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  1. Mainstream Media scare tactics; remember, MSNBC derived from Microsoft and NBC, and here's MSN continuing the tradition. The left has nothing left. Sure, SS could crash for a million reasons, but it's more probable that it'll be due to exponentially escalating debt, stock market crashing, lack of funds, etc. You'll worry yourself to death if you keep reading this tripe. Or is that your plan B because the big financial reset will most likely occur during your, and my, remaining lifetime. DOGE is cutting fast and deep, which is required at this late point being 36T in debt, and I'm all in that they're trying, but I don't have much faith that real spending, by either party, will be curtailed.
  2. I have a MN area code. I retired from there and moved to SD before I moved to Thailand in 2020. Never have an issue with 2FA for 2 US banks; Wells Fargo and Ally, or any internet application, ie Wize, Google, Hotmail, SSA, etc. 2FA requests. I do keep my US address updated across the board as I've had to change it a couple of times due to family events. Good luck in your quest.
  3. Also, upon your return, it helps to mention that you have a reentry stamp so the immigration officer notices it. At least I was thanked for mentioning it the last time I reentered.
  4. I agree on the 7/11 Chicken Caesar Salad. The dressing tastes like Caesar, ie no Thai sweetness. As far as the lack of chicken breast, I always buy an individually-packaged cooked breast, like this: (or 2), heat each in microwave for 40 seconds, dice, and add to the Caesar. Good for protein. I've tried the similar packaged breast, ie the chili, or lemon flavor but it's a bit off for me. Of course, if you're on a budget, adding extra chicken at around 50฿ each might put you off.
  5. Update: I just wanted to update the info regarding using the phone app for Swift transfers. So, I had them scan my face as I mentioned in a previous post. I think they just took a photo; why, I don't know. Anyway, phone app says I can transfer ฿200k. I tried it earlier this week for ฿100k. App brought up an oblong circle with me, from my phone camera, in the center. Tried a couple times, too dark, blah, blah, call 1333 or something like that. Instead of calling, I reduced the amount to 49k, and was successful in sending the Swift transaction. (It doesn't do the face scan under ฿50k) Waited a day to see if it showed up in Wells Fargo, and there it was pending. The next day sent ฿49.5k more, no problem. Leaving about ฿80k in Thailand although not sure if I'll ever return. I might try another transfer using my Thai phone from within the US. If that works, I might grab some of it, and transfer the remaining to a few 'friends' in Thailand. If it doesn't work, Bangkok Bank will be happy one day I suppose. 1 week to go. 😭
  6. Menu looks good! Will have to get myself a poboy and some gumbo.
  7. But I don't know if they even looked at that, or know that the Wise Foreign deposits came from America, let alone, from my personal account. (I made many large transfers to a Thai account before. Don't ask, 555.) You should be able to go into any K bank and ask where your branch is.
  8. Funds showed up this morning. Show Pending, but Wells Fargo puts "sure things", like pending Social Security payments into your available account balance. That was quick, and relatively easy.
  9. I guess we'll know in a couple days. Of course, BB would have the 5yo records of my 2 Wise transfers to fund the account, don't know if they looked at that.
  10. No documents. I just provided the routing codes and reason for transfer as "repatriation of funds". She had a long form I partially filled out with names and addresses, routing, account, etc. Signed a small form as both sender and receiver, but that was it.
  11. My BB phone app gives me the option, scroll over to other services, then down, to send up to ฿200k per day in the Swift transfer option. Haven't tried it yet though. I'm on a retirement visa.
  12. So, to update this thread, here's what transpired: Went to Buakhao location. First in line for the desk clerk. (I like this location because they seem to speak English better than my experience at Klang, but it's been 5 years) Anyway she tells me to go to a counter clerk to close/transfer, but then realizes it's the Klang location so I must go there. I scooter over to Klang, and indeed, as @treetops posted, it's still open. Busier than the Buakhao location, I get a ticket for one of the desk ladies as I also want the face scan done. Long wait... Then she tells me, in better English than 5 years ago, that I need to go to the counter, but she can do the face scan. Her camera doesn't work, so we interrupt the 2nd desk clerk to take my picture. I don't know if this is what I'm looking for, ie the scan required to xfer more than ฿50k from my phone, but whatever. (Other falangs were getting their personal phone cameras zoomed in and out on their faces, but I just got a pc camera pointed at me, so not sure.) I go to the counter, where she closes my account and transfers, hopefully, my 800k to the US. Says it'll take a couple days, so here's hoping. I mention the English speaking, not to be an ass, but because it's truly appreciated. I'm in their country after all. Still have 300k in BB savings that I have to move, share, party with, or whatever. I'll update the thread one last time once the money hits my US account.
  13. I figured as much. Do they have kaprow (holy basil) in Denver? It was scarce in Minneapolis when I lived there. Probably the only dish I'd cook, maybe Khanna too. My nephew lives in a Denver suburb, so could get it from him as he visits often, or go myself since I'm retired with no reason not to go. 90%, if not more, of the Thai ladies I've met like only Thai food with an occasional Falang offering. Maybe have to return to Mexican food, for my spicy cravings.
  14. I had read, on BB site, that I could use mobile banking to transfer up to 2m. So I'll just head to the Soi Buakhao branch next week and see if they'll close the FCD account, and move my funds into savings. I'll also ask about the "photo/face scan requirement", or whatever the past issue was, I read about but never needed, with transferring >50k. Hopefully they won't refer me to another branch. I'm on a retirement extension, if anyone couldn't figure that out based on the 800k amount. I don't read anything in the online transfer page regarding WP requirement.
  15. I have read that repatriating is commonly used as a Swift reason for transfer. I also have all the codes, addresses, etc. Also I've read of others using Swift from here. Even though I'm keeping a savings account here, I don't intend to ever send that money back. I really don't want to sign up for another service, such as Dee Money, that I'll never use again.
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