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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. And where do you live in Thailand? Where are you meeting these Thai people who seem to have a differing view from the Thai people that I work with, meet on a daily basis and live amongst? Are you living in a tourist area?
  2. Nor does his new Golf partner (the Toxic one) but I survived his reign. Hell, I even survived his war on drugs.
  3. Yet you are the one who thinks that the average Thai would be bothered by a closed off smoking area. The majority of Thais do not have a negative view of cannabis, they are either for it or not bothered. Any negativity comes from politicians, the press and a few uneducated farangs on this forum, who all seem to have their own beliefs and agendas. Try talking to the Thai people, the real Thai public and not Noi from Soi 6 or the receptionist at your hotel/guesthouse. And you have still not given me any sensible reasoning behind your 'no smoking/relaxing areas in dispensary' idea(?).
  4. Looking at the pattern on his shirt, I would guess that he has sympathies for the fugitive Red Bull heir.
  5. Nice picture in the O.P. Where is the drug fueled assassin with a GPMG and a full belt of 7.62 when you need him?
  6. In which case, revert to drugs.
  7. and with all that free time, what is a man to do?
  8. Absolutely no sensibility in your reasoning. You are saying that smoking in an isolated designated area would not be acceptable, by who, Luddites and cavemen?
  9. no smoking/relaxing areas in dispensary Why not, do you have any sensible reasoning behind this?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Mayall From the Wiki article: Mayall died at his home in California on 22 July 2024, at the age of 90.
  11. Do you have to bring drugs out where the children are? Of course we do, target them while they are young and you can expand your customer base of ganja injecting (?) hippy junkies.
  12. How about the tourism dollars that it brings in?
  13. What relevance does his occupation make for this story? If he worked in a furniture shop, would have they bothered mentioning that he sold sofas?
  14. Yes, cull those as well. Especially the idiots who who feed Soi dogs and amplify the problem.
  15. My Grandfather on my mothers side was carried onto the Titanic, as a babe in arms. Before the Titanic sailed from Belfast, they had tours on board for the public.
  16. Soi dogs are a nuisance and can be dangerous. It is about time that they were rounded up and culled, that'll sort out the barking problem.
  17. https://aseannow.com/topic/1321910-best-gummies-in-bangkok/page/2/#comment-18904267
  18. "Asian" Yes, what an absolutely terrible slur for an Asian from Asia. trying to bring up 2 children on her own in a strange country. Really, Wales is not too strange, just the locals are a bit weird.
  19. I would love to be able to agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
  20. Religion rarely comes into it Of course it does, try joining the UVF as a Catholic or hanging around Divis Flats while wearing an orange sash. There are criminals who use their membership of these terrorist organisations as a shield and tool for their activities but the fact is that these organisations are set up in the name of religion.
  21. Ask a Northern Irish prod what their nationality is and most would state British.
  22. Mostly criminal thugs and bullies hiding behind religion.
  23. Did you not understand my post? I was answering Jone500's post. I never once stated that McMullan was a Catholic or a member of the IRA.
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