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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Then he would have to change his name to Bob 2-dogs Smith
  2. If I was the owner of that house I would have added lots of sexually related paraphernalia to the picture that was posted online. You know, some horse sized vibrating rubber toys, an industrial sized vat of KY jelly, etc.
  3. You should stamp down on this errant postie. Maybe tell Mrs. Smith and letter deal with it. Please do keep us posted on the outcome.
  4. the overall market value remains extremely promising, he stated. Of course it does, the new constants are death, taxes and smartphones. Markets will rise and fall but smartphones will not fall out of fashion, there's always someone who wants needs the latest model.
  5. My visits are free, through the Thai welfare system.
  6. Agreed, I have never had to wait for more than an hour whenever I have been to Thai government hospitals using the Thai version of the NHS (Thai welfare system). Always had good service as well.
  7. There was no facelift for the Ford Ranger in 2006, the 2006 (to 2012) Ford ranger was a new model. The vehicle that you have is the 1999 to 2006 model, it may be a facelift version but not from 2006.
  8. Yes, England is a declining country I left the UK 29 years ago and it was a very different place back then. If I go back to visit, by the end of my short trip, I am near enough Micheal Douglas in 'Falling Down'. I would never be able to live there again.
  9. I am reminded of the time the Philippine dictator did something similar Already happened here under the Toxic one but it was re-branded from 'thinning out the competition' to 'war on drugs'.
  10. From the linked story: police netted tangible assets linked to the illicit trade. Nine cars, 16 motorcycles, and 52 firearms, along with 359 other objects of significant value were confiscated, rounding up to an estimated worth of around 6,233,695 Thai baht in total. That's seems to be a rather low total for the amount of goods seized.
  11. Wow, you got all this from reading her tea leaves? ????
  12. Serious question, why were you looking for San Mig Zero, why not San Mig regular?
  13. but I see NO reason to call this "racism" Of course it's racism. There is no way on God's Earth that this girl would have carried out her actions if the Teacher was Thai, not a chance.
  14. Show me where i said that you were whinging. I merely gave a fictitious scenario as an example to irony, no one was named. Now this thread is not just about you. Please try to stay on topic.
  15. It's not quite the gotcha you think it is. No gotcha involved, it's called irony. I'm sure that you know what irony is, sort of like whining that a post is taking a thread of topic and then taking the thread even further off topic by steering the thread towards the post that you are whinging about.
  16. Feel free to apologize after checking out these links: https://www.amazon.com/There-More-Genders-Shirt-Women/dp/B07MN5C2PD/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1VA45JB8SOIC6&keywords=two+genders&qid=1689669473&sprefix=two+genders%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-7 https://www.amazon.com/There-Genders-Symbols-Rainbow-T-Shirt/dp/B083R4L7LX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1VA45JB8SOIC6&keywords=two+genders&qid=1689669473&sprefix=two+genders%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-2 https://www.amazon.com/There-More-than-Genders-Shirt/dp/B07D5QTMXP/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1VA45JB8SOIC6&keywords=two+genders&qid=1689669473&sprefix=two+genders%2Caps%2C353&sr=8-10
  17. Lighten up a bit. It was an item for sale on Amazon, is that too difficult for you to understand?. Do you think that Amazon purposely made a joke of their own listing.
  18. Does your phone not have Apple's 'health' app pre-installed? This has a step counter on it.
  19. obviously to cash in on the popularity of tulips. No cashing in involved. It was given the name Siam Tulip by foreign tourists in the 1960s. https://sdgs.cmu.ac.th/en/ArticleDetail/6d2c2adf-df4b-4aab-972c-c5534bde56e3
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