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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Try doing some research, you might learn something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premiership_of_Thaksin_Shinawatra
  2. Aaah, I note that there are a few posters who are confused with my post. Newcomers or just ignorant to the facts?
  3. but Thaksin is the first leader to do something for poor people Yes, if they opposed him, he had them shot under his guise of a war on drugs.
  4. Great story but you forgot to tell us what you want to be when you grow up.
  5. As a life long conservative, I really love this woman.
  6. Men can get yeast infections too Is this why my bread won't rise???
  7. Not according to the latest report from Thaiger. Witnesses reported that the victim lay motionless for several minutes before being taken to intensive care, where he remains in critical condition.
  8. but if she gave him head An innocent woman has been sexually harassed and you think that it's ok to not just make a joke of it but also suggest that she was a willing participant in a sex act. What a nasty pieced of work you are.
  9. But you wouldn't be a foreigner. You would be Thai, with a Thai ID card. You are absolutely correct here, you would definitely be Thai, So you can just merge into their society, unnoticed. Very much in the same as American citizens, who happened to be the descendants of black slaves were able to easily merge into white America in places like Mississippi and Alabama in the 1960s.
  10. makes many of them narcissistic and socially isolated. Unfortunately, these traits are not confined just to the child members of the faceAche club. 😕
  11. Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
  12. The Thai Durian Association should sue them for defamation.
  13. Which Side Will Thailand Choose? Judging by the amount of Man City fans who have suddenly appeared since around 2008, I would say Thailand will choose whoever is winning.
  14. Not a chance. In the Toxic one's plan, Srettha is just keeping his seat warm for him. It's only a matter of time before this evil dictator is back to emptying Thailand's coffers again. The only reason that he allowed Yingluck sit on his throne was because he was on the run. Yingluck was his proxy, so he could run the country from Dubai.
  15. Koh Samui’s new cruise terminal project anchors big investors
  16. He does occasionally post and moderate on another Thai forum.
  17. With a dictator-style uniform and a chest full of medals, one could easily be mistaken for a Thai School teacher.
  18. this shocking incident which occurred in a Bangkok home on the 13th of August. Following the incident, an arrest warrant was swiftly issued on February 16 Wow, they don't hang about at the SSD.
  19. Where does it say that he served 51 years ago? Where does it mention that he was in a war? Do you even understand what veteran means? Instead of trying to be a smart-arse, you should be thanking him for his service.
  20. Get on the Bedford, get off the Bedford. 😯
  21. No mention of the wife reporting her husband missing for the six (?) days that the body lying in a field.
  22. Thailand has 16 public holidays per year but as with many Asian countries most companies work a six day week.
  23. Wow, you really do have a problem understanding things, don't you? they're picking on foreigners, Where in my post do I suggest that anyone was picking on foreigners? racism Where is the implication of racism in my post? all you do is complain about things that are out of your hands Where did I even make a complaint? Why do you people even come here What do you mean 'you people'? Are you branding me (and my people) because I am an ethnic minority? Is it because I is white? TIT, ever hear that? Yes I have and yes you are one.
  24. I don't know why I bother asking for help on this forum And I don't know why you bother asking for help if all you are going to do is ignore the advice given and then rudely berate posters for trying to help you.
  25. After your long detailed explanation, I am confused at your post Both the IO and the Phuket Volunteer group have correctly informed you that your extension does not automatically extend your 90 day report, yet you refuse to accept their advice. As you made your last report online, you will receive an e-mail a couple of weeks before the next report date, telling you that the report is due.
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