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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. No, I am not! I have just shown you that you are wrong. Please, this should not be too difficult to understand, the writing is not joined up, put down your bottle and re-read my post. as for: not choosing alcohol. Where did I say that? Again, not reading my post, I said 'if'.
  2. That's a lot of pointing. 'Piles' of them it would seem.
  3. And another reason to avoid shopping there. I don't believe that the CP Group will survive the loss of your patronage.
  4. The only thing I am stating is that there is less studies on one then another And again, you are very wrong. More studies have been made using marijuana than alcohol. In fact, the cannabis plant has been used extensively for research in universities worldwide, due to the plats fast growth and how quickly it can repair itself. That is without all of the medical studies for the uses of marijuana as a medicine and the effects that it has on the body. Cannabis was decriminalized in Thailand on 9th June, you are aware that this plant is not new and has been around and used for thousands of years before the discovery of alcohol. If you are trying to present facts, you cannot make them up as you go along. Do some research before you open your mouth and it might stop you feet from slipping inside. Only because one DRUG is less harmful than another it is ok to promote that one? No one is on here to promote cannabis. What is being said is that cannabis is the safer and better choice. If your chosen drug is alcohol, please feel free to enjoy it but do not come on here trying to push your beliefs onto others, just because their choices do not suit you. Also, if you insist on going to war with people, it is better to do it while you are sober and armed with some 'real' facts.
  5. There are many reports debunking your conspiracy theory but this thread is not about that, is it? As you seem to have enough time to scour through these reports to find the one that matched your agenda, then I suggest you already know that. As I have already said, pathetic. Now, jog on.
  6. OK, it has been proved that masks work and were very effective in keeping the deaths/infections down. We have now reached a level where it is seen as becoming safer to go unmasked. This is what the story is about and not an excuse to spread false information. Could the conspiracy theorists take there trash to another platform, please?
  7. Wrong, masks save lives. If you want to really find out the truth, look at the studies on the subject that have been carried out by recognizable and accepted academies. Trying to use this forum as a platform for your conspiracy theories will not work. Most members on this board can see right through a fake report and graph.
  8. Twisting the figures to match your mandate? The masks were introduced because of a spike and was not the cause of the spike. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.
  9. I am 100% sure alcohol has many adverse effects including physical addiction and heaps of body/brain damage and I am backed up by every scientific study that has ever been made about the effects of alcohol. You are misinformed and living in denial. Ignorance is bliss, eh?
  10. The demon drink, again and again. If only we could find some form of herb to smoke, which would chill us out.
  11. btw if anybody knows where to get Cepacol Original lozenges Available on Shopee: https://shopee.co.th/????-CEPACOL-????-ยาอมแก้ไอ-(แบบซอง)-รสน้ำผึ้งผสมมะนาว-รสส้ม-ลดเจ็บคอ-คอแห้ง-ไอแห้ง-ชุ่มคอ--i.16681569.10513032102?sp_atk=87764886-a40b-4164-b3c2-0d29f05af583&xptdk=87764886-a40b-4164-b3c2-0d29f05af583
  12. Gang Related, James Belushi & Tupac Shakur. Tupac's last film. First saw it a couple of years ago. Great gritty film with many twist & turns. Worth hitting the bong and wasting a Sunday afternoon for.
  13. Yes they can, of course they can. Any business has the right to refuse admission/service on their own property. the dropping of the mask mandate applies to public areas not private areas. Who you allow on your property is up to you and not the law or the person wanting entry. Why do you think that the Police have to get a warrant to enter a private property without permission.
  14. So no real excuse then, just being a Kevin?
  15. Eeeerm, that's because up until now the mask mandate has been in force. 7-11 staff would have been told that no one was allowed to enter without a mask on. They were just doing there jobs. Anyone who attempts to enter a 7-11 without a mask on, knowing that this will cause a problem, is just a Assh@le for making the jobs of the lowly paid and overworked staff just that little bit harder. In fact, please tell us why you attempted to enter a 7-11 without a mask on, despite knowing that it was not allowed.
  16. I don't see this making much of a difference where I am (Samutprakarn). As we are in an industrial area, locals were wearing masks long before Covid. Also, wearing a mask here seems to be seen as a sign of respect to everyone around you. I can go years (literally) without seeing another westerner in this area, so there will be no outside influences. I think that it is obvious that masks will be ditched (in the main) in tourist areas but it will be interesting to see how this goes down here. It will also be interesting to see how Bangkok reacts, with a mix of tourists and full time residents. I will probably carry on wearing a mask when in the company of other mask wearers, just to be polite.
  17. The story is about Thaksin trying to mess with Thai politics. It is not about politics, it is about one man sticking his nose in where it does not belong. You are the one who is trying to hi-jack the thread and turn it into a thread about your hero. Take your rubbish elsewhere, it is not wanted on here. B.T.W., educated is being able to make your own mind up, not what your Thai G/F tells you that you should believe. ????
  18. Go easy on him, his brain was pickled by alcohol so long ago that he has trouble understanding research and the facts that it brings. It's much easier to down another shot of Lao Khao for breakfast than to have to think about 'things'. Other posters have tried to help this chap by showing him research but it's all a bit much for him, some of the words in the research have more than 2 syllables.
  19. He spoke of how he took a cheaply available ganja product in a capsule When did this happen, where and when did he take a ganja product. If it was in Thailand then the ganja was not legal back then, so he must have taken illegal drugs. In order to justify his war on drugs, he should take himself outside and shoot himself. In fact, drugs or no drugs, he should still take himself outside and shoot himself, do the Thais a favour. Also, who was making ganja products that were taken in capsules back then? Surely, the Square Headed one cannot be telling porkies?
  20. ate my 'Cheeselicious' Now I have to find somewhere in the house she can't jump or climb The stew pot? ????
  21. I use Party Bong (as recommended by Starky) and HighSoStore. My most recent purchase was from HighSoStore and the equipment arrived the next day. Web site for HighSoStore https://highsostore.com/en/
  22. If a teen decided that he was going to try Cannabis, what barrier does a banner offer. The said student already knows that it is wrong, he doesn't need an ineffective warning to remind him, his mind is already made up. Back in my schooldays smoking cigarettes was still trendy & cool, so we used to get into trouble for sneaking a crafty drag around the back of the bike sheds, we were constantly told that it was wrong and forbidden, didn't make no difference to us. No signs needed, just common sense.
  23. And have you noticed that these cowards won't do anything remotely dangerous otherwise we would currently be hiding from Crocodile Pox.
  24. Are the tourist going to start bumming the macaques ? There's nowt wrong with a bit of monkey business.
  25. And should I stay away from all C.P. shops if I have chicken pox?
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