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Everything posted by RayC

  1. How about that coincidence? Almost exactly the same post at the same time????
  2. That will be the same politically motivated police force that decided not to prosecute the revolutionary Marxist, Dominic Cummings?
  3. Quite possibly but the government of the day - and especially the PM - are always going to attract a disproportionate amount of attention. Imo it was no different when Blair/ Brown were in office although, of course, social media was not as omnipresent then as it is now. I don't follow US politics as closer as I should but is that really the case? I've seen articles critical of the Biden administration. What most media seems to avoid is mention of the President's memory lapses.
  4. Of course Johnson did nothing to bring it upon himself. As usual, always someone else's fault.
  5. What prevented Truss announcing her candidacy whilst she was in Indonesia? What was so urgent that she had to be back in London? A meeting of the foreign ministers representing the world's top 20 national economies is unimportant? You're welcome. Although I'm sure that there are more than a few Tory supporters who were surprised and disappointed by Truss's actions. You might want to consider a stronger prescription for those insight glasses of yours.
  6. Liz Truss left the G20 foreign ministers' meeting in Indonesia early to return to the UK. No point in letting duty and representing the country get in the way of personal ambition.
  7. And your point is? (I'm making the major - probably incorrect - assumption that there is one)
  8. I don't think that police officers should display support for any cause while on duty, but to suggest that a few officers taking the knee and/or wearing rainbow paint, and that Starmer was found to have no case to answer, means that the UK police force is institutionally bias towards the left is ridiculous. A serving police officer in the West Midlands force was recently found to be a former member of a banned right-wing party. Does that make the West Midlands force institutionally right-wing? What about the fact that left-wing and black groups are disproportionately targeted for undercover police operations? Does that point to an anti-left, anti-black agenda among UK police forces?
  9. You appear to have posted the wrong link. Either that or you are very confused: Penny Mordaunt is a Tory.
  10. As I mentioned previously, the definition of a 'new' hospital was changed by the Department of Health to include refurbishments and rebuilds. The end result is that - depending on the original source - between 3 - 5 'new' hospitals are currently being built. Even with the redefinition of the word 'new', it's hardly rapid progress.
  11. If the damage can be limited for the next two years, I hope that Johnson somehow manages to lead the Tories into the next election. It will almost guarantee an opposition win.
  12. Yes it would be helpful if you could provide any links that support your claim that "...progress is under way in building new hospitals". The original link and bar chart which you posted do not.
  13. I looked and it's not immediately apparent (to me at least) where to find that info? It's a relatively straightforward question: Are all the hospital projects (referred to in the bar chart) new hospital builds? It's a 'Yes' or 'No' answer.
  14. Are all these "hospital projects" new hospitals?
  15. Wrt breaking international law, it was a reference to Grant Schapps standing up in parliament and stating that a provision which would be introduced would break international law "in a limited and very specific way". I don't imagine that you see the hypocrisy and irony in deriding some Remainers as anti-democratic for not accepting the result of the Brexit, while in the next breath dismissing the supreme (democratically elected) legislative body (Parliament) as unimportant.
  16. And whose fault is it that it isn't? Rhetorical question: Anyone's but this government's. Same old, same old. Avoidance of any accountability and responsibility.
  17. According to the Wikipedia link, it was Joanna Lumley's idea. Ms. Lumley may be very capable, but I doubt that the project would have started if it hadn't had the support of Johnson. As Mayor he would have had to sign off the budget for the project. Almost certainly not but, again, I would have thought a responsible CEO would make sure that the procurement process was watertight, and that there was no potential conflict of interest with the chosen contractors. You agree that the end responsibility is Johnson's, but then try to excuse him by stating that he cannot do everything himself.
  18. Let me guess. The only sources of true, important facts are 'The Daily Mail' or 'Daily Express'?
  19. Lying to his party, lying to parliament, lying to the public. Threatening to break international law. Yep, mere fibs about nothing important if you don't happen to believe in the rule of law.
  20. Most Remainers have accepted the result. When are you Brexiters going to accept it? Start taking accountability and responsibility for your victory and stop blaming the EU and Remainers for the UK's government's failure to make a success of things (not that this seems possible).
  21. More diversion. No attempt to address the actions and lies of Johnson.
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