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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. It's about time that they banned this evil drug.
  2. In the busy market town that I live in, motorbikes on the pavement is the norm. We occasionally see one on the road and on the very rare occasion, they may even be going with the flow off traffic. The road would defo be safer than the pavements around here.
  3. Obviously not, otherwise she would be riding this on the footpath, knocking over pedestrians on the way, with four passengers enjoying the latest family outing (Possibly with another 2 packed inside the 'vehicle'), while being totally oblivious of the dangers that she is offering.
  4. Great advice, now if Søren is able to locate a time machine, he could go back and do it right this time.
  5. I really cannot believe that 2 posters were confused by your post. Not enough fingers to work that one out?
  6. Complete with more medal ribbons than Idi Amin and Audie Murphey combined.
  7. I wasn't the one ranting and foaming at the mouth over someone else's post.
  8. The wheelie bin capital of Thailand. 😎
  9. Now whose knickers are in a twist? If you don't like the post, don't vote for it. Simples.
  10. On corruption charges", it was NOT Thaskin who tried to bribe a judge but his lawyer no proof he was under orders from Thaskin Who mentioned Thaksin? Doesn't matter who carried the chocolate box, it was under his orders. On points 2, 3, & 4: How very naive of you. Do you want to buy a bridge? "If all else fails, have a military coup" no evidence of a coup Are you seriously suggesting that this never happened??? I have seen 2 coups in my short time here and as Scouse stated, these were staged when all else failed. "a convicted felon is dabbling in politics from jail." Thaskin is Not in jail You are correct on this, how very pedantic of you. However, we was under arrest (of sorts), while dabbling in politics to such an extent that his actions changed the course of Thai history. I stand by what I said about Scouse's post. If you suffer from post-envy, that's your problem.
  11. Very well thought out and written. One of the best posts that I have seen on here and it hits the nail on the head. You could also have mentioned that the returning criminal in question also ordered a Banana Republic style extra judicial killing (murdering) spree, in order to tighten his grasp on power but I suppose that if you included all, you would still be typing by the time that his great grandson takes his turn at the trough.
  12. Thai politics will never be the same The same as what? I have been here over 2 decades and Thai Politics has never been the same, it changes to suit the needs of the current leaders, coup plotter, de facto boss or whoever's turn it is at the trough.
  13. Why bother even charging him with anything? They'll only pardon him and boost his invincibility.
  14. There are more than just one breed that needs eradicating. Bullies, Rotties, Pit bulls, etc. Rid the earth of these evil beasts and then put down their tattooed F-wit oners.
  15. Have you read the story? It is a foreigner dog owner that they didn't complain about.
  16. You need experts for that, and where do we find them? AseanNow, we are top heavy with 'self-appointed' experts.
  17. In Thai politics, words are easily interchangeable. For example, you could describe a 5 star hotel room inside of a hospital as a prison cell and 'do not interfere in politics' means 'run the country through a proxy'.
  18. Wow, what a rare find. One of his posts that wasn't removed for taking the thread completely off topic. 🤣
  19. Thank you Will. At least someone has enough manners to answer a simple question.
  20. I did a quick Google search for 'Thai drug dealer' and nothing stands out. You are calling someone a drug dealer and I am asking who. Why can't you just answer the question?
  21. So are you going to answer my question or run and hide AGAIN. Is that how you usually talk to veterans, questioning their service while hiding behind a keyboard?
  22. It is British military slang, which is widely used on civvy street as well. In fact, I would say that most educated adult Brits know what a Walt is. Am I a Walt? As an ex member of the British army, who served in 2 theaters of war, I find that question very offensive. Is that how you usually talk to veterans, questioning their service while hiding behind a keyboard? Remind me again, where did you serve Trannie?
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