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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Hammering you guys If you believe that, you must have been watching a different game than the world's press and in fact, the rest of the world, or you are seriously delusional. ????
  2. If you were to ask me which sides I would not want to see in the final, it would have definitely been Argentina and France. As an proud Englishman, I feel that God has betrayed me. My only hope, the only thing that could make things right again is that both captains declare war on each other and then immediately surrender, bringing the Qatar World Cup to an end.
  3. The one that has annoyed me the most throughout the world cup is the billboard for Micky D's, rather than Maccy D's. I mean, ordering a Micky D's breakfast after a legendary all night session just doesn't sound right.
  4. butts on the sand. ?????????
  5. And you felt so strongly about this that you needed to make a post. ???? You should write a strongly worded letter to the people in power, that'll teach them smokers.
  6. No he hasn't. Mind you, he has been owned on this thread a few times.
  7. No, where did i say that? I was replying to a poster that thinks that he could take and control these 2 dogs. Please read and at least try to understand the posts before commenting.
  8. Considering that I live literally 2 minutes away from where these vicious killing machines are housed, I have more right to comment on this case than you do.
  9. The poster that I replied to stated the following: I would take them no problem in a heartbeat and guess what? I would have no problems whatsoever with them! So, now who is clueless?
  10. So why don't you take these cuddly pets off their bandaged hands then?
  11. Have you ever owned a herd of cows, if not you are not qualified to make this statement.
  12. Where did I state that I have never owned one? Please show me or otherwise it's just conjecture.
  13. So why don't you push the report button then. That's what you usually do, isn't it?
  14. In the civilized European countries, these vicious beasts are banned and for very good reason.
  15. The true story doesn't fit in with his diatribe on this matter. Judging by some of the rubbish that he has posted on this forum, I don't think that this poster knows how to post sensibly and should have a grown up watching over him when he gets on a computer.
  16. After the Thai police have exhausted their investigations and realised that they will not be able to get any money from these thugs, they should apply to have them extradited. There again, there would be no monetary gain from having them shipped back to face justice, so it will probably go the way of other news reports in Thailand, with no follow up (neither by the police nor the Thai press).
  17. Even when CCTV's work here, they are only selectively used by the police. A friend was recently hit by a car while on his bike in Pattaya, in a spot that was covered by 2 cameras. He was not at fault and asked the police to review the camera footage but the Sergeant (?) refused flat out and said that my friend had to pay the car driver Baht 4,000, whether he was in the right or not. The reason for this is that the car driver only had government insurance and that someone had to pay for the damages to the car. At first my friend refused but was told that if he didn't pay they would impound both vehicles while they conducted an investigation and that he would then have to pay Baht 1,000 storage fee for every day that his bike was impounded. After paying the Baht 4,000 my friend left the station before the other party, who probably had to give half of his windfall to the copper.
  18. hahaha this forum is still the joke that it has always been ! With posts like this, I would totally agree. I never used the word 'potent', I stated 'I just want to get high and the Green Crack that's currently on the scene does just that', show me where I used the word potent. Do you think that other posters are not allowed a view or preference just because it doesn't match yours? Well done on trolling the thread though. This is the exact reason why this forum is becoming a joke. The real posters don't want to post anymore because of the trolling and baiting, none of the earlier posters bother to post on this thread anymore.
  19. Quite a few by J.C. bring a tear to my eye but I think the saddest 'for me' has to be the first verse of Gilbert O'Sullivan's 'Alone again'. For me it screams of a man needing help which may never come, a man who has been driven to his very limits and has accepted defeat and it's fate with open arms. In a little while from now If I'm not feeling any less sour I promise myself to treat myself And visit a nearby tower And climbing to the top Will throw myself off In an effort to Make it clear to whoever Wants to know what it's like when you're shattered
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