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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 52 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

    Unless he's seeding a lot of torrents there is no need to have his files online.  He can only watch one video at a time.  DVD's fail at a much slower rate than spinning drives.  He will eventually lose all material stored on HD's unless he spends lots of $$ and time doing backups.  He doesn't seem to like high costs. 6 or 8 baht per movie on a DVD-R seems economical as well as almost permanent.


  2. On 12/3/2019 at 7:10 PM, scoutman360 said:

    I'll believe it when I see it. Every week I get into a rant with the 7-11 staff who always try to double-bag my groceries.  Most recently the young angel wouldn't listen so I took the bag out of her hands and shook it up and down. She pointed to a small hole at the bottom, and I shook it up and down again to show that the small hole stayed that way. It didn't stop  until an older staff member came up and bopped her on the head (jokingly) and explained why.

    why wouldn't you just bring your own bag?


    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Interesting that Reuters chose a headline that totally misses the point. Those "world leaders" outed themselves as the political adolescents that they actually are. Treadeu, Macron and Johnson were caught on a news organizations "hot mic" acting like jealous high school students making fun of the popular kid on the school campus. All of this in the context of NATO's 70th anniversary of existence, which btw, Trump recognizes as an anachronism. The article goes on to describe Joe Biden's clear immoral denial of the Biden's on the take in the Ukraine. The fact that Biden repeatedly loses his public speaking cool, every time someone even mentions Ukraine should tell you something... if your honestly paying attention.

    the popular kid?


    way to spin it.

  4. 2 hours ago, gamb00ler said:

    Ahhh... it seems you have the 4 X 2TB for storage of downloaded material.  If you don't need continuous access to the material I would recommend that you add a DVD burner and store your files offline.  You could then reduce the number of internal drives and the heat they generate.


    Do you stream your downloaded content to a TV or home audio?


    Torrenting can consume a large percentage of your total download throughput.  If you want to browse the internet simultaneously I suggest you throttle back the torrent download rate while doing so.  That may reduce your problems with Firefox.

    a dvd burner, really?

  5. On 12/5/2019 at 1:20 PM, tgw said:

    8 years is not anymore that old for PC.

    depending on what the PC is used for and provided the original PC was reasonably well done using quality parts, an upgrade to SSD could maybe give it 4-5 more years.



    yes, upgrade the hamster that powers it to diesel, drop in an ssd and you will be golden

  6. Just now, Denim said:


    I have used a builders cement mixing tub before :


    ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ cement mixing tub




    You can put two of them end to end and make the gap between into a bridge or just cover with plants. 


    Cheap and does the job. The biggest size is over a meter long.

    i have koi which i may need to move. want a backup should i need to relocate them.

    those are simply too small.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    Like the attack on that family in Hua Hin who were kicked unconscious. Was that 'odd' as well?


    That was also random but I bet they'll never come to Thailand again.


    Neither will this Sikh woman and her now fatherless child. Perhaps that's 'odd' too.


    Was the British man dying of the injuries he received outside the Mandarin Agogo in Pattaya just another random incident. Was it also odd.


    Stories of attacks on or the murder of tourists in the LOS are becoming more common than in other holiday destinations. There seems to be a lot of 'random' violence going on in the resorts of Thailand these days and perhaps that's another reason why fewer Westerners are visiting.


    Off the top of my head I can think of several violent deaths in Pattaya alone over the years and also incidents in which tourists have been beaten by Thai 'doormen'. I witnessed one such attack. That was a bit too 'random' for my liking. And there was nothing even the slightest bit 'odd' about it.


    And a reduction in the number of tourists is only going to result in more violence as some locals turn to crime to get whatever it is they need to survive.

    how do several violent deaths in pattaya or an altercation resulting in death at a hotel, or similar tourist related deaths equate to it being unsafe to raise a family in thailand?



    i misread your post i see you said bring a family to thailand, not raise one.

    at any rate i still disagree, families are far less likely to put themselves in a situation where they are in danger, <deleted> happens the world over.


    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:



    Is anyone else trying to see the logic in that ?? If you find any, please enlighten me ????

    id suggest because the rating is country wide and in certain areas like metro manila etc, there are excellent schools and some very well educated phillipinos. 

    the emerging middle class in phils is very international and increasingly well educated, however outside major urban centres the place remains decidedly third world.


    edit: the pisa website does have snapshots by country, thailand indicates a significant performance gap due to lack of advantage.


    • In Thailand, socio-economically advantaged students outperformed disadvantaged students in reading by 69 score points in PISA 2018. 


    unfortunately the philipines document gives a 404 not found error, but i would expect the gap to be much higher.

    id say the poverty and disparity between have and have not is much greater in phils  than thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. 58 minutes ago, WhatupThailand said:

    The real point: No Bad Falang News today,

    SO drag this story out from August 21, 2019, cause got to have Front Page Bad Falang News.


    Also shows how anyone with connections, can just skip around SE Asia with no Passport.

    Too many Unanswered Questions about this story.


    if you are going to insist upon using the term, at least get it right.

    its farang.


    F A R A N G

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Especially if you wanted to get laid.

    I mean the Heavy metal chicks were ok , but if one wanted some Righteous Ass, one had to swallow his pride , put on the flower shirt with the wide lapels, bell bottom pans, and platform shoes . swallow his pride, go to a disco and hope none of his friends see him.

    You know you did, come on admit it, You know you did.  

    Image result for disco dressing

    Those of us who are 70+ now perhaps. 

  11. On 11/6/2019 at 6:15 PM, Daffy D said:

    Yea well that's what it's about, myth or reality?


    I remember reading the Readers Digest story on Oak Island way back in my youth. I sure would like to know if there is actually anything down there. 


    As for making money from gullible tourists,  just take a look how much money they have poured into the project over the years, doubt the money from tourists would even cover a fraction of their costs.



    i read it as well, and it stuck there. When i heard of the show, i was all over it.

    i still follow religiously, but am more likely to sit howling abuse and deprecations at the screen, thoroughly enjoying the comedy the show has begun.

    Jack Begley for president of the world!!

    • Like 2
  12. 5 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

    This is all shear nonsense. The media will do anything to create a story out of thin air so long as it's against President Trump. It's impossible to know what Trudeau was implying when he says "jaws dropped". What the heck does that mean anyway? How does he know the jaw drops were anything related to words coming from President Trump. Maybe somebody had cut a fart and Trump's team was reacting to that. I wouldn't believe a word coming from the mouth of the liberal pansy Trudeau!

    The word you are looking for is sheer, and if there was a fart, as you so plausibly suggest, you can be sure it was a trumpet. 

    • Haha 2
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