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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. On 11/23/2019 at 6:16 PM, StreetCowboy said:

    I’d probably need to wash it first.


    In seriousness, I wouldn’t take a full size bike on an MRT train, even if it was allowed, nor any train without segregated storage in peak hours; bikes are too clarty. Someone with white trousers will get chain marks at the other end of the carriage.  If a folding bike folds to hide the chain, maybe ok off-peak; tyre mud washes off easily, chain grime does not.

    BTS allows bikes, i used to take my daughter to school in the morning on the BTS and go for a quick 20/30km ride after she had been delivered.

    bikes are restricted to the back of the last car, never had an issue over a few years.

    Benjakitti is indeed closed to cyclists now, however the new park has a short loop, i use it to add a bit of distance but it is monotonous. the tobacco monoply itself however is a decent place to add distance to a ride.

    Suan rot fai can be great during the day. its a lovely converted golf course to park, the fairways are like meadows. 

    Avoid suan rot fai on weekends as they rent bikes to folk and it can get a bit hectic passing someone shaky.

    infact avoid lumpini as well.

    The lumpini loop is 1.8 km i think, i often ride both lumpini and suan ben via the green way, it is a hump, but the stairs are great exercise in themselves and between the two loops and the tobacco monopoly a decent 30 to 40k can be done when you include distance back and forth from home.

    traffic really isnt as bad or terrifying as those on the sofa might suggest


  2. 10 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Because as stated above, I am listening to UK radio on my expensive large screen smart TV and it ain't doing the screen life any good, at my age the last thing I worry about is Google or Amazon ???? 


    at your age i doubt you need to worry about the screen life either. 

    but it seems you do.




    btw taking 80,000 hours as a ballpark average led tv lifespan, it would take 9.1 years of being on 24 hours a day to reach that number.


    you reckon you have 9 years left? or you wont want to upgrade before then?

    likely longer if you have dimmed the backlight to an acceptable brightness as most folk do.

    my back light runs at 50 percent.

    my last LCD tv lasted 12 years, before encountering an issue. it died long after I first wanted to upgrade.

  3. 1 hour ago, Rocket Hawks said:

    Yes, the guy is responsible 100%. Not only is this woman not attractive at all ( far better talent locally in the clubs, just visit Illuzion in Phuket and you can take home women 10x as beautiful for free ) but if you're going to pay to dip your wick, you might as well catch a flight to Amsterdam for the weekend and sample their talent ( way better looking women than Thai girls, rates are far cheaper, and no scams to worry about as Amsterdam is the safest city in the world ). See for yourself. We don't have women like this in Thailand: https://www.beautyescortsamsterdam.com/ ( all girls here are legit. It's Amsterdam folks. Amsterdam is a very honest city ). Amsterdam for the weekend for 30,000 baht and the time of your life or 2.5 million baht on some countryside low-life and nothing to show for your money? Stupid is as stupid does. I've never seen so many absolute morons as I've seen in Thailand. It's like men here are just born to be losers and throw their money down the drain.


    a) anyone that has to pay for sex in Thailand has to be utterly incompetent as a male because it's way too easy to get laid the old-fashioned way in this country ) yes, even if you're 60+ ) and b ) anyone that pays for sex in Thailand is an absolute moron as there are far better looking women in both Europe and the USA at drastically discounted rates relative to what high-priced Thai escorts are charging ( the good ones in Phuket charge 60,000 baht / hr ). VS Amsterdam, you can get smoking hot talent for 10,000 baht/ hr and in the US, you can score top Beverly Hills talent for around 30,000 baht / hr.

    The master sex tourist has spoken. 

  4. 4 hours ago, TheGhostWithin said:

    I had something similar inside me probably as a result of my liking for Larb and Nam Tok, combined with my moo ping cravings with friends in Udon Thani over many years. This appears to be a beef tapeworm, found mostly in Thailand, China, Philippines and Cambodia. 


    It is not common in my home country of NZ, though very common in Isaan. They had to give me special medicine from the exotic illness specialist, and the worm I had in me was around 2.5 meters long. I could feel it moving around inside me at night, and at times it would move creating severe stomach pains. The eggs (which look like small rice noodles but walk themselves and can expand from <0.5cm out to 3cm or so would come out of me when I showered each day, it was horrifying knowing traditional worm tablets had nothing but a temporary stunning effect on the worm, stopping it moving inside me and causing it to expel eggs from my body but not killing the actual parasite. 


    My General Practitioner in New Zealand doctor ignored me for a year, even tearing into me when I bought a live sample into the surgery (bagged and sanitised) and refused to accept it. As a result, this thing lived in me for a further year. It was not until I demanded to see another doctor for a second opinion that my issue was rapidly diagnosed.


