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Everything posted by frantick

  1. From what I saw this past year, unless you're a very popular bar with the expats, the only way you'll survive is if you save ALL profits from high season and use them during low season. Like the west retail market that makes all its money over the holidays. I don't know if many have that willpower, but there are a lot of bars still standing. Then again, some are Thai owned and don't have to pay rent, and some beer bars have fairly low rents. I'm thinking some closures/sales are coming before next high season. But I'm only an observer, no facts to back this up. Just a gut feeling that global monetary issues will drastically reduce air travel.
  2. As you do not have children together, I would not register the marriage to add her to your pensions. Make sure she knows that when you die, the money stops. Of course, this is no way I'd want to live. I'd bolt.
  3. Paparazzi on Soi Honey is for sale. 2.1m ready to go. I don't think any owner is going to pop in here and give you numbers for gross and net. Nor do I think their friends know those numbers exactly.
  4. It's a well known problem, and the reason almost 50% of people use captions even in their own language. I just read that Amazon is actually implementing a 'fix' for this soon in a lot of their content. Yes, you can turn it up, but then your condo neighbors start banging on the walls. Wireless ear buds are another option. ????
  5. Mt. Rushmore hundreds of times because I grew up 20 miles from there. Crazy Horse. Will be majestic if it ever gets finished. For some reason I always think, looking at it, that the man vs horse head proportion is not right so it'll never get completed. Drove by the Corn Palace in Mitchell, to Taco John's, but never went in. Niagara Falls on 9/11. Interesting trip driving through PA as the plane was crashing, catching news highlights at the stops along the turnpike. Fisherman's Wharf, enjoyed many times prior to the city's downfall. Redwood forest, amazing. Burney Falls, scuba diving. Grand Canyon, only from 30,000 ft. Hoover Dam. Various other sites.
  6. Go into connection settings on your phone. Open the Hotspot, give a name and password. Connect using wifi on the laptop.
  7. Along the same vein, is there a way to ignore a forum, ie when viewing all unread activity I'd like new posts from the green forum not to show. Thanks!
  8. Considering the lefts push for UBI, this move by Macron seems hypocritical. If you can't afford it for seniors, how in the world do you dish 'free' money out to everyone. UBI, just another talking point to get the lazy, young voters to the polls.
  9. On the FB version, it stated she had a little 'accident' before going to the toilet. This could be a simple/not-so-simple case of lost face. Sad whatever the cause. RIP young lady.
  10. Install the app "Fanny." I'm pretty sure there's a very quiet fan in there. At least there is in the M2 Pro.
  11. No, I'm not the morality police either, I only replied to the one questioning that morality. As far as my own view, US gov, and banks, I'm on a multi-year travel holiday. ???? I do have a home base in the US with family. Nothing I am doing is costing the gov or the banks a penny. In the case of the gov, they are actually making money from me via ineligible insurance (Part B) premiums and taxes, of course. (they'd get the taxes either way, I suppose) Banks are making money from my credit card's 3% charge to vendors and the temporary use of my savings and IRA CD's dollars. If it becomes an issue then I'll just travel (move) back; easy peasy. But, because dollars are involved, I don't think it will. Then again, I have been known to be wrong occasionally. ???? Like you, I wish there were good Healthcare options for old expats in Thailand, but there aren't. If there were, I'd make this a permanent home.
  12. A full-time expat claiming a US address to acquire an Advantage plan that, I'm assuming, covers your "travels" to foreign countries sounds like a bigger fraud than a full-time expat claiming a US address and paying $170 per month to the government for zero benefits to the expat. But you be you.
  13. I've had good service from the Sornthai shop on Lazada, but I use monthlys. They respond to chat quickly and have provided great service for 3 years for myself.
  14. If you use FB, Mismyle Kitchen-home cooking out of bangkok delivers nationwide, I believe (I'm in Pattaya) . Tried the cheese and the onion bagels; both very good. Freeze well as I buy 2 dozen at a time.
  15. Not to be a back seat Dr, or trigger anyone, but some studies on horse-paste (ivermectin) have shown results (NIH) . Google it.
  16. I use taxact for what, 1500฿. I do use a US address though and they do verify your login with an SMS, but I also maintain a US phone number. Not free, but just the fact it populates my new tax forms with last year's data for all my accounts saves me a bunch of time. Don't know if they support foreign addresses.
  17. I said brought to you by, not supported by. Had western money not initially flowed into the small fishing village, making it a popular place, those Thai baht from Bangkok would have most likely been used to develop beach towns closer to home. But that's just my opinion as are all my posts.
  18. And all of those niceties brought to you by 'the scene' you avoid. Show some respect, man. ????
  19. So I open this thread thinking, wow, I can learn to be more creative. Instead of covering guitar greats, I can create my own melodies. Then it devolves back to politics, like everything else. FML
  20. Not so fast (from a lefty source, so approved I assume:https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/06/health/why-winter-colds-flu-wellness/index.html#:~:text=“Cold air is associated with,temperature%2C” said rhinologist Dr.
  21. I bought last year's Samsung S21 5G off lazada for the smaller screen and to save a couple thousand baht from local mall retailers. Bangkok PT Telecom shop. New, no battery issues. Oddly, though the packaging was sealed, the sim key was missing.
  22. I have the L3150 version of this, about 4700฿. Works good for my rare usage; maybe 200 copies or print outs in 2 years. Bought it because I hate buying cartridges, and this uses bottles of ink, which I have yet to refill.
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