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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. At last, one that I know the answer to. I don't have 40 Million Thai Baht to invest in Thailand [ x ].
  2. I would be willing to be a test pilot on this scheme, if someone could please front the million quid.
  3. In fact, I am all for old men who stupidly trust their teeraks who are bleeding them dry. It keeps the gold diggers away from my sons.
  4. Sorry, not meaning to pick on your posts but there is a massive difference between giving absolute trust too easily and giving absolute trust to someone who has earned it. Real trust HAS to be earned otherwise it is not trust but is in fact a pipe dream.
  5. Sorry but if you are an elderly man who has fallen head over heels with what is basically a child, then you deserve to be picked off. ???? Sort of like a 'Darwin Award' but without the dying part.
  6. Maybe, but I did say 'trust absolute' While that is no guarantee that your money is safe, I would rather risk my arm with a few million Baht to someone that I do trust absolute, rather than 40 million to an unstable and untrustworthy (allegedly) military government, who may not even be in the country by the time the three years is up.
  7. Anutin denies benefiting from decriminalization of hemp and marijuana If he is not benefiting from it already, he should be. He worked very hard to get the decriminalization through and the end result is probably better than most ever hoped for or believed would happen. Well done Anutin, you deserve your own little bit of corruption extra income. Arise Sir Anutin, your incompetence ensured that this bill stumbled and bumbled through, right up to the point where you lost control of your baby. From a very satisfied toker. ????
  8. Proposal would allow foreigners in Thailand to own 1 rai of land Or just marry a Thai lady that you want to spend the rest of your life with and who you trust absolute.
  9. This shop are still selling on Shopee (at the time of posting this). https://shopee.co.th/loongmy_sweedfarm420?categoryId=100636&itemId=18922293317
  10. Babies is not a swear word, just a hindrance.
  11. Then please feel free to add something to the thread and make your recommendation for weed under Baht 350 per gram.
  12. Surely the easy way to know is to count the ribs.
  13. The most important part is that there is no fruit content on that pizza. ???? Pineapple on pizza is a crime.
  14. cannot see any numbers on it . I thought that I saw the number eleven, then I realized that the 'turtle' might just have a runny nose.
  15. I had a safe source with minimal risk. Same with me, my 'very' safe supplier brick weed suited my 'lust for freedom' lifestyle.
  16. My main problem with these disturbances is the 'so called' expert doesn't offer anything to the thread, only disruption. The O/P asked a good question and other posters took time out of their lives to offer their experiences and thoughts on the matter, only for a troll to come on here and slate them off for trying to help. Sorry that I have to use the word 'troll' here but I cannot think of another name for someone who goes onto a thread that is running smoothly with the only intention of disrupting/wrecking the thread.
  17. As BMT mentioned, seedlings are now being sold all over. The seedlings being sold locally are better suited to the Thai climates than the cross-bred exotics that you name. If you advise us of your location (if you are currently in Thailand) or where your Thai family are, someone on the board might be able to advise you of where seedlings are available to you.
  18. Again, you are talking trash. When did you try this weed? Tell us of your experience with this weed. If you haven't tried it then you have no clue. You cannot review a product that you haven't tried. Just another self-appointed export crawling out of the woodwork with no substance or experience and definitely nothing useful to add to the thread.
  19. I think that you need to learn English or or when to shut up when you don't know what you are talking about.
  20. might have to consider a bong A gravity bong works fine in emergency situations and is very quick/easy to make.
  21. The reason for the confusion (3 baht per G) is because you are quoting the prices in kg and not g. ????
  22. A Thai view on decriminalization. Mods, if I'm breaking any rules, please delete thread and chastise me so badly that I don't make the same mistake again.
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