    Beef tapeworm are ingested from raw meat, or uncooked meat as common in larb, nam tok, or satay that is not cooked long enough. They feed off protein in the body, it would have had a field day with me as I eat up to 1kg of steak and chicken each day as part of my health and fitness regime. They can live in the body for up to 20 years and grow incredibly long. 


    Do take worm tablets, I have started taking them 6 monthly after my experiences. If you have worms that aren't being killed off by traditional worm tablets, see a doctor fast. 

    User name checks out. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    The growing popularity of sushi could fuel a rise in deadly parasitic worm infections, doctors have warned. Raw fish can carry tiny worms that bury into the human gut if eaten, a condition known as anisakiasis, which can cause severe stomach pain, vomiting and fever.

    Properly prepared sushi is a non issue. 

    Any reputable sushi restraunt serves fish flash frozen to kill any parasites. 


    Likewise for fish sold as sushi grade. 


    Oh, nice use of bold. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    No actually this one is different.


    Met a girl, liked her more than she liked him, asked her to be exclusive she said no and since then has been avoiding him. 


    But he doesn't get the message and keeps pursuing her leading to more direct rebuffs.


    OP: she is making it clear it is over. Move on. 

    I wouldn't bother pandering to the cliff notes crowd. You'll be here all night. 

  7. 19 hours ago, Nakmuay887 said:

    You have lived in bkk long term and are asking this question? 


    You're in the wrong city my friend. 

    reading comprehension is not your forte.


    op is a relative new comer to BKK who considers himself long-term because he has a job.



    long-term expat who's been living in BKK for over a year now and lucky enough to have a good job.

    re the woman, shes not interested. shes established in the club scene and knows plenty of folk already.


    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Enoon said:

    As you have described yourselves as an "older couple" I feel bound to say that you really have chosen a time of year that is probably the most incompatible with your requirement for minimised discomfort.


    I would go further and say probably also a city that is normally fairly incompatible with that requirement.


    I would not be happy to leave most of the "older" people I know to manage the place on their own.




    If I were in your circumstances I would suggest this hotel for myself:




    I would also strongly consider asking them to arrange for you a guide/driver, who will take you to the sort of places you want to visit, as comfortably as possible.






    While certainly cheap and loved by many I know, the Atlanta is rather an odd reccomendation. 


    The rooms are very low frills and rather hit and miss. 


    I see they have updated the website text, that's a shame, the denial of being a favoured haunt of drug runners in the 1970 and no catamite rule was classic. 



  9. 14 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    i don't live in a condo but when i travel i am in hotels and condos.


    i wear earplugs. i bought a bottle of 50 before I left the USA.


    you can buy ear plugs at Boots Pharmacy.




    i consider them to be vital. great for all travel, train, bus, plane. 

    i also take them with me to restaurants. blasting music everywhere. 


    also i have JLB noise cancelling headphones which almost completely block out noise. 

    were the JBL ones too expensive?

  10. 1 hour ago, geronimo said:

    Yes, didn't it used to be in the general forum?

    yes it did, but a couple years back they moved it to the pub, which incidentally is not search engine indexed. 2017 was the last year in general if i recall correctly.

    the majority of interesting stuff used to occur in general, but now anything vaguely controversial is rapidly moved to the pub.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, sirineou said:

    He had a golden opportunity and he squandered when he went after the quick payoff.

    After Musk apologised he should have held a press conference , said he was also sorry so telling Musk to stick it. Emotions were running high , bla bla bla,  I would like to meet Musk and talk man to man, They mee have lunch, a couple of bears and ar buddies, , come out proclaim water under the bridge. 

    Does not hurt to have a friend like musk IMO. 


    what kind of fantasy world do you love in that this could have turned into a lunch date beers and a life long friendship?


    but the precedent has been set.


    i can now officially call folk here pedos without recrimination.


    may come in handy.


  12. On 12/5/2019 at 3:10 PM, HeyHeyHey said:

    Philippines worse?


    Everyone including the low level workers - ie gardener, house-keeper, or security guard speaks good English. I also never see the 80 year old gramma in middle of nowhere tiny shop using calculator to count 20+10


    Thailand is as they want it to be. Hard to keep feudal system with educated public.

    sadly this is utter nonsense although it is what they advertise.


    this is the growing reality:



    the bit about the calculator is equally untrue, though i wont speculate about the abilities of 80 year old shop keepers.


    the farther out into the provinces you get the worse english becomes beyond a few memorised conversational patterns.

    even in manila or makati deviating from the pattern will cause only confusion.


    the philipines has a population of 109 (ish) million people. while the middle class, and the people who serve them may have decent english profiency, the farther down the social ladder you descend, the worse things become.


    for the past few years, there has been widespread government concern at the declining english rates.



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