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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. My moral compass is saying that if the news story is accurate, the guy should be strung up. However, I do not at this moment know if the report is accurate and given the Thai press's reputation for 'embellishing' stories, neither do you. No male with any moral fiber beats a 20 year old girl, even if confront by her, they walk away. How many times have you had a carving knife held to you by a crazed Thai? I once lived with a frail looking Thai girl but she had a temper on her that was so wild and unpredictable that once she went into a rage (even about the tiniest of reasons), she was very difficult to pacify. She came at me with a carving knife on quite a few occasions and I was lucky in that I was able to talk her down. If she had tried stabbing me, trying to kill me, I really don't know what I would have done but you can bet that I would act in a way that prevented her from killing me. What would you do if a crazed woman came at you slashing wildly with a 12" knife? Moral fiber goes out of the window when you go into survival mode. I am not saying that this is what happened in this incident because I really don't know. What I am saying is that this may or may not have happened as reported and at the moment I do not have enough verified information to believe one way or another. What I (we) do have is one side of a story coming from a single source, if you have further information on this case, please share it.
  2. The guy did not blame the victim, he stated that he had heard another side to the story and explained what he had heard. I guess that I am not the blind one here. So you are presuming that the guy is the guilty party, with no real proof and despite other posters suggesting that the report might not be correct. As for a 'moral compass', if you read the entire thread you will see that I am all for stringing the man up if he had in fact instigated the incident but I am also reserving my judgement until I can see all of the evidence and not just what is being reported by a biased press. Maybe you should check your own moral compass when you jump in feet first without knowing all of the facts.
  3. Looking at that picture, they all seem to be very butch for transgenders. ???? BTW, do the police also round up and record the identities of female sex workers or is this just profiling potential criminals based on their birth gender?
  4. While after reading the initial report I was part of the hang em high brigade, I should like to temporarily put my rage into check until we know the full story here. There seems to be discrepancy about who really kicked this off, so I would prefer to reserve judgement until all the evidence is on the table. The Thai press have a habit of biased reporting. Let's not forget that a few weeks ago the Thai press were reporting about 2 Frenchmen who viciously attacked a poor defenseless Thai for simply admiring their car. What actually happened is still not clear but it was nothing like what was reported.
  5. Well, which Somchai sold the stuff to the French gentleman in the first place Where does it say that he bought them? Rawai has beaches, I presume that he could have found them washed up. I used to see whale bones washed up on beaches all the time when I was in the South Atlantic. and what is the ink between the "whale skeleton" and the "elephant tusks" in the OP picture? Ther4e are no elephant tusks in the picture, please see my post 'just' 2 posts above your post.
  6. Those are mandibles (jaw bones) of a Baleen Whale and were part of the seizure. In case you are wondering about the size of these bones, below is a picture of a Baleen Whale skeleton, clearly showing these bones.
  7. The post that you are quoting shows that at the moment we are not really sure who the victim is.
  8. come to them if she intended to press legal action against her boyfriend She was packing her bags to leave him due to earlier beatings when he beat her this time. I'm presuming that under these circumstances that she has no loyalty to him and that she will press charges. Hopefully, the inmates of the nick that he goes to will be informed of the farang slapping around a young defenseless Thai girl and will be waiting for him with a 'welcoming committee'.
  9. I said that I had just finished reading it but I don't know the ending. It was getting a bit scary on page 9 and I am not ready to read the other 2 pages. I put the book in the freezer for now.
  10. Anyone having problems with finding the games, try https://live.shoot-yalla.tv It was recommended by a poster in another thread, about how to see the games. I just watched the ARG???????? vs KSA???????? game and I was quite impressed (for a freebie). It wasn't HD but apart from a few minor freezes in the extra time period (leading to bitten nail syndrome), the match was very watchable on my 43" screen. If only I knew about this last night. ????????????????????????????
  11. I just did that and someone on there told me that it's a hungry caterpillar. Strangely enough, I have just finished reading a novel about a hungry caterpillar. Trippy or what?
  12. Works brilliantly, thanks. Site now on speed dial.
  13. ??????????????????????????? ????
  14. I have a friend named Morris, so why not? ????
  15. This is also the same for the taxi driver that you trust and rely on to get you home safely.
  16. Does anyone else think that these punishments are way too harsh. Under this new scheme, I could lose my license for 3 months if I got caught driving against the flow of traffic while being absolutely smashed on alcohol, just 2 times within a 12 month period. If the police started to do their job, I could be in serious trouble. ????
  17. It's really sad and disappointing, that so many have such little understanding of Thai life Yes it is but if you read and try understanding the posts in this thread, you might be able to grasp a better understanding instead of spouting about a situation that you have absolutely no experience of. they spout racism at every opportunity You really do not see the racism displayed by the OP's wife. Have you even read his post?????? Please don't respond as it will derail the thread Way to lose an argument. Please don't bother to respond unless you have something sensible to say.
  18. Except perhaps the reduction in IQ that it causes in teen users who overindulge. per·haps /pərˈ(h)aps/ adverb adverb: perhaps used to express uncertainty or possibility. That's some pretty strong evidence that you have there.
  19. walking away from a situation that can be resolved, is weak But this cannot be resolved. His wife's unrealistic grasp on life, her beliefs and racism is ingrained into her too deeply. The reason for so many supporting posts is that most on here realise that the OP will eventually split from his wife, due to their massive cultural gap and his wife's unreasonable behaviour. This unreasonable behaviour will never change, so the majority of the supporting posters know that the OP can get out before he has to suffer any more humiliation and hate (on a daily basis) from his darling wife. If you find that surprising, I presume that you have never been in the same situation as the OP.
  20. What evidence? You collate a few first timer smokers going to a hospital because they got paranoid with chain smoking, out of control yobbos? In the majority of the rest of the world it is illegal to smoke ganja, so your point on weed smokers going to hospitals is moot anyway. Since 2003 and every year since (apart from the covid break), I have been in the Songkran procession leading to Bang Saen. Our route takes us from Phanat Nikhom to the beach at Bang Saen and every inch of the way is a party. In all those years I have never seen the Thais out of control. Some were drunk but it's a party, so it's expected. In all of those Songkrans, I have never even witnessed an argument, never mind a fight. Don't get me wrong, I have been to parties where Thais have fought but it's usually at a wedding with a family dispute arising or at a works function, where 2 colleges have a previous beef. Could you say the same for your country, could they host a party event with all in water fights, where alcohol is easily available with thousands of people in a very small area, without any major incidents?
  21. I disagree with all of this. Ive seen guys chain smoke joints like they're cigarettes. I have been around Thais for many years & been to many Thai parties and I have never seen Thais chain smoking joints. making a slurpee with THC oil Again, never seen anything remotely like this. I presume it's dependent on the type of people one mixes with. And I thought I came from a country of excess and abuse. The only places in Thailand that I have seen anything like the behavior that you describe has been in tourist areas and the 'abusers' were not Thai.
  22. Have you ever wondered why you never get invited to parties? Maybe there's a reason. Just sayin.
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