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Posts posted by Tayaout

  1. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    OP articles like the ones here smell more like yet another government propaganda campaign.


    Whatever little credibility these kinds of announcements might have had in the past has long since evaporated in the naked light of false claim after false claim.  Somethings a government can hide. Other things, like dwindling store stocks, they cannot.

    It works with my familly. My wife have been telling them to buy extra food for 2 months. They say it won't come around here and the government is saying everything is fine. We tried one last time today to make them buy extra rice and they said if they die then they die. What annoys me is that I know they will come begging for food if they close Bangkok and there is an issue with the supply chain. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    To anyone who thinks only older people are on the hook for this, take a look at this except from the Thai DDC report for March 14 and various of the new cases reported that day. Note the ages among the various cases mentioned below:




    50% of hospitalization in France are less than 60 years old but I'm too tired to find the link. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Weird they doing all these virus investigations here but why the results taking so long?

    In my homecountry they got a special CT scan that tells u within 30 minutes if u have the virus or not !!

    It's not a special scan. It's a way to diagnose a pneumonia and it's not as accurate. They probably still do the test after the CT scan for confirmation. I'm pretty sure they use the same scan in Thailand but they are not confirmed until tested by 2 labs. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    I must live on an island of sanity here in Isan, if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't know about corona, I was checked once at the hospital dentist for fever. No face masks in sight, no panic buying, no hand sanitizers around, nobody talking about 'the harbinger of death', normal life goes on. Only in the big cities are the herds stampeding.

    Congratulations you now act like the locals. It also means doing nothing proactive. 


    The peoples you see panic buying in other countries are not those who were already prepared. There is a point where they started to feel the heat and it's a very bad timing to start buying a little bit of extra food. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, liddelljohn said:

    Vietnam has closed borders for all visitor from EUROPE from tommorow   , Thai doctors medical associations is saying that the virus is being under reported in Thailand and that the government is incompetent and head in the sand .


    But truth is that all governments are struggling with this Virus  and the economic and public order issues its not just Thailand .

    I would be interested in a link about the declaration from the thai doctors medical association. 

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