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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. On 11/30/2019 at 9:05 PM, totoshka said:

    I posted my question here not for someone to tell such an obvious thing. What do you think? What's forum for? You could answer each question on this forum by "go to immigration and ask them", "call your bank and ask them" and "email your landlord and ask them".


    Besides, they work Mon - Fri

    you should be able to reach someone 24/7.

    as for your response to the only common sense answer possible, how on earth would a random stranger on a forum on the internet be able to explain to you what was going on with your ATM card and banking?


  2. 20 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    Why is the exit node calling me at 3 am?


    Why is the exit node seemingly connected to a US phone # which called me twice followed by the exit node within the space of 1 minute, at 3 am?


    Did you follow the link provided to see comments by numerous others being called by the exit node?


    I hope you are correct - it would be reassuring.

    im really not sure what the story is, but often voip calls to thailand from abroad ring as a thai number.

    it is entirely possible if someone is calling the us voip number from abroad during the day it would ring at 3am on your phone here and show up as a thai incoming.


    i looked at the link yes, and there really isn't enough info there to offer an opinion on that but it is odd.

    perhaps talk to your voip provider

    • Thanks 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

    So if they built a wake park in Pattaya then a couple of hundred millennials would

    rescue the town. By the way you can get a proper massage in Pattaya, good food and

    sunsets are available. I can't defend the beaches and have no idea what standard of

    hiking would be acceptable to your acquaintances.


    When did you last visit Pattaya? I just googled vegan friendly restaurant Pattaya

    and 25 plus entries appeared, many do seem to be Indian.


    I must admit I do enjoy visiting Pattaya for a week or so, yes I like the bar scene but 

    go with my wife (who isn't hi-so!!!) There is plenty to see and do if mongering isn't your

    thing, but I like the chaos which contrasts wildly to the calm of rural Ubon.


    There is a wakepark in Pattaya. A good one, but few want to visit it because it's in Pattaya. 



    • Haha 1
  4. On 11/19/2019 at 7:21 PM, finnishmen said:

    isaan have at foreign, <deleted> place live. i has living 4 year now and newer before no has eat thats same bad, all food have tottally big <deleted>, isan food not have thai food and normal. all have big <deleted> and human no can eat, only thai monkeys idiot eat eweryday <deleted> grass,<deleted> wery bad fish,all food could or raw,or half-raw, all food wery bad taste. normal thai food have 500 x better south than isan food have ewer. all peoples have idiots or little stupid, and IF borrow somethink newer not go back or go back broken. has destroy my hammer drill 2 pcs, now, hammer drill not have cheap 8000 B pcs and has borrow and destroy 2 pcs, and no tell me has broken, same many toold,ladders no newer go back to home if someone has borrow, expensives good guality ladders cost 5000 B but i no can use because have somewere at village. same many many tools and others parts, monkeys idiots no newer pay back or give me back my tools. i no borrow anythink now to monkeys idiots. womans not care husband, o matter what husband say wifes no hear husband newer, if need help somethink newer not help .

    Well put! 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    It's the same situation as in Australia. A protectionist lobby.

    Japan has the strictest vehicle laws on the planet. Any vehicle in Japan more than 2 years old is subject to draconian re-registration procedures. You can buy a second-hand 2 yo Toyota or Honda with about 20K to 30K on the odometer for a fraction of the new price. The Kiwis and Burmese gleefully accept the Japanese largesse. The photo is a big Toyota whatever I saw in Yangon.

     Do I need to explain further? I've already drawn a picture for you.





    What are you on about? New Zealand? Myanmar? 


    Such an import would have been both expensive and impractical in Thailand in the first place. 

  6. 6 hours ago, tifino said:


    The Warning is about future Imports, but the Non retroactive clause might still only be put in place for the current owner to continue to own the car.

    Pure speculation, the article indicates nothing to this effect. 


    And any car with incorrect import papers has always been subject to seizure, the only difference now is that it could not be picked up after seizure via the much abused auction system.  

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, JRG23 said:

    What he actually means is that the army will not be able to protect the government from the people. 

    This is actually very perceptive. The only thing Thailand actually needs to defend it self from is internal unrest. 


    Over the past 20+ years I can only recall few external issues, ie temple land disputes with Cambodia, those pesky rohinga, etc that required military intervention. 


    Who is actually threatening Thailand 8n this day and age? 


    Internal deployments have however been numerous. 

    • Like 2
  8. On 11/25/2019 at 1:57 PM, samsensam said:


    the government needs to take a lead and have a plan instead of just making noise, example; in order to reduce the use of plastic bags in the uk shops had to charge for them; part of the price covered the shops' costs and the rest went to the government to be used, i believe, in environmentally friendly initiatives. this change was well publicised, well organised, transparent and effective; plastic bag usage went down 80% in the first six months and continues to reduce.


    all you see here is the screaming headline 'NO to plastic bags', no overall strategy, no coherent plan, no consistency, no organisation, no thought of potential addition benefits, and you can bet quite a lot of people not bothering.

    I use very few plastic bags , it's not rocket science. 


    The best thing you can do to avoid using new plastic is to carry a bag with you. A bigger cloth or reusable one when you go shopping, but even a folded 7 bag in your pocket can be reused many times and always with you.  My cleaner is an expert at folding them down to nothing at all. 


    Bring a box if you plan on buying plenty. Most places should even have boxes availble


    Plastic bags were never meant to be single use, and each plastic bag uses far less energy, resources and water to create than a cloth or paper bag. Reusing the same bag 10 times is better than using it only once, and likely better than using paper. 


    The issue is 2 fold, the environmental cost of production, vs the cost of disposal, since China stopped buying the world's garbage, recycling is in many instances a pretty lie we tell ourselves. 


    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, hereforgood said:

    I had ze ro issues collecting twice once 78K went back to work and 8 years later 83k just went to the SS office with notice of cancelled WP and filled out a form less than a week later was deposited into my Thai Bank. Both times

    This was after age 55?


    This has got me curious and just interested to hear if any way to get refunded payments and opt out if leaving the country.


    I paid in or 10 years, but have not worked or paid in Thailand since 2019.


    Just checked my contributions online and around 80k. 


    But I'm 53, and doubt I will be around to collect at 55.

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