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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. Good point, i was also wondering the same..
  2. Of course that is a possibility, but scammers or hackers would most likely remove all of the content on his channel and re-upload whatever it is they want to push. And even if that were the case, i''m sure he'd be able to eventually recover his account or make a new one and update his 1 million plus subs regarding what might have happened? that channel with 1million + subs must be worth a good ammount of $$ so completely abondining it is extremely unlikely which makes me think somnething bad did happen to him...
  3. That's really interesting! so what that means is that his account has had recent activity. I'm starting to think that it's possible he had his Youtube chnanel demonetized and decied to quit. I know Youtube brouhgt in some new rules a couple of years ago to make their platform more famly friendly. But even then with a follwing of 1 million people, you'd think he'd at least let his lotyal subscribers and fans know. Myabe that Youtube short upload was a test to see if he could remonetize his channel? Yes, i did send him an email and many other people have but no respsonse. I guess time will tell.
  4. Mainly content around nightlife in south east asia. he was based in bangkok, but originally from the UK.
  5. Does anyone know what happened to Bangkok 112, or know anything of his whereabouts? His channel & videos where very enjoyable . He stopped posting around early 2020 it seems, just when the pandemic started and hasn't posted since. Anybody know what happened? His channel has around 1million subs, so i find it very strange how he just stopped posting. There are a lot of rumors flying around that bangkok 112 died in a car crash around the time he stopped posting and responding to comments, but this is the internet so we have to take such rumors as a grain of salt.
  6. I'll be out in my patrol car over the weekend looking out of them. Thank you officer.
  7. I also call for mandatory castration for any child abuse case.
  8. Nice bit of detective work. The RTP should consider hiring you.
  9. These foreign criminals need to be stopped. More police/ criminal backgrond checks need to be in place to weed out the bad guys.
  10. Great job. Keep up the good work officers ????‍✈️
  11. I do live i na quite place. Seems as if you don't get the idea of a relaxing walk in the park.
  12. it's like when i want to go for a nice relaxing walk in my local park and then they start blasting out ear piercing loud music on their PA system which ruins the whole experience. i just dont get it!
  13. already had covid. i've had flu that was far worse.
  14. not if they have already paid off the cops and the judges have had their share..
  15. Are these the rich type foreigners that the Thai goverment have been looking for? Rich person does not always = good. Many gangsters and shady types have a lot of money that can easily buy their way into the country & stay here long term.
  16. Oh well, another idiot off the roads. Just glad tey didn't kill any innocents
  17. They're both trying to claim a space that they don't own. so yes, it's efficiently the same. they do it in parking lots sometiems as well. The passanger will jump out the car out to find a spare parking space and stand in free space until the driver parks the car. Again, trying to claim a a space/area that it not theirs. it's the typical 'me first' mentality that exists here.
  18. It's like when you go to a food court and they leave their name tags on the table before they go to order their food.
  19. Congratulations Dalring.
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