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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. This is the same guy Maybe the title of the video needs to be chnaged to "I wantd to become Thai Guy, but I got voted out"
  2. I agree. I'd go as far as saying that they purposely choose a more liberal/left-wing leaning group of girls in order to stir controversy. Fruthermore, he wasn't in any way disrespectful. He came in and was very honest about his views and what he expected from a relationship, which says a lot more than many men who would just say anything in order to get in the girls' pants.
  3. Yes of course, women naturally tend to date up, and Thai women are no exception to the rule.
  4. Bang on the money. I keep saying this time and time again, yet so many foreigners here remain incredibly delusional and seem to think that most Thai women are going to fall at their feet. It's mostly only the poorer Thai women who want to marry a farang in order to improve their lives. The truth is, the majority of Thai womwen would much rather just date a Thai man, or even the likes of Korean guys which would be far higher up on their list.
  5. those so called "sausages" are about 20% meat, the rest is flour, tons of E numbers and goodness knows what other additives and flavourings.
  6. I wouldn't go quite that far, but I'd say a 5 years in solitary confinement would be a little more fair.
  7. That's fantastic news. Let's hope he at least has some sort of influance within the Pua Thai party.
  8. Or maybe he refused to give her money for her next hit of Meth
  9. Yeah & many are on Meth Heads. Very unhinged indeed
  10. Who knows how he was treating her for her to react in such a way.
  11. That's great to hear! This trip marked my long-awaited return to Laos after a gap of over three years. It was great to discover that the locals were as accommodating, genuinely kind, and friendly as they have always been since my first visit to the country 11 years ago. As much as i enjoy living in Thailand, I must admit that the current mass hysteria here is starting to wear me down.
  12. No thanks, i'll passs. I was in Laos the other weeek and hardly anyone were wearing masks. The lcoals were just gettig on with their lifes as if Covid never even existed in the first place.
  13. It's very easy to do yourself. You can get a bus to Mukdahan and then cross the bridge into Laos. The Laos Visa will cost 1700 THB. My bus company of choice would be Nakhonchaiair. Comfortable bus, good service and have charging ports for your phone/ laptop etc.
  14. Yeah, when i was using Tinder, there were laods of these type of profiles.
  15. Well done & keep up the good work. So many online scammers these days.
  16. 6: Blasting out loud Isaan music. 7: Stink to high heaven as they sometimes sleep in their taxi.
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