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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. I have tried alcohol, beer and chocolate so far. I'm working my way through the alphabet and I haven't gotten to 'E' for exercise yet. Anyone for doughnuts?
  2. Agreed, there is a world of difference between a alcoholic and a pish-head. I was a pish-head for years and apparently quite a legend for my sessions, then 3 years ago I stopped drinking, without so much of a craving or a shake.
  3. Exactly Steven, he posted after 2pm and was sober. That kind of slack-handed behaviour would not have been allowed during my drinking days.
  4. I've always found that coke is great for weight loss. ????
  5. Apparently, the Aus prime minister apologized to the Aboriginal native.
  6. Now your just coming across as ignorant. Nearly every country in the world is forcing their citizens to take experimental vaccines? All of the world's top virologists and scientists have gotten it all so very wrong but you know better? Yeah right.
  7. So what is the basis of the ill informed belief that you trust your life with, while calling people who believe in science 'sheeple'?
  8. Early 80s, Brooke Bks (OAFAAF). When were you there?
  9. but it is something I do beleive. And your qualifications that trump the world's top virologists are what?
  10. One has to admit, these conspiracy theorists do not give up easily, no matter how stupid their soapbox rants are. Tell us more about the Microsoft tracking chips that were included in the vaccines. ????
  11. I have never seen the film, is this the old 'Ewa Woowoo' joke?
  12. Have you just cleaned out the bottom of a budgie cage????????
  13. If we are talking about the biggest mistake ever made, I would have to stick with my earlier Yoko Ono post. If we are talking of personal mistakes, mine would have to be treating my posting to Berlin as one massive 2-year pish-up, instead of exploring and soaking up the history of the place. So much to do and such little time.
  14. Someone telling Yoko Ono that she could sing like an angel.
  15. in 40 years no working at all due to being 99 years old and quite possibly 39 years past my 'best before' date.
  16. I once had a racing snail but when I removed it's shell in an effort to streamline it, it just became sluggish.
  17. Love the fact that the 'senior sergeant major' has illegally whited out his number plate. Yes, I do know that there was a bad batch of number plates, where the letters/numbers faded but the one shown in the picture is obviously spayed over.
  18. According to Douglas Adams, it's 42.
  19. after she made me happy She told you that Steven Seagal was in town???
  20. This is a slap in the face for the LGBQTBIFLJJ2KK community, surely the 'persons with Y chromosomes' wearing shorts are inappropriately dressed for a bikini run?????????????????
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