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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. At least the macaques in the picture understand the concept of social distancing.
  2. then understood the driver was drunk and was fleeing the scene of an accident. the driver responsible who was a drinker who didn't flee the scene Oh, yes he did. Oh, no he didn't What a confusing mess of a story.
  3. During the early days of being able to openly buy cannabis, relationships between seller & buyer will be cemented. I will remain loyal to the dealers that gave me a decent deals, when other dealers were looking at making money off their potential customer database without any thoughts of building long term relationships. These prices are not long term prices and most posters on this board already know where to buy quality bud at a decent price.
  4. the sale of cannabis to minors under the age of 20, breastfeeding women, and pregnant women must be granted permission For what reason (even with permission) would it suddenly become OK to sell Cannabis to members of this group. I understand that now weed is legal, we need to protect anyone who would be at/cause risk by using. The law that it cannot be sold minors under the age of 20, breastfeeding women, and pregnant women is one of the better laws, it does not need tweeking. Your proposed exception clause to the law makes no sense. All I see here is Mr. Panthep getting worried that he hadn't had his15 minutes of fame for the day, so he had to release some news, any news. What a waste of time.
  5. Firstly, I would like to state that I have no political sides, I hate all politicians equally. 'I believe' that they are all corrupt to the core, every last one of them, worldwide. However, saying that I would like to say a massive thank you to Anutin. You delivered near enough the promise that you made, with just some of the legal terms termed differently. Yes it was a bumbled affair from the beginning and the end result only came to be by accident and to some extent by the Thai people taking the matter into their own hands. However, we got there, the end result is the right one. Thank you Anutin, my new nomination for the moderator of the cannabis sub-forum. Come on, that's a train wreck that we would all like to watch. ???? I am now able to buy and bud of decent quality. I can even buy on Shopee. Thank you again Sir Anutin and thank you thrice my liege. You have made an old man very high happy. Also, thank you for not introducing any new food by-laws because despite what my wife thinks, a tub of Ben & Jerry's for breakfast on a Sunday morning, after a really great bowl of Afghan Kush should remain legal.
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  6. Yes, it would appear that if they sell out of strain, that product just disappears, rather than showing 'out of stock'. Courtesy of my border history, the shops shop page is https://shopee.co.th/namnueashop
  7. OK, package arrived and tested. Nice chillax, will 5 star them and order again.
  8. Probably died from passive smoking of somebody else's joint. Can someone actually die from passi........................... oh wait, I see what you did there ????
  9. I can't vouch for their quality but this is an article of a cannabis shop in Hua Hin that was previously posted on Asean Now. https://aseannow.com/topic/1262882-cannabis-pop-up-store-in-hua-hin-proves-a-hit-with-foreigners/
  10. It's definitely for weed, it even shows the THC levels. There are 4 different strains available, the one I have coming is for Afghan Kush. Whether it's any good, I will find out tonight. It needs to be at a level where I can magically fully understand Donovan (the man & his songs) to get a pass rating.
  11. It already is, I have some arriving today. https://shopee.co.th/ดอกเก๊กฮวย-ดอกOG-แม่ค่าย-สายพันธุ์ต่างประเทศ-i.57781044.20211103017
  12. Talking of The Pizza Company, has anyone else noted that they now have exactly 420 branches in Thailand? https://thairesidents.com/around-town/the-pizza-company-launches-the-king-of-delivery-campaign-leveraging-thailands-largest-network-of-420-branches-to-guarantee-30-minutes-delivery/ It might turn out to be nothing but it's always best to be aware of these matters.
  13. And they are near enough saying it is fully ok to smoke in private, the situation is totally out of control with full strength cannabis being openly sold and I'm as stoned A.F. as I'm writing this. What a great side show this has become. Now, where did I leave my Pizza?
  14. The deaths were deemed cannibas related because on autopsy, no other cause could be determined. So you are posting material to contradict what you were saying. ???? Why not post the official report, which is linked in the article where you cut & copied that from?
  15. If this is a symptom, I definitely am O.C.D.C. ????
  16. Apparently it's completely invisible to trolls.
  17. Moderators, can we please get rid of these backward puritan trolls. I understand that simple things please simple minds but it becomes tedious when these childish trolls insist on butting in while the adults are trying to have an adult conversation. Their only goal is de-rail the threads, please get rid of them.
  18. And rightfully so. Serves them right for allowing themselves to get in that state in the first place. Damn hussies.
  19. So absolutely nothing to do with the combination a a loose woman, a restricted drug that reacts badly to alcohol and the alcohol as a catalyst then? Glad that we cleared that up and blamed it all on the evil weed.
  20. Serious question, am I doing this wrong?
  21. In other news: A Buriram train driver had a shock today when his wife put the wrong chocolate brownie in his lunch box.
  22. He is just annoyed that someone, somewhere is happy.
  23. I hope that the Thai public are wise enough to see through the propaganda that the (not so pure) purists are spewing out.
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