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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Although I do remember there used to be a pale coloured hash available in holland called polm which used to be mispronounced as pollen by many in the UK
  2. I don't think that's actually "pollen" in the true sense of the word, as far as am aware actual pollen is produced only from male flowers, I think what you are referring to is currently called Kief
  3. I'm waiting for the inevitable cries of "OMG this is only going to attract backpackers and potheads and possibly backpacking potheads too !! What ever are they thinking" lol
  4. For some people its a way of promoting their self importance, a kind of narcissistic behaviour, most of the prohibitionists seem to be that way inclined , I wonder if they have suddenly noticed that all their dire predictions have not come true ? not heard a peep out of the usual suspects for a while. I'm starting to get bored lol The media seems to have quietened down too , and even the advertisers seem to have started to realise that just by mentioning the word Cannabis and painting a green leaf on the label of stuff isn't going to cause millions of salivating "potheads to go into a shopping frenzy.
  5. Absolutely, good point, and , no reason weed should cost anymore than tea for example, especially considering how easy it is to grow for oneself
  6. And another thing........ This obsession with grooming, its a recent trend ( bit like cutting the rind off bacon, sacrilege !) nobody bothered in the past, and why would they? The smaller leaves around the bud are normally dripping with "goodness" and of negligible weight ! In my opinion its nothing more than a marketing ploy, once again the advertising people are telling us what we should want, effectively creating "fashion" A side effect of this, already emerging here, is people getting castigated for not smoking the "right" weed ( "Oh no not Northern Lights that's soooo 80's) A bit like kids on council estates getting ostracised by their mates for wearing the wrong brand of trainers or tracksuit. Or having the right haircut etc etc Some of the american / canadian produced stuff doesn't even look like weed anymore more like green lava rock . I guess commercialisation is something that we will have to suffer as a result of legalisation Fortunately I think the more experienced users can see through this and it seems to mainly affect newbies
  7. Yes and some is even cheaper, but when you think about it there's no reason for it to be expensive is there, not anymore
  8. No problem but don't hold your breath , the sellers on shopee seem to be having to play a game of cat and mouse with the site admin, most weed listings seem to get removed pretty quickly (but strangely not all of them) I looked last night and the petchabun guy was not listed, or at least i didn't see him , I only noticed him once before that was some time last week, but if I do see him again I'll be sure to let you know .
  9. nice one, a man after my own heart last week paid 145 (45 was postage) for a 10g taster went back and got 50g for 495 (again 45 postage) fortunately got the same stuff , I'm twatted now !! Price of papers is looking a bit steep in comparison now , might have to consider a bong !! some people are never happy unless their moaning lol
  10. I just got 50g of good "brickweed" from shopee under 500bt inc postage I just smoked a big one and I don't think I'll be wasting my cash on the overpriced stuff for at least a month (ish) happy daze
  11. Tell her it makes the skin whiter, she'll soon change her mind (works for blow jobs too !!)
  12. Good observation and very true. If only people could understand and remember this simple concept, rather than whingeing that its "not like it is back home" Its a bit like speaking the language, you need to speak it like a Thai, or you won't get far
  13. I don't need one , I'm well connected You can presume whatever you want
  14. I think the "highway code" is unique to the U.K so no Thai would have any knowledge of it , Why would they ?
  15. I saw an advert on shopee from a seller in petchabun cant remember the name as I live in Surin and didn't pay that much attention but as well as their mail order business they also gave directions to the shop which sounded like it was at least near to the town center and encouraged people to pop in If I see the ad again I'll let you know
  16. they seem to have come to terms with it, certainly no "reefer madness hysteria" Wonder how long it will take the dinosaurs on here to get their heads around it
  17. I would say that they all knew what they were doing, without a shadow of doubt.
  18. So as far as you are concerned There is only Epstein and Maxwell ? There was nobody else involved at all at any level? I find it hard to believe that anybody could be so naive.
  19. not necessarily looks can be deceiving,. and others, who have also actually smoked it too, have given positive reviews!
  20. " Out of their heads slumped" you just can't help your self can you ? so would that be worse than lying unconscious in their own vomit and urine having drunkenly beat their wife to a pulp whilst drunk?
  21. Do honestly think it would better with the other idiots in charge of things,? Of course it wouldn't
  22. I'm just an average bloke from the nw of uk and I have never had problem getting to see either a doctor or a dentist and I don't know of anybody who has, I Other than a bit of messing about at the beginning of covid which i guess is understandable it was pretty much soon back to normal (apart from some of the ridiculous protocols) Even saw a few accidents at work 999 and they were there in minutes on 3 different occasions at 3 different places. So I don't think things are quite as bad as they are painted by a mainstream media that will do anything to get rid of the conservatives However for any one to suggest that we would be noticeably better of with a Labour government is pure fantasy They are both as bad as each other, I would say that there are very very few that are there for the benefit of anybody else but themselves, Its an exclusive club with two teams and once they join they are the only two places they will have any loyalty to( whilst it suits them). The club , and their own political party They are all the same, no matter which side they are on What would you imagine their actual job description say's ? It will only 4 words either "get elected " or "keep seat" anything else doesn't matter, they don't even care if they are in power or opposition, Its like a football match and as long as they get a game everything is ok. No qualifications req'd other than the ability to get elected, it really is as simple as that and the only thing you must not do is say the wrong thing (even if its true) at any cost So what we are left with is the result of greed on behalf of some of them and incompetence on behalf of others . The whole system up is set up to attract the wrong sort of people, a sort of celebrity culture has started, for example, the prime minister wife was never known as and shouldn't be referred to as "the first lady" The whole thing needs changing, any body who wants to be a politician should never be allowed to be. A different system is needed and I don't know what it is But one thing is for sure, as long as people behave like they are doing on here, Throwing insults and listing problems, quoting meaningless statistics and hailing the virtues of their own party whilst vilifying the opposition nothing is going to change You all need to remember that nothing is as it seems, Pretty much everything we are told by the media is twisted to suit the powers that be. We don't have a clue what's actually going on. The enemy is not the other party its all of them in their exclusive club They would all be very happy to watch you fighting with other rather than sussing out what they're are really up to
  23. Its not "<deleted>" nobody is talking about "<deleted>" Its cannabis Do you not think that dinking alcohol in the carpark would be frowned upon ? of couse it would so its not really a big difference in rules is it ? And for the love of god do you really honestly believe that due to the recent decriminalisation, that everybody, including the police, ( but obviously not you) will now be smoking cannabis at every opportunity , You really don't have a clue do you?
  24. No it is not, only extracts need to be < 0.2% were have you been for the last month? I don't even know why I'm bothering to tell you this
  25. A ridiculous statement, of course they are not being discriminated against,, did you think they were allowed to drink at work too? of course they are not allowed to. Neither is anybody else, except perhaps bargirls and beer/wine tasters . And no, its nothing to do with "accepting that its actually bad for some users" Its just common sense and part of trying to maintain a professional image. In any case all police stations like all public buildings are no smoking zones, or haven't you noticed The essence of the order though is clear as daylight Its (stlll) not illegal for the rest of society so if the police can accept it so should you
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