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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. @Wuvu2 Hey, I don't mind sharing the spoils. However, ground rule # 1:
  2. Hey, hey, hey, back of the line. ???? Hi BritManToo, how are you keeping on this fine morning my old friend from time? Do you want a glass of homemade lemonade, can I get you a pillow, so that you can rest your sweet drug addled head? ????
  3. Following the way that the whole cannabis issue has been dealt with so far, I would guess that the answer would be dependent on which politician you ask or which newspaper/news report you read.
  4. So you have absolutely no idea about what had happened to the mother nor do you know of the situation that she is currently going through, so you make up your own version of what you believe might have happened, while vilifying the mother without just cause. Hope that you feel safe and secure in your ivory tower tonight. Shame on you.
  5. Your choice, your loss. Neither the airlines nor Thailand will miss you. As I've already suggested, you are cutting you nose off to spite your face.
  6. I think that medit8 was agreeing with your post but suggesting that it needed to be dumbed down, so that the posters that you are trying to explain your point to can understand it.
  7. we have been wearing masks for over 2 years now and you still don't understand the reason for wearing them, even though this has been stated over and again.
  8. Please read the Cannabis threads. THC of 20% to 30% is easily available here. The 0.2% is for extracts only and the cannabis flowers are not currently classed as extracts.
  9. Wearing a mask has nothing to do with preventing you from catching Covid, the idea is to stop you from spreading it if you already have it. This has been the reason from the start.
  10. I gave a lot of thought to my comment Obviously not enough, as usual otherwise you might have understood what was quite a straight-forward post...
  11. Aaaah, so as usual you think that you know than the majority of the world's top renowned scientists in infectious diseases.
  12. How was this a spin? I answered a remark to fully explain a my original post (for the hard of understanding) and you see this as a spin? What a shame that you didn't understand that. Once again, you are posting before thinking, which seems to be a common trait of yours.
  13. From what I have read, Which science paper was this, care to share the source? It seems that the aviation industry are also not aware of this study, maybe it's a secret, or made up.
  14. Not for me, I don't eat German food. ????
  15. I once shot myself in the foot with a gat gun (air pellets) and it was nothing like what you are describing. If anything, I needed the chair to sit down afterwards, I did not feel the need to block off anyone's parking access.
  16. And for how long did you try walking in her shoes?
  17. I still wear mine in the shower. Still it's my choice and I don't understand why people get offended by me wearing a mask. I suppose that the world does need Karens and Kevins to interfere with our personal choices and private lives.
  18. I'm not calling people who disagree with me 'nutjobs'. I'm calling idiots who think that their boycott will make any difference to the companies that they are boycotting 'nutjobs. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. ????
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