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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. On 7/2/2022 at 9:56 AM, ezzra said:

    Bite you tongue when criticising the Liberal use of ganja in this forum or you'll invoke the wrath  of some of the members here who are staunch supporters of this country being over run with pot heads tourism.. (yeah, you know who you're)...

    For clarification could you please tell us your definition of a "pothead"  Presumably, anybody that has ever used cannabis ? Would that include mature responsible users as well as medicinal users?  Once we have cleared that up we can then explore the definition of "Pisshead" to see if it includes you. but of course it won't will it.   Especially in a couple of weeks time when you will be forbidden by law to purchase your drug of choice for a day or two!!  How ironic   hope you have stocked up

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  2. Probably also got something to do with the medical profession and how people use it as well.  A bit like Covid for example,  If there is more testing there is more covid  and vice versa.  Likewise with heart disease , and when you take into account that most people here could not afford the expensive treatments / medicines  there is not much incentive for the drug companies and hospitals to get involved. Whereas in the USA and Europe ........

  3. 6 hours ago, wombat said:

    Where does one buy whatever it is that's used to tell these %.


    I don't think its that straightforward.

                Firstly I think the only way of actually testing the % of a specific sample would probably require the use of a mass spectrometer an expensive piece of kit beyond the reach of most people. Any such testing would need to be done in a lab.

                 Secondly it would only give the results specifically for the actual sample tested, I would imagine this could vary significantly depending on exactly which part of the plant was sampled, Its not like testing a sample from a bottle of scotch, where the alcohol  is effectively in solution and therefore  would be indicative of the rest of the bottle.

                Thirdly the % of THC within the plant varies depending on several factors, Its stage of maturity , how well it was looked after and the general growing conditions all play a part.

                 Fourthly the make up of Cannabis is a complex science there are many other compounds present which no doubt all contribute to the lovely effects of ingestion, Its not just about the THC  so I wouldn't give too much importance to quoted THC percentages, most of which are probably made up by the growers / sellers (and soon to arrive advertising agencies).

                 At the end of the day  another major factor in how it affects one , is the mood one is in when one smokes, I'm sure you know what I mean

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  4. 33 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    I don't understand how people can eat it. One poster saying it always has had cannabis in it!!!!. If that's true then what else is in it?  After end of business each day are the dregs of soup left unrefridgerated to breed a few bugs, or what?

                     Of course it doesn't always have cannabis in it, don't be ridiculous ,  you shouldn't take any notice of any the inflammatory rubbish that gets posted on here by the anti-cannabis brigade. How could anybody seriously post something as stupid as that? and surely you're not gullible that you believe it.

                     If as you suspect, the food was stored overnight, and reserved  the next day, there would be endless stories of mass food poisoning outbreaks. That is not really the case is it ?

                    Just to elaborate on something I mentioned in a previous post  the worst case I have ever experienced personally was when me and the Mrs ate a crab curry from a rather expensive restaurant in Phuket, not really my style but she wanted to see how the other half lived. I think it cost over 3000 bt and that was about 20 years ago. We were both as sick as dogs for 4 days. sometimes even vomiting simultaneously into the toilet! The other end of the digestive system wasn't much better but at least we managed to  stagger those evacuations, She is convinced to this day that it was prepared, possibly in error, for a customer earlier in the day ,and when they didn't want it, it was kept on the off chance that somebody would order it later., which I think is quite possible., but also very unlikely to happen with a street vendor, don't you think?

                    There have been a few programmes on Tv recently, exposing some of the filthy conditions in so called "quality restaurants" I think Gordon Ramsey made a complete series about it so be careful what you base your assumptions on

                     I'm not saying that all street food is perfect and with out fault, and I understand it may not be to your taste, (too spicy maybe?   But do dismiss it all as dirty  is somewhat unfair to both the sellers and the consumers 

                      Thais can be very fussy about food in their own way, and places that don't meet their expectations don't last long, so if one follows them one won't go far wrong as far as street food is concerned, or any food for that matter.

                       The places to avoid as far as I'm concerned ,are the restaurants catering mainly to tourists were they are not too concerned about repeat customers due to the normally large turnover, wouldn't you agree?

  5. 3 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Why is it if you have a different thought or belief from someone you are instantly told you are wrong.

    I don't want to eat street food, I dislike the whole idea. I don't want cannabis leaves or whatever put in my food.

    I will eat in places that I enjoy and I really don't want anyone to say I'm wrong for doing so.

    I did not say you were wrong, but you uttered  a sweeping generalisation, which I disagreed with. Of course you are perfectly entitled to eat what ever and where ever you choose. As is anybody else  But you chose to basically insult anybody who choses to eat in places that you personally don't like. Did you not think were inviting at least some criticism with a statement like that ?   

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  6. 16 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Anyone who eats/ate soup or food from a street cart is really living on the courage of ignorance

    Really?  That would be the majority of people here in Thailand, literally millions! What a sweeping generalisation ! I personally have never had a problem, in over 30 years. The few times I have suffered have been after eating in what you would probably consider to be "higher-class" establishments

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  7. 4 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Don't agree. 99% of the posts are on the side of 'wacky baccy' for all so if they want to get bombed and cause problems on the road then it's down to them and they alone accept the consequences.

    Unbelievable statement, You should be ashamed of yourself,  As should anybody who encourages somebody who is so intoxicated that they can't stand up to drive a motor vehicle. It doesn't matter what they are intoxicated with.

    The fact that you use the term "wacky baccy" says a lot about you, none of which is positive

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