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Everything posted by frantick

  1. Already taxed, ie avg Canadian government pension $727, American $1666. As I said, about 50%.
  2. But... "...American men found to have the lowest rate of prostate cancer-related deaths among the 11 countries included." This old man's future, primary related concern. Sorry, all you "Commonwealthers", I'll stick to the p4p model. At this point in my life, I don't want them taking 50% of my Social Security for Healthcare.
  3. My friend here is always saying this thing is S word, that place is S word, and I'm a C word. He's the funniest friend I've got. The world needs to get over themselves. I guess we come from another time/experience. Not to worry, we'll be outta here in the next 20 years or so.
  4. Concentrate on the good events in your day, not the bad. You'll have a more peaceful, happy life.
  5. There's always Medicare assisted living. Sure, they'll take all your SS, but they'll leave you $60 to play with every month. I know because my mother is in one. Trust me, if the blue run cities, which have the most homeless as well as the most capital can't solve the issue, no one can, right? $837,000 to house one homeless person; corruption much? Nuts. I'd recommend roomies, or family, like the Europeans do, but I'm sure the next excuse would be "has no family and can't make friends". Always excuses for some people instead of looking for solutions. If I get that desperate, I'll just stop eating and end my time on this earth. We're all lucky to have lived, albeit temporarily.
  6. I believe yes, as it was rare for a company to contribute post-tax dollars into the plan. Mine is.
  7. Funny how a year ago, everyone virtued "wear a mask to protect others". Then everyone caught covid anyway. Now it's "wearing a mask protects the wearer". Obviously the virtue signaling was bogus, and they were truly only worried about themselves the whole time. I suppose they'd be great candidates for the Mars mission willing to be space-suited up until their demise. First it's masks. Then it's jabs. Then it's stay home. Then it's quarantine. Then it's... Enjoy the maskless freedom while you can. I know I will.
  8. Love Whiter Shade of Pale. Get goosebumps everytime I hear it. BUT, it's an organ, no lead guitar and minimal background rhythm guitar. So why would that be listed here; oh I guess Eminem is here so let the thread detour begin. Joe Satriani for me, for his "love" songs (You're my World, Always with Me Always with You, Meaning of Love, Rubina, etc.), song writing (I like instrumental music growing up in school band classes), and just because he's a good guy. Oh, and Flying in a Blue Dream just for it's mastery of the Lydian mode.
  9. Obviously not Scottish. You don't use the word "were" everytime it should be "was". Maybe an old English thing; dunno. I "were" happy to read your post.
  10. Sorry, thought Janis was a man back then, still do. Although I do appreciate female singers/musicians; at least we'd have one thing in common other than sex.
  11. Should've found a brain surgeon, much smarter probably. ????
  12. Best sandwich? Muffaletta What's one thing you own that you really should throw out? Worn out clothes What is the scariest animal? Human Apples or oranges? Apples Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? Didn't ask, but Joe Satriani meet and greet What do you think happens when we die? The same thing that happens before you're born. Favorite action movie? The Fifth Element Airplane: window or aisle? Window Favorite smell? Women Least favorite smell? Acetylene breath Exercise: worth it? Everybody dies anyway so probably no Flat or sparkling? Sparkling water, flat wine Most used app on your phone? Chrome You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? Bohemian Rhapsody What number am I thinking of? The number of suckers you persuaded to answer these questions Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? Live free, die smiling always
  13. Agreed. Almost always see USD go down slightly on Fridays. My theory is the market doesn't want to be caught out if something "big" happens over the weekend while trading is paused.
  14. That's just it, probably never. Why, because all or most of its holdings are entertainment enterprises. But, the fringe lefts idolizing of all things Hollywood, and yearning to be adored (accepted) as their idols are has blinded them to what a huge corporation Disney has become. Where's the outcry for Disney to pay their fair share? No need to continue their tax break special status after all these years.
  15. Any judge that can pen a 59 page opinion, in my opinion, is qualified. I'm fairly certain nobody on this forum read it all.
  16. The elephant in the room, is my fear that the moment NATO (ie USA) gets drawn into this war, China will move on Taiwan. I have a simple solution for that. The US can preempt the strike by stating its intent to destroy All chip factories on the island. Taiwan is useless to the Chinese without those factories. I say let the world build back and see who wins round two of the chip wars. Of course, big US corporations would never allow that option, and they do control the government.
  17. "Unbelievable garbage" is not deflection? OK. Bye. I've stated my opinion. I'll exit your thread.
  18. Ukraine has been at war for many years now. Against many of its own citizens. It's also one of the most corrupt European nations. Not a bastion of peaceful, democracies. Also, the West's history of trying to create democracies has not gone well. My argument is only to reduce casualties from the current situation. Pulling in the West will surely not produce this result, and it doesn't take a 5 star General to deduce that. If Russia stops at Ukraine, it's just one more land mass that has a shi..y government like so many others; some democracies included. If Russia doesn't stop at Ukraine, then we have no choice, I suppose. This would be the worst outcome for everyone.
  19. If you find my replies garbage, I'm an easy block away. Free speech and all... I mean why even have discussion forums where everybody agrees with each other? Who would need that much validation? Oh, I think I know.
  20. Mary? Another disgruntled Catholic? The left have been scapegoating minorities for decades for political gain, and where has that gotten them? They're doing it as we speak at the US southern border. They're using you too, and your issues, and you don't even know.
  21. Because Msnbc, The New York Times, and CNN told you. OK. You do know that all these liberal media outlets are pro war, right? Nothing sells like a good ole war.
  22. You have a problem with Jews? Your flailing comparisons to them aren't equivalent. As far as free speech, I lean right, but I'm nearly 99% sure that most of my posts have been flagged by a lefty. How do I know this? Because people on the right learn early on that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me". Who's not for free speech? I know this is a private forum, and I must follow their rules, but the facts regarding which side is limiting free speech, and opinion, remain.
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