medication. However, the seemingly similar postal trade from Europe has also (possibly) delayed my Amazon book from UK arriving on schedule. If  - that being the case - they've ripped open the package and damaged my book, I shall not be best pleased.

    Yes, this is about your book. Its the marijuana trade that has delayed your shipment not something else. 


    How very myopic need your imagination be to even see a parallel between the two events?

  4. On 2/29/2020 at 2:58 PM, TheFishman1 said:

    I thought everybody told me prostitution in Thailand was illegal how are all these bars having all these women but then again no prostitution in Thailand and as far as being a country with Buddhist believe or just money hungry seems like to be a lot of that fake stuff going around here in this country 

    Oh het over yourself prostitution exist in every country on earth legal are not.


    As for playing the buddhist card,name me one beleif system that is prostitute free as well. 

  5. 5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Who is bragging and beating up on kids ?


    Tomorrow when they go to work, will they be able to use their mobiles at work, I think not !


    Next time your out and about and see kids with their parents, have a look at what they are doing, playing with their mobiles ?


    Next time your out and about in a restaurant, have a look if the kids are into the conversation with their parents or playing with their mobiles.


    Next time your on public transport, have a look at the zombies of the mobile world, even in cars texting, etc, etc.


    If your happy to raise your kids in that way, then good for you, our have their study times and chore times, followed by their mobile times, be it between 7.30pm to 9pm weeknights, and as said an hour in the morning and two in the evening, at least we know where out kids are and what they are doing, it's called responsible parenting.


    What benefit could they possibly obtain from being a mobile zombie, does it teach them to add, to spell, to right, and does it prepare them for the real world where they won't be able to use it at work, or would you call their employer someone who beats up on their employees ?


    As for talking at the dinner table, dinner time is for eating and when they are old enough to talk, one at a time, then their tongues will be untied, because at the current mum and dad need peace and quiet at the table to be able to have a conversation and enjoy their company while 4 puppies learn to eat, or would prefer they eat at fast food places and come home when the sun has gone to bed, and teach them zero responsibilities, hmmm, maybe you wash your clothes for them and iron them, maybe you also wash and dry the dishes for them, maybe you clean up their rooms for them, yep that is going to prepare them for life.


    As for respect, well apparently everybody sees it differently, suffice to say I get triggered when others think they know how to raise my kids better than me and their mum, because we do not allow them to run a muck as other irresponsible parents allow to run, just have a good look around you. 


    Such megalomania.


    So a 15 year old is a puppy and too young to speak at table.


    Different strokes i suppose, my child has no idea how lucky she got. 


    Our dinner conversations are the highlight of my day. Actually all our conversations are the highlight.

    • Like 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, transam said:

    Oh dear, oh dear....Yes you are confused, and I am not surprised... 



    So you have never had a flight delayed, for what ever reason....?  ????

    Or you have, but a spare plane came out of the parking lot so as not to upset you...

    Yes, I have had flights delayed, but that is not what we are talking about, is it?


    Now, I ask again, is having the flight times out of 5 out of 6 booked flights changed a normal occurrence? 


    If you cannot discern the difference between these two scenarios, perhaps it would be better we dont discuss the matter further.

    • Haha 1
  7. 19 hours ago, transam said:

    I don't think you are the only one who has had a prob with flight times changing, planes are not like a taxi rank, there is no plane queue  ..........

    What does that even mean?


    Are you trying to tell us that having the  departure times of 5 out of 6 departure times changed without notification is a regular occurrence?


    Indeed flights are not like taxis, taxis you take when you need one, flights are scheduled in advance.


    Im confused as to why you even felt the need to make such a pointless and nonsensical comment.


    Confused, but not suprised

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Another keyboard warrior who knows Jack S...


    Even has to try and stoop low to have a go at my username....which is like says a lot about you.


    I am not going to even respond to you about how we raise our kids, you just wouldn't get it, you presume you know what goes on in this household, and that is your downfall, for someone who presumes he knows everything about everything and has nothing better to do but to try and put someone down for their own "ego", you must have had a shallow upbringing, too bad, don't try and take it out on others because most of your comments on this forum are c-r-a-p


    Well, it seems I have struck a nerve. 


    Of course I am presuming, but my presumption is based on how you decided to preesnt yourself here.


    It seems you wanted to explain to us what utter control you have over your brood so badly you were even willing to go completely off topic. 


    Im sorry I did not respond with resounding applause to your proud declaration of your authority, papa.


    I suspect my shallow upbringing by a distant authoritarian father was not up to snuff, he drew the line at the beatings you so fondly remember.


    As for your more personal attacks on my posts, thank you for reading.

  9. On 3/1/2020 at 4:14 PM, malarkyman said:

    I can totaly agree with all of this, my little daughter is totay being ruined by old school thais .... as if they even had any eduction at all back then in there day and i am OLDER than any off em !!

    Education in there day. 




  10. On 3/1/2020 at 1:15 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    in 2020 with 4 kids, on our table we don't have iPads, tables or cell phones, any back talk and it's a week without, just the other day one of the 15 year old boys said to their mum, why can we only have our mobiles between 7.30pm and 9pm on weeknights and 10am-11am and 7.30pm-10.00pm weekends when our friends have them 24/7, my wife replied with, because your papa is a generous man, would you like me to ask him, no, no, no, was his reply ????


    We allow the boys 15 to watch Netflix till midnight weekends, albeit they went to 1.30am this morning when asked, no lies, no punishment.


    No elbows and no hats/hoodies, the hoodies I took to with the scissors, so no more hoodies period. Also no talking when papa is at the table, strange though when I finish and leave, the talk is full on, and then I return for a laugh and stand there while everyone is silent and then I say walking away, can't remember why I came here....lol, my wife and I get a buzz in disciplining the kids, and I have to say, the challengers are quite educational for them, as we have an answer for everything...lol ????


    Sounds like you are power tripping rather than acting as disciplianrian in their best interests.


    The mobile thing makes sense, boundaries are required.


    I could not live in an environment where my child wont talk to me or around me, let alone revel in their discomfort around me.


    As for the hoodie thing, it is just insane. Buy hoodies or dont, but they are a clothing staple the world over, hoods can be worn up or down and they are remakably comoftable garments.


    Your username has never made sense to me, but in light of this revelation it certainly checks out. 


    I hope you dont find there comes a time when the silence isnt just at the dinner table, that you dont find your children just avoid you at all costs.



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