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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Well I had an inkling that might be the case, but actually, I was waiting for you to confirm it for me with one of your "!inks" of course
  2. what mess?? all looks fine from where i'm sitting, everything continuing pretty much as normal, just a few people getting all worked up over nothing. Certainly no need for any "medical experts " or "law makers" to get involved. and for the benefit of all concerned politicians should not be anywhere near
  3. like all the so called studies that you keep posting links to, all funded by people with an agenda and all of questionable impartiality
  4. I wasn't aking a question, i was highlighting how easy it is to find so called "evidence" on the internet to support ones point of view or to contradict others. And regarding your last sentance , I absolutely agree, in fact everything is pretty safe if used responsibly, illegality actually helps nobody in that context as was proved in the USA with prohibition
  5. are you for real? the gateway drug rubbish, is just that, rubbish, It won't make negroes rape your daughter , or turn you into a communist either. Some people die from peanut allergy would you ban peanuts too ?? Unbelievable just unbelievable
  6. really ? https://www.caffeineinformer.com/harmful-effects-of-caffeine see anybody can find a link to some negative reports on anything if truly doesn't prove anything
  7. There are only a few of you having nightmares,, you should try smoking cannabis It will help
  8. but that's all that happened a few people were "surprised" no big deal really
  9. I doubt the senior or indeed any members of the medical fraternity would bring anything of any use to the table, they are all looked after by big pharma, and they are all aligned politically one way or the other and as such are incapable of being independent or even honest
  10. not as entertaining as listening to you prohibitionists spouting rubbish about something that by you own admission you know very little about. None of your "chicken little" predictions have come true and neither will they, the sudden concern for the" potential damage " to "young people" (for whom cannabis is prohibited) is evidence of desperation setting in, so a few quack doctors have been persuaded to spread a bit of fear add a bit of wieght to the failing prohibitionists arguments Just out of interest what has anybody's age got to do with anything ?
  11. here's something for you https://www.healtheuropa.com/health-benefits-of-cannabis/92499/ plenty more on google for you too "dr"
  12. was that in reefer madness I don't remember, either way its just another aspect of cannabis that you don't know anything about
  13. heres a cut and paste from your authoritative article..........I stopped reading it after seeing that.....utter rubbish, It may be that people who use marijuana also tend to engage in risky sexual behavior or intravenous drug use It sounds more like reefer madness than serious scientific research
  14. to say "every law " is stretching it a bit , but isn't it an absolutely brilliant country
  15. bearing in mind the availability of the Items you mentioned, I doubt if any of them are reliable indicators of strength or quality, best to get to know the person you buy from if possible, otherwise its a bit of a lottery
  16. A little perspective is needed regarding that statement ..... The U.K Nhs appears to have been either "on the brink of collapse" or "close to bursting" or "deep in crisis" some times even "on its knees" all most permanently for the last 25 years at least ! The phrases themselves whilst sounding very dramatic are nothing more than pre-emptive excuses for a very poor service Day in day out we hear the same stories with out exception. Its normally accompanied by accusations of underfunding and is also an easy way for opposition political parties to try to score points over the current government. However during covid it has also been a very useful part of the fear campaign, what could be more "scary" than telling people that if they get sick the hospitals won't be able to help them as the situation there is "close to bursting point" (due to underfunding by previous or current administrations of course) The truth of the matter is that the NHS is one of the worst managed organisations on the planet, government after government have thrown billions and billions of pounds at the NHS without ever checking how the money has been spent, Nurses are paid a pittance , junior doctors are forced to work excessive hours, cleaning services have been subcontracted to outside contracting agencies employing cheap foreign labour with insufficient supervision, It is a national disgrace. But the fact of the matter is it was never overwhelmed , proven by the fact that the so called "nightingale" emergency field hospitals were never used , not that they could have been as there was no staff available to work there ! Its a classic case of crying wolf, over and over again, and to claim that the NHS is under more strain than it was at the height of the "pandemic" is nothing other than a scaremongering insult to peoples intelligence
  17. Ever thought that your friend might be trying to tell you something
  18. "The university of the Thai chamber of commerce" never heard of that one , does it actually exist? I don't think so , Makes me doubt the accuracy of the entire article. Can anyone actually believe that anybody in the pro camp actually said " I want laws in place as soon as possible" absolute rubbish in my opinion The other side need also to realise that it has always been available to those who want it especially Thai kids, the legalisation will change nothing in that respect, What is really needed is education, proper truthful education, "just say NO because its very bad" was never going to work,
  19. not much point in having an issue with somebody indulging in a perfectly legal and non intrusive activity next door. What are you worried about ? Do you think that drug crazed zombies will climb over the fence and attack your family? I cant think of any other reason for your objection
  20. The original ban (prohibition) did not work very well at all did it ? Thank god they have seen sense and removed it
  21. You are of course entitled to your opinion, and ,as it follows the "official " narrative, it probably won't get deleted or edited... I have had 3 shots as I said before in a previous post. However I still recognise the fact that people have a right not to be vaccinated and I don't consider them to be "crazed retards" Why would I ? or more to the point why do you?
  22. You are absolutely correct storms do not cause flu, but I think bad weather can be a contributing factor in the prevalence of the disease. That would be why the UK medical authorities roll out the flu vaccine at a certain time of the year, every year and also refer to a "flu season" and "seasonal flu" However It was an incorrect choice of words on my behalf You second comment advising me to "get your booster" i find somewhat strange, I don't expect members on here to be issuing me or anybody else with medical "advice" ever ! and what you wrote was more like an instruction. As regards to my personal choice regarding vaccines, That's what it is , a personal choice, I have had 3 shots and have had 2 doses of covid, the real "covid", before vaccines were developed and the joke called omicron, after i was 3 times vaccinated , Neither covid infection was of any significance, What a surprise eh. As far as I am concerned that is enough vaccines for me. Why would you even concern your self, as long as you have had the vaccines you think you need, my vaccine status is of absolutely no consequence to you I certainly don't need your unqualified medical advice or the unqualified medical advice from any other member of this forum
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