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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Judging by the local knowledge level that he shows in his posts, about 6 months tops.
  2. Saved an anteater and condemned millions of ants to death. A far cry from every animal has a right to live, isn't it? ????
  3. Good choice, that looks like the shavings I get from my pencil sharpener. Probably smokes as well too.
  4. Serious question for the animal lovers. Bearing in mind that ALL life is precious, have you ever used flea powder on your pet dog? What would you do is your dog was infested with ticks? Also, have you ever given your dog a bone to chew on or is your beloved pet forced into an unnatural vegetarian diet.
  5. That's so strange, I cannot find domestic cattle on WWF endangered species lists and I no longer eat Gorilla.
  6. all have the right to live Except for the Gannets...they wet their nests.
  7. Yes I would, would you mind doing your own research?
  8. I have no problem with this going through the Thai courts, providing 'Tony' attends in person. ????
  9. And just like Duterte's war on drugs, Thaksin's war on drugs 'conveniently' served as a way to get rid of any pesky political opposition. The fact that innocents were also executed during his house cleaning war on drugs didn't matter to him. The same can be said of the Tak Bai Massacre, he showed no remorse. I really cannot believe that people can try justify and support any monster that orders the executions of innocent citizens.
  10. Has anyone tried (or does anyone own) a H2OG water pipe. I'm thinking of getting one. https://shopee.co.th/H2OG-หลอดใส่แกงพะแนงเนื้อ-i.871239353.20551769077?sp_atk=01d29d0b-3aca-4981-acc9-f7d3c7c71f7e&xptdk=01d29d0b-3aca-4981-acc9-f7d3c7c71f7e
  11. Thaksin denied any knowledge of the incident Why is he giving his opinion on something that he knows nothing about then? Should I offer my opinion on Johannes Gutenberg's printing press, a subject that I equally deny any knowledge of?
  12. I live very near to the yellow line and this is nowhere near complete. In fact, it is going so slow, I thought at one stage that they had stopped works on it. I seriously doubt that the yellow line will open this year, maybe they mean December next year.
  13. I really cannot believe that there are posters on here who want the French men jailed and deported, no matter what the evidence shows. the mind-set is because they were not born here, they have no right for a fair trial. For whatever the Frenchmen are genuinely guilty of, I hope that they pay the full price, but only after a fair investigation and trial. I hope that the people that are naive enough to hope otherwise understand that it would set a dangerous precedent to convict people on their race, rather than their guilt. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Socialist . . . . . Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  14. Thinking it left out seafood the landlord called in but go no response so decided to open up. That sorts out the problem of getting the gender right or wrong.
  15. Reminded me of this one:
  16. In line with the current thinking on this board, they should convict them without an investigation and without a fair trial. Hang em high.
  17. OK, after this I will not be answering you any more. It really is pointless explaining anything if you refuse to try to understand. In my honest opinion, you are either under the influence , you are trolling or you have 'understanding' problems, maybe even a mix of all 3. As I have said, there is enough evidence on this thread to refute all of your posted views on this matter, if you are too lazy to read the posts, you will remain ignorant to the facts.
  18. Wrong again. please do some research on this before you look like a complete numpty.
  19. I have done my research and my findings and the reasons being what I believe may have happened are on this thread for all to read. Now where is the proof of our claims. Show me evidence that both Frenchmen were fighting how me proof that they were drunk. Now is the time, put up or shut up.
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