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Posts posted by metempsychotic

  1. 3 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    Ah the usual keyboard hard men on here knocking people out, makes me laugh so much. Please think the guy obviously has mental issues but maybe some on here think those types shouldn't holiday. I was in a supermarket in the UK last Wednesday, I heard a guy swear so instinctively turned round, he then started aggressively swearing at me. It took all of a second to see he had problems. People just ignored him. However in Thailand where you have men fighting with swords in the street this is front page news. 

    people with an inability to react appropriately within their own culture should most certainly not travel alone.

    with no one or nothing to reign himself in he will only be endangering himself, if not others.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ICELANDMAN said:

    Because you have a round head and you felt offended, look at the pictures and give me another explanation. I didn't offend anyone to tell the truth.

    sure ya did. 



    why Asians think so different, we are really two different species

    must be a translation issue.

    anyways this not the place, and i cant be bothered with a circular argument.

    you just keep on being you.


    have a nice day.

  3. 23 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

    Thank you it's very interesting, since I had no bike experience before coming to Thailand I understand now why the helmet is not like my head and also why Asians think so different, we are really two different species, this is not racism what I write, it's a statement




    its a racist statement.

  4. On 11/29/2019 at 12:35 PM, Kwasaki said:

    My helmet has been fine bought it from Honda APS bike shop.


    I wouldn't buy German or any helmet at silly prices the only difference is weight, my fullface H2C is light enough and what's important to me a comfortable fit.

    i have an hjc, love it as far as helmets go. I had an arai a few years back, but that went walkabout, the hjc compares for comfort.


    no rust going on 4 or 5 years

  5. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Are you living in Thailand?

    Maybe since years?

    Just in case you missed it: So called under aged girls, mostly 16 and 17, were in many bars (for farangs) for many years and nobody cared. And why did nobody care? Because the girls worked there because they wanted to work there. And lots of guys were happy to buy them drinks and more. And at least in all the bars I know it was up to the girls how much they were willing to give. Some never went out with customers for many months or even years. Some started it right away. It was up to them.

    At the same time none of these bars had any pre-teens working in them. Because there is a night and day difference between pedophiles, who like prepuberty children and "normal" guys who are not at all interested in prepuberty children. 17 years old girls have nothing in common with 12 year old girls.

    I don't think I know any guy who does not think guys who rape anybody of any age should go to jail or should be executed. But at the same time I know lots of guys who like to enjoy life with girls who like to dance, drink and make money. The girls do what they want and many of them enjoy it. Just to survive a couple of lady drinks and maybe one customer a week would be more than enough. But many of the girls go out every day and compared to normal workers they make a fortune. That's what they want to do.

    Thanks for making my point for me. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, fishtank said:

    Just because you have been watching illegal content does not mean that the official legal way is not any good.

    I am more than happy with the Thailand Netflix.

    So is the Wife with plenty of options for a Thai viewer. 

    I have multiple stream options like cinema HD which is excellent. 


    I also have Netflix and will use thst if the content I desire is available there. 


    Simply put, it works better. No free stream solution is fool proof, and my torrenting days are over. It's just not necessary anymore and more hassle than it is worth. 

  7. On 11/30/2019 at 5:11 PM, torturedsole said:

    You've almost answered your own question, Sid.


    As you're running ExpressVPN then it really matters little as you can easily change your country location as and when you want to view alternative content.  

    Until Netflix blocks the server. 


    To the op: Your account will be international, it doesn't matter where you subscribe, your content will be dependant on the geolocation of your ip address. 


    Netflix makes a constant effort to locate VPN servers allowing people to access their content from other regions, once your VPN has been rumbled they will block it, the issue at hand is how quickly your VPN can change server addresses to stay ahead of the game. 


    Thus far no VPN I have ever used has been 100 percent. It's a <deleted> shoot at best 

  8. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Andrew seems to be not exactly the nice guy.

    But what I find interesting in that case and in others: Why did that woman go with him?

    Did she love him? No

    Was she physically forced to go with him? It seems not.

    Could she have walked away? It seems yes.

    Was it about money and being together with rich guys? It seems so. That's called prostitution. 

    It seems Epstein and Andrew did what lots of guys would do if they would have enough money: Surround themselves with lots of pretty girls and f$#% them whenever they wanted. And I am sure all those girls will have received a nice compensation because otherwise they wouldn't have done it.

    She was 17. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, Hockeybik said:

    It is not a bad thing but, Eligius is right it is a control thing in the end. It's like gun control, they attack the gun and not the behavior. Just because plastic bags exist doesn't mean you don't have to dispose of them properly. Let's attack the people throwing their trash anywhere they please.

    Yes, trash reduction and gun control are exactly the same. Faultless analogy. 



    9 minutes ago, doctormann said:



    However, can someone please explain to me just what this has to do with climate change.  


    you are aware of how the plastic we consume is made?

    and even if there is, as you say, a tenuous link at best, can you deny the issues with disposal of all the plastic manufactured, let alone the manufacturing process and resources consumed and byproducts created in that process?

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