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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. They most likely have work permits as selling drugs does not come under restricted jobs for foreigners in Thailand .
  2. Bang on the money. I dont some people seem to support people overstaying their visas. i'm sure if it were foreignerin overstaying their own country they'd most likel be complainng.
  3. you're right, there really isn't. I can understand if it's a day or two from a genune mistake, but knowingly overstaying for months - years is just inexcusable
  4. I think you're bang on the money there.
  5. Yes, it's true. What do you think is the main cause of this amongst many Thai men?
  6. Yeah, it's gotten realy bad over the past few years. Let's just hope Taksin comes back and sorts out this mess....
  7. Welcome back Khun Thaksin. you've been truly missed by the majority Thailand . Let's hope that you'll eventually be PM again ????
  8. it may be tempting to stay longer in a foreign country, like this man did, but it's important to follow the visa regulations and respect the host country's laws. it's well known that overstaying a visa in Thailand can result in deportation and a 10 year ban
  9. just becasue someone looks incomcent, dosent always mean to say they are ... At the end of the day, he only has himself to blame as he's broken the immigration laws by overstaying his visa. i'm not saying that it's some sort of horrendous crime , but it wouldn't have been too diffuclt for him to obtain a retirement visa which would have enabled him to remain in the Kingdom legally.
  10. There's always the rice paddies in the raining season : P
  11. Please come back Sir, Thailand misses you
  12. I'd take Isaan over Phuket any time of the week. Phuket just full of scams,tourists and rip-off prices. Good or holiday maybe ? but not for long term living. locals in Isann are far moe friendly. Paceful life. 3 or 4 nice cities to chose from. Many beautiful ladies. without scams and taxi maffia.
  13. She disrespect herself, Thailand, and the buddhist religion. I bet her parents are proud.... I see so much of this <deleted> these days of young women selling their bodies online to SIMPS. Imagine being the son or daughter of one of these women and having to face the consequences of your school friends finding out that your mum has 1000's of naked photos and X-rated videos online. These women are simply low value with very little self respect .
  14. But this their country, not ours. You can't deport your own kind.
  15. Becasue hie shares a link to what camera he uses in the description box of his vidoes. I like to take photos myself, and soemtimes do a bit of street photography here and there. you;d be surpised that the majortiy of people dont even notice the camra, espcially if using such a small camnera like the Canon G7x as did Bangkok 112. Yes, i agree, i have also seen many other people trying to copy him, but they are not as good, I think what seprartes Bkk 112's vidoes is that he always made and an effrot to tell a visual story in his videos. his vidoes are both informational and aristic.
  16. Yes, it's a real shame. I hope he comes back. he was the godfather of these type of Thailand and Asia vlogs.
  17. Sorry to break it to you, but you have no rights to privacy in a public place.
  18. i don't think he was hiding his camera. There are a few videos where people noticed him filming them. He was using a Canon g7x mark ii which is a very small camera but with quite a long zoom telephoto + digital zoom. a very capable little camera but small enough so that it wouldn't draw a lot of attention to him
  19. Hey man, not problem, i just wanted to dig a little deeper that's all. Anyway, it's a bit of mystery as to why he'd just abandon a channel with over a million subs. I guess it;s either because he was demonatized or something bad happened to him. i'm sure there is someone ouit there that knows him who could shed some light on the situation. but then i understand that he might want keep his identity hidden..
  20. Oh really, i didn't know he had a second channel? May i ask, what makes you so sure that it was his channel? and if you manage to find it could you kindly share it with me please? Thanks.
  21. Another fool scammed out of his money. How can people be so naive? ????‍♂️
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