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Everything posted by RayC

  1. It's between the bits where the article states " ... there are clear signs leaving the EU was adding to soaring prices ..." and " .. it was important to highlight the damage Brexit has also done ...". The negative effects of two events - which the government had little control over - compounded by the negative effects of a completely unnecessary, avoidable event.
  2. If that's your objection then, presumably, you would do away with penalties/ free throws from all sports? A free throw in basketball/ netball, etc relies purely on the ability of the thrower. It is a solitary exercise (as is penalty kicking in rugby). No else is involved or can interfere. In a similar vein, in baseball or cricket if the pitcher or bowler strikes/bowls out the batsmen the rest of the fielding team haven't been involved. I believe that there are only two players actively involved in an ice hockey penalty(?). Possibly but there are practical problems in playing on ad infinitum. In most football leagues - amateur or professional - the match finishes after 90 minutes. If the scores are level, both teams share the spoils; (typically) 1 point each. There is (usually) no requirement in league matches that there has to be a winner. As I said previously, I think that most football fans would prefer to see knock-out matches resolved after 90/ 120 minutes; however, imo penalties are as good a method as any for resolving matters if the match ends in a draw.
  3. Tbf you can see why he was a bit cheesed off. His brother got a country (Wales) plus a cultured city (Cambridge). His Aunt had Edinburgh; his simpleton Uncle got an ancient kingdom (Wessex). Even his deviant Uncle got a decent city - albeit a Northern one - York. Poor old Harry gets offered part of one of the worst local authorities in Scotland. No wonder he upped sticks and left!
  4. A game can end with a penalty shoot-out therefore, one more reason football is unwatchable? You ignore the pressure and tension involved in a penalty shoot-out, which is felt by both players and fans: It is a real test of both skill and nerve for the players. A minimum of 5 - usually 6 - players per side are involved in a penalty shoot-out, and it sometimes happens that all 22 players have to take a penalty, so the team element is very much present. That said, I think that the vast majority of fans would prefer that a winner was found in 90/ 120 minutes of play. A 'golden goal' ending has been tried. However, instead of encouraging teams to attack, it usually resulted in negative play, which in the end still required penalties to settle things, therefore it was dropped.
  5. The transcript suggests that Lady H was trying to put Marlene in what she perceived as her place! What Lady H should have said/done. Lady H: Where are you from? Marlene: Hackney Lady H: That's a very nice dress. Alternatively, Lady H could have asked Marlene, any number of different questions e.g. How did you get here? What line of work are you in? Or even: Lady H, sensing Marlene wasn't in a talkative mood, utilises her 60 years of diplomatic experience and moves on: Lady H: Lovely to meet you. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the evening. (Probably) none of this outcry would of then occurred. Piece of p*"' this diplomacy lark.
  6. I agree that if they remain on one knee throughout the game against France, then England will find it difficult. However, if past matches are anything to go by, it's probably safe to assume that the starting eleven will be fully upright before the referee blows his whistle, and that the team will run around a bit during the match.
  7. I can empathise with some of what you say, but my interpretation of this particular incident differs from yours. Lady H is elderly but there is no indication that she has lost her faculties. Racist? Possibly. Aristocratic snob? Definitely, based on the published dialogue. If this incident is anything to go by, she should have been removed from diplomatic circles long ago.
  8. I mean to say, the temerity of these people! Oh for the good old days when the plebs knew their place.
  9. Perhaps this advice was given? In her defence, maybe she didn't understand it.
  10. Ms. Marin has 'weak' (my word) " ... strength of character and lack of moral compass"? and " ... liberal ... European leaders that are clearly out of their depth and a real danger to the world". How can you tell all this from a home video of her partying?
  11. Apologies. You're right. I got you mixed up with Mac.
  12. Where you from? The UK What part? London What part of London? Brixton Where do your family com from? London But originally? London I mean your ancestors? I can only trace my family back as far as my great-grandparents. Everyone was borne in London, with the exception of one great-grandmother who was born in Devon. So your family's from Devon? <deleted>, mate. Give it a rest.
  13. Oh, here we go. Anyone who doesn't agree with my vision of the UK can't really be British.
  14. No it wouldn't. But it would be odd to be interrogated about it
  15. Someone should tell the individuals featured in the first minute of this video that. https://youtu.be/u_BDG9JtGw8
  16. I'm beginning to think that we exist in physically parallel universes! Firstly, you haven't heard any regional British accents in London, now there are no black people in RoI. I was there in July and saw numerous black people in both Dublin and Co. Kerry (Admittedly proportionally fewer than in London, but I don't find that surprising).
  17. Her 'job' appeared to be that of unpaid advisor/ confidente to the Queen and Camilla. Part of that job also seemed to involve accompanying them to diplomatic functions. Given that, I'd expect her to act diplomatically.
  18. 9m people in London and the only ones that speak with a London accent are to be found among a group of me, my mates and our families' mates? I'll have to tell them. We need to rediscover this non-London London.
  19. Silly me Hadn't thought of that? Doesn't make any odds though, does it? They're all foreigners. Must be something wrong with them, eh?
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